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    AI tutorial NOOB PROOF !

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    #1 nielsss


      Sergeant Grade 2

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    • Joined: 22-August 07

    Posted 22 August 2007 - 09:17 AM

    I found these on tmu, it is the first modding website for halo i ever been on but it got shutdown then re-opened now the forum is pretty much dead soo all credit to Crazy Reaper from TMUMODS

    things Needed: Entity,Ai Plugin for entity,yelo,a brain

    if you need the Ai Plugin In im Me EvilMuffin8872

    tut by: Crazy Reaper

    Well let?¢â??¬â??¢s get started First of all you need to open those two maps in Entity deltatcontrol.map and foundation.map Now go to the brute.char incase your wondering this is the easiest way to convey the name of a tag instead of the brute tag under the char class or something like that. Now you need to check Recursive, Parsed, and Sounds the reason you check sounds is because not bringing the sounds sometimes messes up the biped. I don?¢â??¬â??¢t know why Entity does that though. Next save the grunt.char in a folder. I made a folder in the same directory that my map is in and named it grunt.
    Once the brute is done saving you can add it to Foundation. To do so click the build button on the foundation map form and select the brute.info file. It should be the only file in the grunt folder that you made.
    Ok now that the brute is in foundationwe need to fix those sounds. Go to the brute.hlmt. Once you are there right click in the reflexives area then click Display/Idents. Now right click the unknown next to a udlg reference The Ident Swapper should come up. Click the dropdown box for the tag and switch it to Nulled Out then click Swap Ident do this for all of the udlg references that you see.
    Now that we have fixed the sounds I think we can add the reflexives for the actual AI spawning.

    after you get this you should have this

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    after that go to your scnr tag then clone chunk in your sp map do as so

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    you need to do this same thing for all the thses chunks
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    now that we have the required chunks for the ai to spawn we need to make them accually spawn go to your mp map and go to the meta editor this is what your ediotr should look like before you do anything.
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    now follow the pics make sure your map matchs mine
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    if you mirrored my map this is what your scnr tag should look like^^^^^^

    now for the jmad(making the ai move) this is easy and pie just follow the pics
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    save resign your map and ftp and run your map in yelo. tut by Crazy Reaper


    Things Needed: Entity,Ai Plugin for entity,yelo,a brain

    if you need the Ai Plugin In im Me EvilMuffin8872

    tut by: Crazy Reaper

    Well let?¢â??¬â??¢s get started First of all you need to open those two maps in Entity 03b_newmombasa.map and beavercreek.map Now go to the grunt.char incase your wondering this is the easiest way to convey the name of a tag instead of the grunt tag under the char class or something like that. Now you need to check Recursive, Parsed, and Sounds the reason you check sounds is because not bringing the sounds sometimes messes up the biped. I don?¢â??¬â??¢t know why Entity does that though. Next save the grunt.char in a folder. I made a folder in the same directory that my map is in and named it grunt.
    Once the grunt is done saving you can add it to Beavercreek. To do so click the build button on the Beavercreek map form and select the grunt.info file. It should be the only file in the grunt folder that you made.
    Ok now that the grunt is in Beavercreek we need to fix those sounds. Go to the grunt.hlmt. Once you are there right click in the reflexives area then click Display/Idents. Now right click the unknown next to a udlg reference The Ident Swapper should come up. Click the dropdown box for the tag and switch it to Nulled Out then click Swap Ident do this for all of the udlg references that you see there should be five
    Now that we have fixed the sounds I think we can add the reflexives for the actual AI spawning. You may want to tile the windows horizontally so you can see both maps evenly. To do this click Window->Tile Horizontally.
    Go to the newmombasa.scnr, right click in the reference editor and open the Chunk Cloner. There are a few reflexives we need to add now. The very first one will be the Vehicle Palette. You need to select the Vehicle Palette reflexive and click Copy to Clipboard. Close the Chunk Cloner now and open the Chunk Cloner for Beavercreek. Select the first chunk or the only node coming off of the header and click Add to Selected Reflex/Chunk. To finish adding that reflexive click Add Meta to Map You need repeat that process for the Weapon Palette, the AI Squad Types, the AI Squads, and the Characters. Now we are done with newmombasa so you can close it now that that done open your mutliplayer map go to the scnr tag then meta editor(make sure you have the updated plugins) You can choose any squad you want but the first one is the easiest. The first thing I usually do is rename the squad to something so I can remember where it spawns Now we need to make the squad spawn. To do so check the check box named Initially Spawn Squad. Now for the team, you can change it to anything you want If you leave it at Default By Unit the team will be the team index thats in the biped im leaving mine defaultNow for the platoon, you can change it to anything you want, but scene I?¢â??¬â??¢m going to spawn a grunt I?¢â??¬â??¢ll change the platoon to covenant. The # of AI that spawn on Easy and Legendary should be set to the number of starting locations there are. This way all of the people you place will show up theres 7 for me dont foreget to count 0 You need to change the Vehicle Spawn to -1 Null because we are not spawning the AI in a vehicle. There is a Vehicle index you need to switch it to nulled because we are not spawning them in a vehicleThere is a Vehicle index you need to switch it to nulled because we are not spawning them in a vehicle The Character index should be changed to the character you want to spawn, the grunt. The Initial State should be set to -1. If its not an option just type it in. The Return State should be set to 0: None. The Primary Weapon should be set to something that your character can hold so I?¢â??¬â??¢m changing mine to the needler. You don?¢â??¬â??¢t need a secondary weapon but if you want your character to have one go ahead and set it. The grenade type can be anythin I will let my grunts have plasmas. The AI Orders Index should be set to nulled So now open the scnr meta editor back up and go to the starting locations of that squad you were changing earlier Change the X, Y, and Z cords to where you desire them to spawn You just have to change the character index to what you want to spawn like if you wanted some elites with your grunts If you want the character to have a different weapon from the weapon you put in the squad The vehicle should still be nulled. Now if you want to spawn a vehicle you change the Vehicle index to the vehicle then change the Vehicle Spawn to where you want the character to be. If your not using a vehicle such as I am change the Vehicle spawn to -1: Nulled. The spawned permutation and properties should be null. Now for the Scripted name and event. You need to get rid of the name and null the event. Now just redo these steps for each starting location now were going to make them move Open the grunt.jmad and find the reflex called animation calls. Find the reflex with the pose name of combat. This is the default pose for most if not all bipeds. Now change the Weapon Class reflex until the class name is Pistol because I gave the grunts needlers which are pistols. Change the weapon the Weapon Short is ?¢â??¬???any.?¢â??¬? The ?¢â??¬???any?¢â??¬? holds all of the non specific animations. Scroll down the reflex list until the condition is ?¢â??¬???move_front?¢â??¬? now don?¢â??¬â??¢t copy the SID but the Reflexive 5 Chunk # and change the reflexive back to the first one. Paste the move_front reflexive 5 chunk # over the idle reflexive 5 chunk # and save your work. This will make the biped continuously move forward as long as they are in the combat pose.

    Now that you have placed all of the spawns you wanted you can play. Make sure that you use Yelo with AI in MP enabled.and also note that you do the same method for any other charecters:lol:

    anti rip tut By:Crazy Reaper