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    The screenshot that freezes your box.

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    #1 iBotPeaches


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    Posted 21 July 2008 - 06:02 AM

    That screenshot that freezes your xbox trying to load. I have some questions.

    Who made it?

    Is it just a corrupted picture put up?

    Why think of that?

    Why do sooo many people have it in their fileshares telling you to view it in pregame lobby?

    #2 L337 Box

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    Posted 21 July 2008 - 08:33 AM

    can you send me a link to this picture id like to see for myself :D

    #3 Korupt Data

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    Posted 21 July 2008 - 09:25 AM

    They send it to make your 360 freeze before a game so they can win by taking out the ppl who look at it :mellow:

    #4 LXV Grizzly

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    Posted 21 July 2008 - 12:42 PM

    They send it to make your 360 freeze before a game so they can win by taking out the ppl who look at it :mellow:

    Thats kind of funny lol, people will think of anything

    #5 ZZmoddudeZZ


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    Posted 21 July 2008 - 03:07 PM

    :rtfm: I have no idea of this is true but i was going trough one of my other favorite modding sites (http://www.*****.com) and i came across this forum titles "A whole new modding tactic depriving users of there xbox live accounts!" here's a link to it http://www.*****.com/forums/halo-3-modding/101646-whole-new-modding-tactic-depriving-users-there-xbox-live-accounts.html in this artical i guy claims that he opened a freezing screenshot and when i resarted his xbox his account was hacked he claims it is because of the screenshot i got no idea if this is true it sounds wild but you can decide and i have heard this site does not load for some people so here is what he said

    :blink: "Ok people may have already seen the screenshot you can't load and make your system freeze so you have to restart well that's not exactly what I'm talking about so lemme give a full rundown, last night my cousin was playing some big team with some friend and on the same team there are 3 generals and in the lobby and the game they want his major grade two account and make it a field major(I can't remember the name but the biggest major rank) and never use the profile after(so like take it and never give it back) they were offering him ms points, almost anything you could think of, so anyways after he said no after so many times they gave up a few moments later my cousin recieved a recomendation for a screenshot from the users file share(the name of it is you deserve this)so my cousin viewed it froze his xbox, but when my cousin restarted his system after he did a few things, he was unable to sign into his account due to it being recovered on another system, he tried to recover his profile and the account info had been changed, so what is up with that is this even possible, now his ms points and live is wasted, and should this be something I should report to bungie? <_<

    Here is the list of the three generals,
    A Macbook Pro
    ApEx 4sk

    Well I looked at thier profiles and they are not generals, IDK but my cousins info got changed after!" :realmad:

    anyways you decide

    #6 Korupt Data

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    Posted 21 July 2008 - 03:21 PM

    I dont think that they used the screen shot to knock him offline so they could sign in as him and change the info

    #7 ZZmoddudeZZ


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    Posted 21 July 2008 - 03:32 PM

    I dont think that they used the screen shot to knock him offline so they could sign in as him and change the info

    that probally what happen if it even happen (like I said before this is very out there and hard to believe)

    and BTW how in the world do you have so many points WOW