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    #201 trevx64


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 10:45 AM

    fatalgamer u stole my list j/k i love u lol yeah darkruler he a loser someone at xboxtampers thought it would be cool to stell ur list too but it got locked in like a day lol ur to good anyway ill be on tommorow to play with u i might staart modding soon im sick of all these crap modz repoman 108 and razor r the only good modders and mrtwiggy is the best tripmine map is wicked fun

    #202 trevx64


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 10:51 AM

    this is y i hate the site people contantly threatin u sorry fatlegamer im going on strike lol u goys leave fatle alone were practicaly best friends on xbl cause hes nice unlike u nubi0s ill crap u out and flush u down a toylet after i eat u (ill digest u is my point so shut up hes having enough troubles from ideots like u that copy and paste 100 hours of work at xboxtampers ill report u to bungie by pressing report post at the bottom of fatalgamers post on bungie.net u get banned if u type mod on bungie forums so go cry to ur mom baby

    #203 DarkRuler


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 11:09 AM

    this is y i hate the site people contantly threatin u sorry fatlegamer im going on strike lol u goys leave fatle alone were practicaly best friends on xbl cause hes nice unlike u nubi0s ill crap u out and flush u down a toylet after i eat u (ill digest u is my point so shut up hes having enough troubles from ideots like u that copy and paste 100 hours of work at xboxtampers ill report u to bungie by pressing report post at the bottom of fatalgamers post on bungie.net u get banned if u type mod on bungie forums so go cry to ur mom baby

    how can you like that pathetic worm, he is a rotten piece of trash on Earth

    he threatened me, I told him to leave me alone

    I guess if you like trash then you like him

    and Fatal

    thanks for giving me all the info I needed to find xXDarkCrimsonXx

    It is funny how the Forge in a Custom Game actually shows up as Forge Slayer in game history

    Edit-So Trev after reading more of your weird post, You said you were going to hit the report button at the bottom of his post, does that mean that you will report him?

    Edited by DarkRuler, 13 September 2008 - 11:57 AM.

    #204 cbpwnrs2


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 12:08 PM


    #205 trevx64


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 12:44 PM

    no i meant ur post that u copied from fatalgamer onto bungie.net he doesnt lie first of all and t the bottom of all posts on bungie.net theres a button that says Report Post bungie looks at it and u get banned plain and simple :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

    #206 cbpwnrs2


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 01:46 PM

    TREVX64 UR A F****** IDIOT

    #207 trevx64


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 02:26 PM

    ur a nub u dont know wat to say u deserved to be banned u and dark ruler :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p plus ur a retard the one thing u say is that im an idiot u spelt my name wrong like this TREVX64 its spelt like this nub trevx64 u used caps

    Edited by trevx64, 13 September 2008 - 02:32 PM.

    #208 ZZmoddudeZZ


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 03:52 PM

    ur a nub u dont know wat to say u deserved to be banned u and dark ruler :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p plus ur a retard the one thing u say is that im an idiot u spelt my name wrong like this TREVX64 its spelt like this nub trevx64 u used caps

    I just felt like quoting something anyway. WOW I have been gone all day and I come on to see this conflict. All Administrators can some one please ban dark Ruler and his sidekick (cbpwnrs2) for language/double posting/stealing/flaming me and trev (the list goes on for miles) I would really appreciate it. This is insane threating left in right and to dark ruler i was look through your posts and you mentioned that you saying that "why did you post a picture of your mod list" then you claim it was phtoshoped (you admited to the list then you said it was phtoshoped, which was a lie) I personally find that interesting. And Look I am a good kid, I try to be nice, but I don't like it when people steal my hard work (your probally gonna say you didn't steal it whatever i am tired of that line) and if you get banned. O well you should have never broke the rules (the one that bungie says no modded content is to be diccused in forum, also no modded content on your fileshare) and I am only a person who reported you for breaking the rules not the one banning you bungie does that. and thinks trev for having my back.

    incase he edites those two posts here they are: (click on the bar to see it in full size)

    Posted Image
    I find it funny that you say you never look at my list (then why did you know to start the argument...o yeah because you looked at my post LOL)

    Posted Image

    also I went to go get the picture of the mod on your fileshare and your account is completetly deleted (just curious if you got banned) and also if you do get banned, which you probally will (remeber You broke the rules not me i just reported it) and you will only be banned from bungie you will still have live and can play any game except halo 3

    I just want this to stop so I can work on my list but i can't with them flamming me and my friends left and right (peaches i guess we should of IP banned him instead of banning his one account)

    (and darkruler am i really susposed be scared of the picture on your signature (whatever..it is kind of funny though)

    Edited by ZZmoddudeZZ, 13 September 2008 - 03:54 PM.

