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    Makeing a Machinima

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    #1 Slidell


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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 04:02 AM

    Well its going to be on h2 not sure what its going to be about im still in the idea stage of things so any

    ideas you have would be nice and when i get the i dea put together i will need some people to for actors

    a camara guy/girl probly 5 to 8 actors i have two spota taken already its going to be over along timme

    im think 10-15 episodes mayby more its going to be largely improv ill post updates and i will have

    auditions for cast unless i like you if you want to be in it message me over xbl or ibm my gt is

    GMOF Tucker A.I.M is also GMOF Tucker and i want someone that can stay focused the last time i tryed

    one we had two guys that couldnt pay attention and we had to scrap it so im going to need some


    that can work atleast three times a week we should start filming around well sometime this week or next

    week frist Im going to realease a trailer that shouldnt take long to make so once agian any ideas would

    be very helpful thanks


    P.S Thats my real name so dont say he copyed rvb ok...

    Ok its going to be on relic dont know if this is relivent to anyone or if i used that in the correct way but

    yeah thats the map we're going to start filming on

    ok the Machinima is going to be called the fail team it's going to fallow the team that sucks and there is

    going to be another team that is good we'll also need some people for that and noone gets more than

    one part unless its for a small role so the people that im going to want for the other team dont need to

    be as comited since they will not be in it as offten the

    THE FAIL TEAM- Ok on relic theres the one main base as you know,I hope the good team will have that

    and then theres that one crappy base withe crashed w/e it is on the beach thats going to be our base

    we're going to move from map to map at comeponit i mean we're going to leave relic well lets see we're

    going to be completely incompitent like myself.

    THE CHARACTERS note curently no names of the characters listed so going to go on w/e

    BRITSH GUY-xDansomee or WackoGamerd w/e guys try outs for you will be this week message me on xbl Mc then you can have the try out its going to be improv

    THE CHICK THAT EVERY GOOD MOVIE NEEDS-Spot filled by GT Megan is cool Discription second in command of the team



    RANDOM BLACK GUY THAT LIKE IN ALL MOVIES IS THE FRIST TO DIE-Taken out because we have moved that to a smaller role and he will onley appear in on episode

    KANE PLAYED BY A FRIEND OF MINE- discription: scotish about the onley one on the team who has any idea what there doing Played by:HurriKane xB

    HMM well thats all th characters that i have palned right now

    All spots filled


    Right me and a friend of mine are trying to get a good quality mic to record so that it sounds more profecinal and onley post if you can give

    some thing to the project ok this is my frist large scale machinima and i want it to go well i will need some writers to help me so if anyone

    has any good ideas for jokes or any good writeing skills that would help very much you will be mentioned in the credits in all videos write

    them up in something that you can send over aim my aim is GMOF Tucker

    we will need some background actors for some seens if you can not be fully comitted to it we could use you in those you will be

    mentioned in the credits aswell if you cant tell this will be a very large scale project

    ok i have the trailer script writen theres not going to be a full cast in the trailer only my me mike and my gf the guys that

    have spots can be the team we fight in it


    Produced by: Broken River Productions

    In Association with Rouge Stodios

    SCRATCHED for now because of mike hes so $%#^%# gay and more lazy than me witch is saying something Im a kill him in his sleep

    Edited by GMOF Slidell♥, 25 October 2008 - 09:50 PM.

    #2 Mcmodder♥


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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 05:30 AM

    i can help u with it if u wont :)

    #3 Slidell


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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 05:35 AM

    yeah sure lets see well you send me a message on xbox and then will see dont want the friend request

    until after we hae the cast choosen i have like four spots in my friends list soo im going to have to

    remove some people oh and its want



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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 06:25 AM

    I can help if you want, i am alredy on your Friends list

    #5 Slidell


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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 05:12 PM

    sure you can well ive you know what ill edit my post

    Edited by GMOF Slidell♥, 09 October 2008 - 07:11 PM.

    #6 Decatur


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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 05:52 PM

    I'd help but i lost h2.

    #7 Slidell


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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 05:54 PM

    I'd help but i lost h2.

    go bye a new one so this isnt spamish it cost like 4bucks hell find a ued one they cost like 3

    #8 Decatur


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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 06:31 PM

    I'm sorry but I'm poor

    *Kicks dirt*

    Can we still be friends?


    #9 Slidell


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    Posted 09 October 2008 - 06:48 PM

    I'm sorry but I'm poor

    *Kicks dirt*

    Can we still be friends?


    its kay dude

    Edited by GMOF Slidell♥, 09 October 2008 - 07:36 PM.

    #10 someGuyOnIbotmodz


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    Posted 10 October 2008 - 12:35 AM

    ehh i will

    #11 Slidell


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    Posted 10 October 2008 - 01:42 AM

    you dont have halo 2

    #12 Slidell


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    Posted 10 October 2008 - 05:16 AM

    may i bump this when there is an update

    #13 SmokiestGrunl


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    Posted 10 October 2008 - 06:55 AM

    Bumping and Double posting is ok when there is a reason.

    Its things like:

    "I think this is sweet!"
    and then the next post is by the same person
    "Oh I almost forgot, I'm downloading now."

    that is a no no.

    #14 Slidell


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    Posted 10 October 2008 - 07:11 AM

    so yes or no make it simple ive been up all night makeing my script

    #15 SmokiestGrunl


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    Posted 10 October 2008 - 08:29 AM


    #16 Slidell


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    Posted 11 October 2008 - 07:25 AM



    #17 Slidell


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    Posted 13 October 2008 - 11:29 PM



    all spots filled

    #18 Slidell


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    Posted 25 October 2008 - 09:52 PM

    updated because it has been post pwned i geuss thats how you would spell that