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    Will modders ever get banned?

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    #1 Gaming Royalty

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    Posted 01 September 2008 - 06:48 PM

    Do you think Microsoft or bungie will ever ban all the modders either off of matchmaking or all of xbox live?

    I want to know if I will get banned for modding because if I will i'm never going to mod.

    #2 Repoman 108

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    Posted 01 September 2008 - 08:31 PM

    my information may be a bit outdated and they may have just learnt to live with us (unlikely) but im pretty sure bungie has been trying and failing to ban modders pretty much since...ever... i mod halo 3 and i havent gotten a single ban, not a fileshare, matchmaking or any other type of ban that exists. so basically if you want to start modding go for it but just remember to keep your mods off your fileshare as much as possible and if you are going to have it widely spread it is probably a good idea to change the authors name...it doesnt have to be that big of a change eg. my GT is Repoman 108 and i might change mine to just plain Repoman cause there are plenty of repomen lol its not specific enough for bungie to find you...basically just be sensible about modding and so long as you dont wave your mods in bungies face you'll probably get away with it

    #3 Halo117



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    Posted 01 September 2008 - 08:41 PM

    This is what I heard Bungie doesent care if you mod... Its only if you put them on your own fileshare or realeased the modded content you made. Just basically dont put it on your fileshare and dont go oh hey bungie look at my modz! Then you are at a risk of being banned or getting a warning. Lets say if it was leaked to the public you may recieve a warning but if another mod was leaked again then you may be banned... Lets say if you put a mod on your file share even if you did not make it. Then bungie may ban you...

    #4 Gaming Royalty

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    Posted 02 September 2008 - 02:36 PM

    Well i'll just wait untill the update happens and if no one ever gets banned then i might mod.

    #5 Mcmodder♥


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    Posted 03 September 2008 - 09:20 AM

    yes i no sum people ho have been benned from xbl for ever :angry: :angry: s*** :(

    #6 fattwam


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    Posted 03 September 2008 - 07:29 PM

    well as you know their ban-hammer has gotten alot better, in halo 2 you could mod for like 6 hours and not get banned then they updated it and you got signed out after like 5 seconds, so if they keep updating it m it can only get better for them and worse for us , but i think we will alwayse find ways around it

    #7 iKhaosmaster



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    Posted 04 September 2008 - 01:35 PM

    It's pretty much on and off. People create tons of accounts because they get banned. What they should start doing is console banning. But then we could sue! :yahoo:

    #8 SmokiestGrunl


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    Posted 05 September 2008 - 12:31 AM

    It's pretty much on and off. People create tons of accounts because they get banned. What they should start doing is console banning. But then we could sue! :yahoo:

    They already console ban in some cases (my console was banned for a month) and what case would we have to sue, they have the right to ban consoles from xbox live. If you have broken the rules.

    Edited by SmokiestGrunl, 05 September 2008 - 12:33 AM.

    #9 HI IM ABYSS



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    Posted 05 September 2008 - 11:37 PM

    i quit modding then its boring anyway bungie perma banned my gt n banned my console 1 month from matchmaking\so i quit plus broken river 8 year old wont leave me alone about cuz he cant mod same i use to get people to mod for me when i couldnt but now i have xsata and i modded everything i wanted so i quit

    #10 LXV Grizzly

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    Posted 06 September 2008 - 07:20 PM

    In there latest update bungie talked about new banning, I wonder if it has to do w/ modding? Im guessing so.

    #11 Gaming Royalty

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    Posted 07 September 2008 - 03:47 PM

    In there latest update bungie talked about new banning, I wonder if it has to do w/ modding? Im guessing so.

    Yeah I read that too, Thanks GOD i've never modded anything before!