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    Bungie uses their banhammer once more.

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    #1 xmonolith


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    Posted 31 July 2008 - 05:38 AM

    Ok so, this topic is about bungies use of their banhammer.. well I was playing lone wolves at about 9am and decided to get off for a while.. well I sign back on at about 8:30 pm and it says: INFORMATION This Xbox 360 console is banned from Matchmaking for one month. THIS REALLY MADE ME PRETTY MAD. So I press A and ANOTHER ONE COMES UP it says: This account has permanently been banned from matchmaking. that's what ticked me off the most. Bungie banned my 50 general account for rumble pit boosting my friend for about 6 games or so. Here's the BS part. The 4 other guys who were boosting him DIDN'T GET BANNED. The guy who got boosted (Br Iz IIIIIIIII) got banned from the entire xbox live community for a day. Now my friend WTF iTz SnIpe says that he has had a perm ban before but is wasn't a perm ban it was a 2 week ban. So really im super pissed at bungie right now because I really don't deserve a perm ban. I beleive I only deserve a 1 month ban because thats just not fair. We also think that 4 people filed a complaint on our gamertags (my friends Xi aLmOsT iX, Br Iz IIIIIIIII, and XxCount3rxX) because the opposing team tried to boot me (xMoNoLiTH) and Br Iz IIIIIIIII offline. So thats it. One person commented on my youtube video about it saying the y got banned for no reason and 2 people that I know got fileshare banned. Oh yeah I'm fileshare banned too so ya.. :banghead: :clapping: :thumbdown: good job bungie! :thumbdown: :clapping:

    #2 HI IM ABYSS



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    Posted 31 July 2008 - 06:25 AM

    thats y u tke all ur modded content off ur share but y am i talking this same exact thing happened to me but i had my share loaded with modded content :whistle:

    #3 Lockon


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    Posted 31 July 2008 - 06:25 AM

    Im banned from matchmaking and my file share oh ya that one month ban from matchmaking well... im not to do matchmaking anymore :banghead:

    #4 LXV Grizzly

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    Posted 31 July 2008 - 07:27 AM

    I guess you could get a new account and get a 50 on it..? That reallys sucks though dude.

    #5 xmonolith


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    Posted 31 July 2008 - 07:38 AM

    I guess you could get a new account and get a 50 on it..? That reallys sucks though dude.

    i'll probably get my 4th account to a 5 0after this whole xbox 1 month ban subsides. its a 43 Liutenant but got it
    at gunnery sarg. =)

    #6 shadowdolan


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    Posted 03 August 2008 - 10:16 AM

    i hate bungie as well the perabanned my console because of a cock of duty 4 pic on my file share

    #7 Korupt Data

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    Posted 03 August 2008 - 11:00 AM

    LMAO u deserve to be banned ^__^ if you boost there has to be some punishment, I <3 Bungie and the craziness

    #8 Decatur


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    Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:01 PM

    well its funny because bungie is predujuice, you know the pic with the tribute with halo 1 2 and 3? well ive had it on my fileshare for the last 4 banhammers swings and nothing bad has happened...but imtaking it off now because i just prolly jynxed myself

    #9 xValidToasterx♥


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    Posted 03 August 2008 - 04:55 PM

    Dude that sucks i just hope i dont get banned with there new crackdown style banhammer rules.

    #10 fastmouth808


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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 02:27 AM

    Ok so, this topic is about bungies use of their banhammer.. well I was playing lone wolves at about 9am and decided to get off for a while.. well I sign back on at about 8:30 pm and it says: INFORMATION This Xbox 360 console is banned from Matchmaking for one month. THIS REALLY MADE ME PRETTY MAD. So I press A and ANOTHER ONE COMES UP it says: This account has permanently been banned from matchmaking. that's what ticked me off the most. Bungie banned my 50 general account for rumble pit boosting my friend for about 6 games or so. Here's the BS part. The 4 other guys who were boosting him DIDN'T GET BANNED. The guy who got boosted (Br Iz IIIIIIIII) got banned from the entire xbox live community for a day. Now my friend WTF iTz SnIpe says that he has had a perm ban before but is wasn't a perm ban it was a 2 week ban. So really im super pissed at bungie right now because I really don't deserve a perm ban. I beleive I only deserve a 1 month ban because thats just not fair. We also think that 4 people filed a complaint on our gamertags (my friends Xi aLmOsT iX, Br Iz IIIIIIIII, and XxCount3rxX) because the opposing team tried to boot me (xMoNoLiTH) and Br Iz IIIIIIIII offline. So thats it. One person commented on my youtube video about it saying the y got banned for no reason and 2 people that I know got fileshare banned. Oh yeah I'm fileshare banned too so ya.. :banghead: :clapping: :thumbdown: good job bungie! :thumbdown: :clapping:

    wow u got apoing there bungie is stupid, this banhammer thing is so stupid, well blame the people who been putting porn on their fileshare!!

    #11 CubanLegend


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    Posted 04 August 2008 - 04:01 PM

    The irony of the OP makes me lol a big one.

    Simple solution, Play legit like a man.

    Dont boost like an impatient unskilled little kid that wants a 50 fastre than he can get one legit. :p

    Edited by CubanLegend, 04 August 2008 - 04:01 PM.

    #12 fattwam


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    Posted 05 August 2008 - 08:58 AM

    it sucks that you did get banned but in the end you have to relies that you did break the rules and they do have the right to ban you at any given time at their discretion. thats the down part of being a modder or cheater you have a good change of getting banned even if they rest of your party does not

    #13 H3Fan


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    Posted 06 August 2008 - 08:37 PM

    People should get a warning from Bungie saying... We have found you boosting and if you do it once more we will ban you for 1 month or forever...

    #14 StevenSVE♥


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    Posted 06 August 2008 - 08:45 PM

    this is what u get for boosting ppl for lvl up. Man I hate people that cheat for lvl up, its gay.

    #15 fattwam


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    Posted 07 August 2008 - 07:20 AM

    People should get a warning from Bungie saying... We have found you boosting and if you do it once more we will ban you for 1 month or forever...

    Bungie states

    Amidst the carnage this week, a handful of users took up a torch for their banned cousins/brothers/friends/selves and asked why there wasn't a "warning." While it seems harsh, there was a warning here on Bungie.net and for several months there has been a tip in-game warning of cheating auto detection.

    #16 .Eli


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    Posted 07 August 2008 - 11:30 AM

    Autodetecting my ass.

    I've been booting for months, I havent been caught. Im a @#%$ing 5* with five 50's.

    Bungie is a bunch of ********.

    #17 iKhaosmaster



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    Posted 07 August 2008 - 11:48 AM

    Autodetecting my ass.

    I've been booting for months, I havent been caught. Im a @#%$ing 5* with five 50's.

    Bungie is a bunch of ********.

    well you have a point with that but booting is bad i hate booters their annoying