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About yoda302055

  • Birthday 11/07/1996

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yoda302055's Achievements

Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Its hosted on a godaddy server. He said something about SQL Injection and/or skin injection. there are about 5 administrators
  2. Hey all. I ran over a post by iBotPeaches on the invisionpower forums and decided i would ask here.. My buddy has IPB 3.4.5 and he has had his site defaced multiple times. I was wondering what i could do with the experience i have or just plugins. So what i am asking is if there are plugins, witch ones should I get? If there are no such thing as plugins, what can i do to improve security and prevent Defacement? Thanks in advance - Loveezz, Scottss (aka Yoda302055)
  3. So the thing that I dont understand is how does it convert API?job=value to a function?
  4. Hi guys i have been programming for a few years now... I still haven't been able to work with different languages. But now that i am actually driven. I would love it if someone could provide an example and explain how an API works. i have looked over the internet and stuff and i still don't understand how they work. Anyways, My goal for this to work with my Login application. Comparing what the user has entered to the Data Base. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance everybody .
  5. Oh i see what you mean... I guess im gonna have to learn some PHP! then learn to understand xml. This is what i was wanting to do in the first place.. Thanks peachs... If i ever want to go to someone with knowledge it will be you!
  6. Do you happen to know how to do that? cause i was wanting to.. But i just ended up doing this..All i really need it to know the name and i can google it for hours and hours
  7. i didnt see application development.... Srry!
  8. Hi guys! I'm making a new program and i was kind of stuck on what to add to this... Soo im posting here! what would you add to this page? (DatabaseEditor) Currently posted on: ClownModding.com, iBotModz.net and TheTechGame.com.
  9. Mann i love you guys!
  10. yoda302055


  11. yoda302055


    Xbox LIVE Notification of Temporary Suspension: Inappropriate content in your profile [ DO NOT REPLY to this email address. It is not monitored. ] This email is to notify you that your Xbox LIVE account privileges have been temporarily suspended due to inappropriate content in the profile for your gamertag. The inappropriate content was discovered in the Motto, Bio, Location, Name and/or Personal Picture. The following content for the gamertag associated with this Windows Live ID was brought to our attention and was determined to have violated the Code of Conduct and/or Terms of Use: Motto I Kill Jugalo`s Your profile was brought to the attention of the LIVE Enforcement Team through complaints filed by other Xbox LIVE users or in the course of our operation of the service. The LIVE Enforcement Team has reviewed the complaints and other evidence regarding this content and determined it violates the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and/or Code of Conduct. Because this content is in violation, the LIVE Enforcement Team has deleted the content and issued a temporary suspension. You have been sent a message in the Xbox LIVE Dashboard notifying you when your suspension will end. During this suspension, you will not be able to log into Xbox LIVE. Your Xbox LIVE privileges will be automatically reinstated at the end of your suspension period. Customer Support is not able to modify or provide any further details about your suspension. Additionally, the duration of your suspension is subject to change without prior notice by the LIVE Enforcement Team if we discover additional evidence of violations. Microsoft expects that all customers abide by the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for appropriate behavior while using the service. Your failure to abide by the Code of Conduct in the future may result in, among other things, longer suspension periods or cancellation of your account. You can view the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct from the Xbox LIVE Dashboard under Xbox LIVE Policies in Account Management, or by visiting http://www.xbox.com/live/codeofconduct.htm.You can view the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use by visiting http://www.xbox.com/live/termsofuse.htm. Note: if you are not a user of Xbox LIVE, this suspension may have been enacted due to your activity in the Zune Social. You can view the Zune Social Code of Conduct by visiting http://www.zune.net/legal/codeOfConduct.htm. You can view the Zune Social Terms of Service by visiting http://www.zune.net/legal/termsofservice.htm. Thank you, LIVE Enforcement Team Thats What Really Grinds my Gears
  12. I forgot About This, Thanks
  13. Staff Response Removed - Please dont advertise your website here - fattwam
  14. yes but it may be worth a try...I gess try yo edit mainifest
  15. Hey I found a file on xbox.com and was wondering if you could mod it and have a modded dash or something if you can just comment Link For Xbox.com Fourm Link
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