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    What we Know. (Part 2)

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    #1 iBotPeaches


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    Posted 05 September 2007 - 05:02 AM


    * Assault Rifle
    * Battle Rifle
    * Beam Rifle
    * Brute Shot
    * Carbine
    * Excavator
    * Gravity Hammer
    * Flamethrower
    * Magnum
    * Missile Launcher
    * Needler
    * Plasma Pistol
    * Plasma Rifle
    * Fuel Rod Cannon
    * Rocket Launcher
    * Shotgun
    * SMG
    * Sniper Rifle
    * Spartan Laser
    * Spiker
    * Sword


    * Mongoose
    * Warthog
    * Hornet
    * Pelican
    * Scorpion
    * Ghost
    * Brute Chopper
    * Spectre
    * Shadow
    * Banshee
    * Phantom
    * Wraith

    Game Types

    * Capture the Flag
    Invade your opponentÃ?¢ââ??‰â??¢s stronghold, heist their flag, and bring it back to your base to score.
    * Slayer
    Kill as many of your opponents as you can. The player with the most points wins.
    * Oddball
    Find the ball and hold on to it to earn time. The player with the most time wins.
    * King of the Hill
    Gain control of the hill to earn time. Keep your opponents off and earn the most time to win.
    * Juggernaut
    Work together to take down the Juggernaut. Beware, you kill the Juggernaut, you become the Juggernaut, and only the Juggernaut can win.
    * Territories
    Find and control the territories on the map. The more territories you control, the faster you earn time.
    * Infection
    Destroy the Flood or become infected. Score points for killing flood or big points for infecting a human. The player with the most points wins.
    * Assault
    Da bomb!
    * V.I.P.
    Protect the V.I.P. from dying at the hands of your opponents. If you are the V.I.P., you must stay alive or your opponents score a point.

    Apparently, you'll be able to share these with other users much in the same way you do with movies

    # Team Slayer
    # Team Swords
    # Team Rockets
    # Team Shotguns
    # Team Fiesta
    # Team Phantoms
    # Slayer Duel
    # Sword Duel
    # Rifle Duel
    # Rumble Slayer
    # Rumble Swords
    # Rumble Rockets
    # Rumble Shotguns
    # Oddball
    # Fiesta Ball
    # Team Ball King
    # Phantom King
    # Crazy King
    # Team Crazy King
    # Multi Flag CTF
    # CTF Wraiths
    # CTF Classic
    # Shotgun CTF
    # 1 Flag CTF
    # 1 Flag CTF Fast
    # Multi Bomb Assault
    # Rapid Assault
    # Neutral Bomb
    # Neut. Bomb Fast
    # 3 Plots Land Grab

    Then, a glitch in the beta allowed some users to access the custom games menu option, which revealed the following settings (you can see pictures of these settings here):

    * Damage resistance
    * Shield multiplier
    * Shield recharge rate
    * Immune to headshots
    * Grenade counts
    * Infinite ammo
    * Weapon pickup disabled
    * Player speed (25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 100%, 110%, 125%, 150%, 200%, 300%)
    * Player gravity (50%, 100%, 200%)
    * Vehicle use (passenger only)
    * Motion tracker range (10m, 25m, 75m, 100m, 150m)
    * Appearance
    o Vis effects (black glow, team glow, white glow)
    o Active camo (good camo that might fool and elite, poor camo that might fool a grunt, invisible)
    * Indestructible vehicles (on, off)

    #2 adamisraw


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    Posted 07 September 2007 - 12:46 AM

    compared 2 my post thats barely any info