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    I will not release another mod for a while

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    #1 nielsss


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 06:57 AM

    Well yesterday myself and few others had been talking to anthony and shadow and apperently he gave a list to bungie of modders that are supposed to get a console ban, the list is as follows;

    H3 Pyro
    KSI Carbon Core

    Please note that that list might be imcomplete. So yeah..
    You know what we've been thinking and here one theory,
    Anthony and his little cool circle arent verry happy that other people can mod and dont want they dont like the competition, Maybe they like being the only ones who can mod. And why would bungie say to anthony "go warn them" wouldnt they do it themselves? Like just send an email to us saying stop modding or we will ban you. No, we didnt get anything like except the word from anthony and shadow. And if bungie does decide to ban us they should ban anthony and his little cool circle because they all broke the term and conditions too, they were the first ones to do so. Oh and btw we've decided that if one of us get banned we will release the CON signer. And no people anthony and his little cool circle arent the only ones with on non server based con signer.

    Peace, im sure half you guys dont even know me. My gamertag is nox13666.

    Oh and just think about what would happen when the con signer gets released, everyone will have little porn pictures on their fileshare and crap loads of people are ganne get banned and then Microsoft will be pissed that a crap loads customers suddly disappeared.

    So yeah because of this i wont release any more mods, blame the cool circle.

    #2 H3 Pyro

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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 07:20 AM

    Rofl, im on the list Sad face.

    #3 zZDarkLegacyZz


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 07:24 AM

    I was in the party i herd it all i got 3 hours of recorded stuff

    Also i herd if someone gets banned there going to ip flood the s*** out of anthony

    The Whole Modding Community VS The Cool Circle

    WHO WILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    #4 nielsss


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 08:25 AM

    Oh btw i removed anything to do with modding on my fileshare.

    #5 iBotPeaches


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 10:06 AM

    I did the same, I suggest you do to.

    The update will be harsh, but if nox gets banned, then shade, anthony, sligstorm and shadowlag and veegie should too. THEY STARTED THE MODDING. I don't care if they didn't continue, if they didn't start there wouldn't be any.

    Its sad that bungie is contacting a modder for a modder list. He will just put the guys he hates.

    #6 Nuklear♥


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 10:18 AM


    And, it's not against the rules for having modded content in your fileshare. How many times do I have to show you this picture: http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/4265/prufke1.jpg

    They wouldn't suddenly ban people without warning us first.

    By the way, 'Highqround' and the Last Resort mod is even in a Bungie employee's fileshare.

    #7 Shadow LAG

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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 11:52 AM

    Well well well. Seems like we have a bunch of crazies posting amoungst themselves. Let me clear a few things up for you guys just so you can get your heads straight.

    There is no jelousy, nor do we see competition, all we see is people running around with STOLEN research ABUSING mods. There is no modding community, you people don't even really make mods, you are using Anthony's stolen research and your complaining because anthony is doing something about it. Not one of you most likely know anything about how to make a con resigner or hasher. Haxalot88 was recruited by me in order to give him a chance to show his skill but he agreed under my terms. He then used me to get to derived7 and then used derived7 and broke both derived7's trust and mine. Haxalot88 is running around with a con resigner that doesn't even belong to him claiming its "his con resigner". Funny enough superasian claimed he had a con resigner too but he was using a XSS exploit that we patched up, so were others of handful of people using haxalot88's resigner. None of you people have CON resigners and if you do its stolen. What give you the right to run around research belonging soley to us then damn us to hell for freeloading of our stolen research. Anyone human would be mad. Now you people are abusing it like crazy and you don't expect the victoms of the theft to retaliate agains't their own programs and research stolen to be soley used for abuse? Obviously you people are getting it. You people have beat it into your heads that we are trying to eliminate competition. WHAT COMPETITION? None of the research you have belongs to you! None of you are smart enough to make the tools yourselves! How is their competition and how do you think we our jelous to retaliate. Ever maybe think its because you people are abusing mods and are using things that don't belong to you? And you wonder why the modding community never shares s*** with you guys. You steal it and whipe your asses with it and everything happening right here is what we warned people about if we were to release it. You are living examples of why the modding community disowns you. You even bend down to petty threats. Because of people like you and outbreaks you have even been shunned from ***** and that place has been locked down from posting because of all the stinch you carry. Also the bungie rule about "its okay to share mods on your file share" thats a legitimate rule because people download them and share them, however there is no okay for MAKING mods, obviously you people need to read the xbox live terms of service. There should be no warnings for bans, never has been in the history of XBL bans, if you are using modified content you are breaking the TOS thus you are banned, microsoft never warned anyone about modified firmware either. And whos to say anthony or I had anything to do with that list? Anthony says he didn't make it and I sure as hell had nothing to do with it. I think you people need to sit down and see the reality of things instead of making these crazy stories to cope with your own sins.

