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    • Added on: Jan 04 2010 02:35 PM
    • Date Updated: Mar 29 2010 05:49 AM
    • Views: 32539

    JTAG Hack an Xbox 360

    This is a large tutorial walking you through jtagging an xbox 360.

    Posted by iBotPeaches on Jan 04 2010 02:35 PM
    This tutorial will be made as I make it. I'm currently performing the JTAG hack on my own xbox and will post tutorial results as I complete them.

    Part 1: "Gathering your materials"
    Written by iBotPeaches

    First off, we will be making a "clean" nand dump connection. This means you will be able to remove the cable without de-soldering. Thus, you won't have cables anywhere. This tutorial also assumes you know how to take apart your xbox 360. This is the tutorial I used for taking apart my xbox.

    (Most of these items can be picked up at a local RadioShack.)

    • A computer with a LPT Port, and 32 bit OS (Figure 01)
    • Xbox 360 with older dash then 8495 (Figure 03)
    • Xbox Hard Drive
    • DB25 25-way male plug (RadioShack Link) (Figure 02)
    • D-Sub hood 25-way (RadioShack Link) (Figure 02)
    • Standard RJ45 / CAT5 Cable (If you require one, buy a cheap one)
    • 2-6 100ohm resistors ( RadioShack Link)
    • Soldering Iron (RadioShack Link)

      Computer Based Applications
    • Total Commander (File Compare Program)
    • 360 Flash Tool (Program)
    • NAND Compare (Compare NANDs)
    • NAND Pro (It only worked on 32bit XP for me.)
    • Degraded (Used for testing nand dump for bad blocks)
    This apps can be downloaded from our jtag section

    Not required, but helpful items.

    • Flux (Make clean solder points)
    • Multimeter (Check your points, and double check to prevent problems)
    • Electrical Tape (Tape down your cables to prevent snagging)
    • Low Soldering Iron (You need one, just a low watt one)

    Key Points
    • You can use a variety of switching diodes such as BAT41, N4148 or PH4148.
    • The resistors are not needed on some setups, it just protects your xbox and prevents silly errors
    • Please please be careful when soldering, and use a low watt iron. Something too strong will lift traces and make a horrible experience.
    • Most errors are caused by a long cable, so try and make all connections involved in your NAND dump as short as possible.

    (Figure 01)
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    (Figure 02)
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    (Figure 03)
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