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    O_O H3 on PC?! Could be...

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    #1 CubanLegend


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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 04:16 PM

    Source: Linq

    Voodo3D @ IGN.com, has had a VERY WATCHFUL reader submit an screenshot of an image found one of pages of the Microsoft Download Service web site...

    What do you think of this? (Click for Source Article)

    Posted Image

    "Dozerking Says:
    Aug 4 2008, 2:37 AM
    It will be offered through the new GFW download service coming this Fall, Vista only of course. Gears of War 2 will be selling 360's this season, so I would expect MS will be dropping H3 on PC anytime in the next few months

    mouse and keyboard here we come "


    So what do you guys think?

    Personally, if this true then it better not be another HALO 2 PORT-FROM-HELL repeat.

    "IF and only IF, HALO 3 is coded from scratch as a PC game, only using the development assets of the console version, does it have any real hope of being a stand-out PC title."

    But aside from that, 1920x1200 TRUE RESOLUTION, 4X AA and 8XAF, + Dedicated Servers?! Here I come!

    #2 Laxmonster54♥


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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 04:21 PM

    I hope it does come out on PC.
    cool find

    #3 LXV Grizzly

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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 04:42 PM

    Wow only on Vista? I think that would eliminate a LOT of people becuase most people (in my opinion) havent gotten vista yet... O__o

    #4 CubanLegend


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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 04:52 PM

    Wow only on Vista? I think that would eliminate a LOT of people becuase most people (in my opinion) havent gotten vista yet... O__o

    It didnt stop people from RE-PORTING HALO 2 to XP... it wont stop them this time either.. :D

    #5 Decatur


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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 05:49 PM

    i dont think it would be good its just not halo without a paddle.

    #6 xValidToasterx♥


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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 06:02 PM

    Ehh i hate playing video games on a computer dosent seem right. I like the 360 controller.

    #7 Korupt Data

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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 07:28 PM

    Halo is meant for the controller >.> and i think that its fake maybe in like 2010 it will come out

    #8 CubanLegend


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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 09:46 PM

    Korpt and Valid toaster, i have to dissagree.

    Halo has been played wiht PC Mouse and Keyboard, remember that game calle dHALO PC, HALO CE, and HALO @(though I'd like to forget about that last one...)

    And let me tell you, its a fact: Controller VS M & K = M & K Wins, hands down.

    More control, precision. etc...

    Put people with H2 Vista against people with H2 Xbox 360 controller (which Microsoft decided not to do), the people with the mouse and keyboard would have a HUGE advantage, even if skill is not counted.

    Plus, customizabel graphics settings, hell i could play HALO 2 1920x1080p NATIVE resolution on my PC Monitor with 78+ FPS, graphics maxed. No Xbox 360 could EVER DO THAT.

    Hell, Halo 3 doesnt even run full 720p, because Bungie decided its better to have a game engine that spits bright lights at you reflecting off everything, Bungie needs to learn when too much bloom is too much.... Look, I'm not here to diss anyone, just pointing out obvious facts.

    Listen, I used to be a console gamer like you guys, until Gamecube died, then i moved into PC games, (my first was actually HALO PC), and now i bought an Elite black 360 for HALO 3 about 4 months ago. I SURE AS HELL wouldnt mind playing Halo 3 with my mouse and keyboard, online with dedicated servers (like halo SHOULD BE PLAYED) and teh graphic maxed to a level the console could never reach, at resolutions an xbox 260 could NEVER even dream of (with silky smooth framerates to boot)!

    Plus think about it... when Halo 2 came to PC, they released the map editor and modding in H2 blew up on PC.

    Imagine what that would do for HALO3 (well we already have Forge, but its only a half-assed map editor), But I mean something like the HALO 2 map editor and software to REALLY mod halo 3 DIRECTLY ON A PC! :) H3 Modding Reborn, right? What's everyone elses opinion on this, or am i just looking at it the wrong way?

    #9 LXV Grizzly

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    Posted 05 August 2008 - 03:31 PM

    Personally I know that I could never play on a keyboard as good as with a controller. I hope this game does come out because then you could just use your 360 controller w/ your pc. I hope it does a map editor would be SWEET for halo 3!!

    #10 Korupt Data

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    Posted 05 August 2008 - 03:37 PM

    I would love to get back into pc gaming but its to expensive to have a good pc now =[ thats mainly why im a console gamer

    #11 TheMasterSnail


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    Posted 05 August 2008 - 03:55 PM

    yes halo 3 might be good on the pc but we were saying this about halo 2 pc and that well sucked. unless you have a super mega top range pc running nothing more or less than nvidia your screwed and looking at the halo 3 graphics you would need like a super computer just to run the damn menu!!! and dont even get me started about games for vista! vista!!!???? ive had more problems with vista in a week then i have EVER had with windows xp or any other operating system i mean come on Microsoft don't even think about releasing halo 3 pc until you get this vista crap sorted.

    #12 CubanLegend


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    Posted 05 August 2008 - 04:58 PM

    Well snail, all i have to say is, scaling graphical settings. ofc this is a PC game we're talking about, its not like your locked with graphica settings like you are on a console. That should help with lower Pcs. But ofc you shouldnt attempt gaming H3 on a Pc unless its strictly a Gaming PC.

    Also abot Vista, that is a general misconception of early vista, i have been in networking since i was 14 and i have to say, i also hated vista due to incompatibilites iwth some hardware and perfoamrnce, but EVER SINE Service Pack 1. Preactically all teh issues are GONE.

    And the cherry to top the cake is that Vista actually can detect more hardware than any XP install can, and Its WAY mroe secure and locked down than XP, for example my Webcam and my new monitor.. XP 64 couldnt find drivers for s***, Vista installed the perfect drivers almost instantly upon hooking the hardware up.

    Then thier Vista Medie Center, you can use teh media center extender with your 360 and BAM all your music, movies and media on your XBOX 360, streaming from vista. And with TVersity, you can stream stuff that even Media Center and 360 cant read, like odd file types for videos and stuff.

    I have to say, Vista has sure gotten better ever since SP1.