    #8 blacklabelfosho


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 12:33 PM

    pretty much... all he had to say was that we are a bunch of leachers. and we should be banned for modifying the game.

    basically his whole argument is hypocritical bc he was the one who did the "researching"
    yes none of us have made a con resigner.

    and your just mad bc someone used you to steal it from you.
    basically you made a bad choice by letting haxalot gain access to your resigner. and since bungie came to you saying, " hey we know you made the resigner that all these kids are using"

    basically you sold all of us who were just using the tool YOU made so YOU wouldn't get banned.

    i am speaking for myself now...
    no i never intended to try to make my own resigner.
    i intended to wait untill YOUR resigner got passed around so much that it eventually landed in my hands.

    yes i know that is a "leach" type of move, but seriously... i don't have time to try, or to bother with that stuff.
    i WAS just sitting around waiting for it to get released. i am a leacher. and damn proud of it.

    you say i am filth bc of this? because YOU made a bad decision in the people you let use your resigner?
    you should be taking it out on haxalot. not on us.

    you don't beat the dog if it is wet... just after YOU let it in the house.
    its your fault the resigner was leaked. not ours.

    #9 Shadow LAG

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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 12:55 PM

    Actually to correct your first statement. I said you are a bunch of THIEVES and should be banned for STEALING AND ABUSING.

    Your right its my fault for trusting people. Which is why modders hate the public. Good job at proving my point. You didn't earn it. You stole it and you have no remorse. Thats fine because all future modding will be kept under wraps and you will be hung out to dry. Yeah I am mad that it got leaked and I was @#%$ed over, who wouldn't be? If you invited someone into your house and they stole all your mothers jewelry you would be like. Oh well its my fault? No, because you didn't know, you you would also call the police on that person. The fact that your too lazy and will leach off of stolen stuff just proves why no further research will be given to the public and why the current situation is being dealt with. And like I said who said anthony or I even made this list? Anthony denys making it and I know I didn't so it seems like you people are all going $%#^%# insane. Enjoy your time with the little mods on halo 3 because theres much more then just that and because of the actions of the public and their lack of conscience, there will be no more sharing.

    #10 blacklabelfosho


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 01:16 PM

    if you invite someone over to your house. it is your responsibility as to what they do in it.
    so that ruins your whole point.

    second i know there is so much more that could be done with h3.
    but right now, all i wanted was to forge mod.

    i never condoned MM mods in h2. ever. i though it was the dumbest thing anyone could do.
    the problem is, is the fact that you trusted the wrong person with your resigner.

    ive heard that much more modding can be done with a "Dev kit"
    i honestly don't know all the information about it, but i saw one on ebay go for about $800
    so i knew i wasn't ever going to get one, so i knew then i would never get to mod h3 as much as h2 was able to have been modded.

    it wasn't a big deal to me. i like see'ing the screenshots you and anthony release everyonce in a while, but i KNOW that i will never get to do that. and it really isn't that big of a deal.

    don't accuse me of stealing either.
    i have done nothing of the sort.
    i haven't made a single h3 mod. and wasn't intending on ever doing it.
    i knew someone stole your resigner, and i knew you never intended it to be leaked.
    but if it somehow fell into my hands, yes then i would use it for my own fun with halo3.
    bc even though i can't do half the stuff you can with your "dev kit" i would still like to do what little can be done with forge modding.