    #209 trevx64


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 05:06 PM

    yeah if u never look at this topic why do u constanly post by flaming to win and ur not even cause u guys r nubes moddude isnt trash u r ur parents were problaly high when they had u lol so dont say hes trash hes one of 4 of my friends (good) in real and xbl in total

    #210 DarkRuler


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 06:58 PM

    yeah if u never look at this topic why do u constanly post by flaming to win and ur not even cause u guys r nubes moddude isnt trash u r ur parents were problaly high when they had u lol so dont say hes trash hes one of 4 of my friends (good) in real and xbl in total

    what mod?

    I have never had a mod in my file share

    I have pictures, maps, gametypes, and films, but no mods

    and trev, no one cares if it is caps

    mod dude, you are an idiot

    you are trying to get me banned and you should be banned, you are doing something illegal so you should be banned

    Edited by DarkRuler, 13 September 2008 - 07:02 PM.

    #211 ZZmoddudeZZ


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 07:15 PM

    I am not sure if the mods is still there but it was a gametype (called R-Snipers Duel) that has a beam rifle at start here is the pic

    Posted Image
    I saw it earlier and took this picture

    #212 mrmoddude


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    Posted 13 September 2008 - 09:21 PM

    I am not an idiot, I am just sick of this list at the bottom of the mod list with "unreleased mods". What are the point of these. Simple childish nature of if you have something that nobody (or not many) people have, you don't want to share it (ala unreleased mods)...well let me tell you one think b****.....I'm fed up with people like that so your reply better be telling me your not like that and you'll stop just showing a list of mods that people actually care about and want or maybe even need........

    #213 trevx64


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    Posted 14 September 2008 - 05:19 AM

    firest of all <_< <_< <_< !!!WHAT IS HE DOING ILLEGAL THAT MAKES U SO UPSET!!! <_< <_< <_<

    #214 SashedKnight



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    Posted 14 September 2008 - 09:02 AM

    So dark, you thought that I had anything to do with this spying?

    First off, when I came into your group I had no idea about Fatal, I saw his posts on this site every now and then, but I never saw this list until after I played with few people from here, which they brought me to here.

    Secondly, Fatal and I have a 5-8 minutes of talk maybe once a week if he invites me or if I invite him, we dont see each other at any other time, cuz if I join a game with a modder as host I get booted so I just dont join his games all together...

    By all means, ban me from the forum, your being parranoid now and taking your parranoia out on people who had no idea of this accident until your brought it up. The source that Fatal has can and will still be out there, and removing me just removes a member all together... At this rate any person that played with Fatal at any point is your target of parranoia.

    Just be the bigger man and say it was a mistake... You probly didn't mean to get his mods on your list... but yea... w/e floats your boat... I honestly don't want your list anyways.... Fatal has more mods than you and he did an honest job at getting them... and thanks to you, I was able to come back here and find this out, so gratz...

    Edited by SashedKnight, 14 September 2008 - 09:17 AM.

    #215 ZZmoddudeZZ


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    Posted 14 September 2008 - 05:09 PM

    So dark, you thought that I had anything to do with this spying?

    First off, when I came into your group I had no idea about Fatal, I saw his posts on this site every now and then, but I never saw this list until after I played with few people from here, which they brought me to here.

    Secondly, Fatal and I have a 5-8 minutes of talk maybe once a week if he invites me or if I invite him, we dont see each other at any other time, cuz if I join a game with a modder as host I get booted so I just dont join his games all together...

    By all means, ban me from the forum, your being parranoid now and taking your parranoia out on people who had no idea of this accident until your brought it up. The source that Fatal has can and will still be out there, and removing me just removes a member all together... At this rate any person that played with Fatal at any point is your target of parranoia.

