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CLK Rebellion

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    CLK Rebellion

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Apprentice Grade 2

Apprentice Grade 2 (3/44)



  1. Game finder - I didn't really think it would be a big deal with the random numbers at the beginning or the "sign in to rate" thing. As for the messed up chars, I"m not sure if there's too much if I can do about that... Searching "halo" in the game finder didn't do anything out of the normal for me.
  2. It's not the fact that you have IBotModz in your motto... it's the fact that you're advertising a website, and in the CoC, it states that you may not use Xbox LIVE to advertise any website or service.
  3. Thanks! This will surely help speed things up.
  4. That's my film tool CLK Rebellion = Ambient. I tried changing my name back on Se7ensins, no one did it though, so it remains Ambient.
  5. Would you mind if I used your research in a film tool? I would do the research myself, but I don't have an Xbox to use.
  6. Anyone want some models?
  7. Wouldn't you just mod the .map, hit a checkpoint, and you've made a gamesave? That's all you have to do with Halo 3 at least
  8. I wonder if Doob is still trying to say that he hexed this...
  9. Let me share my post from Bungie.net to end this giant ridiculous war between everyone Alright, let me explain something to the kids who don't know anything about modding: -This is on an Xbox 360 Development Kit, which can run unsigned code. "noclip" is not a dev command, and he simply modded his crouch speed. -For the most part, it seems as though Bungie does not care about mods as long as they don't disrupt another player's game experience -You guys are like, "OMG MODZ! REPORT! BAN!" Cry about it if you feel that way, and file a report or a complaint if it really offends you that much. Microsoft won't do anything about it, nor can Bungie (unless they feel like banning you from matchmaking) -You know you would mod too if you could -Modding to get in to somewhere that seems nearly impossible to get in to doesn't affect the item's significance - You sir, are wrong. I've been talking to halodude on MSN a lot lately, and the "method" and "triggers" to get in there seem like complete BS to me. I'll also explain why this couldn't be a Scarab Gun Here comes the wall of text: Think about in Halo 2, how the Scarab Gun was in a spot that everyone could get to fairly easily with no "triggers" or glitching of any sort. Remember what type of gun it was too? A Plasma Rifle. Which shoots plasma. If I remember correctly, plasma weapons don't pick up ammo, which is why they gave the Scarab Gun infinite ammo. The Scarab Gun was also it's all weapon, which meant that it was completely different from every other Plasma Rifle in the game, now this AR on the other side (if what I'm interpreting from Halodude and ActualGlory is correct) is "triggered' to become the Scarab Gun. Mind explaining why there's no Scarab Gun in the .map file then, and nothing in the scripts? Back to the if theory. If this was a Scarab Gun, then it could cause some problems based on Haldude and ActualGlory's story. They claim that the projectile is swapped or something among those lines, but wouldn't that mean that the Marine's would shoot out Scarab Rounds, too? I don't remember seeing any Marines shoot any Assault Rifles in either of the videos. But they had a video of them shooting a regular AR then shooting teh Sc4rab Gunz! Real time modding on a development is possible, ya know. This means that they get ready to swap the projectiles, and as soon as they pick up that weapon, they swap it in less than a second. Also, how would you get ammo? It would require special ammo since you couldn't use the Assault Rifle's ammo, and would need to pick up a form of "Scarab Ammo" as I wish to call it. Here is another reason as to why it couldn't be a Scarab Gun: Like I said, in order for it to be a Scarab Gun among the type they said it was [simple projectile swap] then the Marines, like I said, would shoot out Scarab Plasma [or whatever the hell you want to call it] too, resulting in epic lag, and your console crashing or something. Not fun, right? /wall /thread /quest. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=35421855&viewreplies=true&postRepeater1-p=2#end
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