    Just be the bigger man and say it was a mistake... You probly didn't mean to get his mods on your list... but yea... w/e floats your boat... I honestly don't want your list anyways.... Fatal has more mods than you and he did an honest job at getting them... and thanks to you, I was able to come back here and find this out, so gratz...

    Hey Slash sorry if I get you banned. Your always welcome here. and DarkRuler if your out there Im not telling you who the sources are but I will tell you it is not him.

    I am not an idiot, I am just sick of this list at the bottom of the mod list with "unreleased mods". What are the point of these. Simple childish nature of if you have something that nobody (or not many) people have, you don't want to share it (ala unreleased mods)...well let me tell you one think b****.....I'm fed up with people like that so your reply better be telling me your not like that and you'll stop just showing a list of mods that people actually care about and want or maybe even need........

    I am sorry if it bothers you about the unreleased mods. I would have removed it but DarkRuler took them and added them to his list (which he added into his count of his list) and If I remove the mods now he will say that he has something that at don't and IF I added them back then He would say that I stole it from him So sorry about that. and depending on the mod if it is unreleased I might give it to you..once again sorry. Have a Nice Day

    Edited by ZZmoddudeZZ, 14 September 2008 - 07:50 PM.

    #216 DarkRuler


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    Posted 15 September 2008 - 08:45 AM

    Slashed, what am I supposed to do, you know Fatal and anyone who knows that jackass doesn't belong in my group

    There is no mod list and there never will be a mod list in the Reapers

    I have always had and will remain having more mods than you will ever have. I have never used you god damn list and I don't even care If I get banned from this site

    To end this all, I will personally see to it that I get IP banned from this site

    the site sucks if it is full of retards who think that it is ok to lie, cheat and steal

    Fatal, I will tell c8pwnrs not to hack you and I will get banned here (permanently) if you tell me that @#%$ers name

    and Fatal your crappy plan backfired, you just made me up my security. No actual proof that Bungie can see, so you have photoshopped pictures

    and let that dumbass stay in the group, he will just stay in a group and not do anything

    Edited by DarkRuler, 15 September 2008 - 08:51 AM.

    #217 BTKC124



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    Posted 15 September 2008 - 10:40 AM

    why are there only like 2 gametype mods that makes me :cray:

    #218 ZZmoddudeZZ


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    Posted 15 September 2008 - 02:45 PM

    look dark ruler I am a good guy. I just don't like it when people steal from me. why do you continue to say there phtoshop there not you know that and your 300+ members know that and just because you made your list offline and renamed it to "the list" does not mean it did not exist you already admitted to having the list (look at the picture on a earlier reply) and wow i still can't believe your saying there photoshop (the only thing i edited was the very bottom bar because my source had his name visible and did not want him to get in trouble) and I think you might be banned because I found this post of yours that said your blacklisted I will get a pic and post later


    Also I have about 15 mods I will add later when I get a chance

    #219 SashedKnight



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    Posted 15 September 2008 - 03:38 PM

    Well I had a few of my friends who were in his site to aid me in seeking rightful vengeance... If anything he has over 30+ reports against him with pcitures and everything...

    Never say I did something I never did or had intention on doing... cuz now WE did...

    Edited by SashedKnight, 15 September 2008 - 03:41 PM.

    #220 ZZmoddudeZZ


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    Posted 15 September 2008 - 06:32 PM

    Update: - A few new mods

    Team C.F.H By: linkyoshi (I saw on ***** a while back and somehow overlooked it on my update)
    S looping Mod By: linkyoshi (SORRY)
    MIXEUR V2 MOD By: linkyoshi (SORRY)
    MoDdEd 001 By: TGxStEaLtHxMaN
    The Unfors33n By: Repoman108

    They can??? 002
    Humpday (updated link)

    Game Varient
    R-Snipers Duel By: xI Reapers Ix (I was looking on his filehsare the other day and found it. I don't like him but it is a mod)
    Forge By: jfrankmod (allows 16 people in forge)

    (of maps so they appear in recent games)
    Sorry None at this time

    Youtube Videos
    Race Track
    The Unfors33n

    Maps that you download to the computer and Xport to your console (for modders)

    sorry None at this Time

    This Reply is for A update of the items above. This post will not be edited. This is for Proof and record of when I added each Item. Because this reply will not be edited the date this reply was added is when each mod was added