    i don't mean to anger you. and i hope you know that your messages haven't angered me.
    basically i think that you are mad bc haxalot stole your resigner.
    and yes you have every right to be mad about it.
    but don't come on to this site saying we are the ones who stole it.
    honestly... i don't think active person on this site has this resigner.
    everyone who makes mods right now on this site, just uses someone else who has access to it.

    we are not stealers. we haven't stolen from you, and don't accuse us of such non-sense.
    we are leachers. yes. yes some of us have good idea's of making our own "forge mods"
    but yes we all have leached off of your program that you have made.

    there are a few people here who claim to have their own resigner, but yes they were just leaching off of you.
    still leaching.

    no one here can say that they weren't leaching when they made what few mods were made for h3.
    and if h3 mods are eventually non existent, then i will go back to playing CoD4.

    if there is any thought in my mind that i could get your resigner though i will continue to get on xbl and talk to my friends who are busy making mods and getting them resigned by haxalot.

    honestly everyone says if the con resigner is released the game will be ruined... i already thought the game was ruined after 1 week of playing the game, and being bored with the tiring repetative gameplay.
    i went back to playing h1 where the game was still fun.
    halo3 was never a very fun game for me. it was more of a dissapointment.
    halo2 got boring after a while, but learning to mod it brought me back to it and kept me playing it.

    thats all i was hoping that h3 modding would achieve. maybe a little interest could be sparked if i learned how to mod it. yes using YOUR program.

    i know the main thing you want is recognition that you made the ONLY con resigner out there so i think i have given you credit enough about it.
    gz on making a con resigner. you have accomplished something that no one else has.
    sorry you made a bad choice in haxalot, but don't come here and get mad at us for using what is given to us.

    #11 Dark Slipstream

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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 02:16 PM

    Actually to correct your first statement. I said you are a bunch of THIEVES and should be banned for STEALING AND ABUSING.

    Your right its my fault for trusting people. Which is why modders hate the public. Good job at proving my point. You didn't earn it. You stole it and you have no remorse. Thats fine because all future modding will be kept under wraps and you will be hung out to dry. Yeah I am mad that it got leaked and I was (&(### over, who wouldn't be? If you invited someone into your house and they stole all your mothers jewelry you would be like. Oh well its my fault? No, because you didn't know, you you would also call the police on that person. The fact that your too lazy and will leach off of stolen stuff just proves why no further research will be given to the public and why the current situation is being dealt with. And like I said who said anthony or I even made this list? Anthony denys making it and I know I didn't so it seems like you people are all going *&@#@@ insane. Enjoy your time with the little mods on halo 3 because theres much more then just that and because of the actions of the public and their lack of conscience, there will be no more sharing.

    regardless of what you say, modding would NOT have started if you or anthony didn't bother trying to mod this game. no one would have been banned, either

    #12 Snowmon333♥



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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 02:28 PM

    Don't you want modding to get as big as it did in halo 2 excluding mm, if the con signer was actually released maybe all the mods wouldn't be garbage any more

    #13 iBotPeaches


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 02:32 PM

    I would like to get my say in this. Who cares who made it? If Bungie is going to ban someone, I want a global news story about what we CAN do and what we CANNOT do. All this junk about Bungie emailing Anthony asking for a list of modders is absolute BS. Why would Bungie asks a fellow modder that STARTED Halo 3 modding and ask for the list of modders. Yes, I admit it, we might have crashed xbox live (for all future Halo 3 modding) but I had hella fun time doing it. One could argue that we STOLE your research and your tools. Well we did, now what?

    I started seeing the XSS resigner from a PM of a user who found the site. I used it and resigned some forge mods. Yes I did. I then lost my xSATA to a friend and yet to have it back. So for the record I have about 3 unreleased mods. Then I got PM's from tons of users of rehashes/resigners. Some people didn't even know there was a re-hasher. I'll admit it I don't know half the stuff you talk about. I then got help from Sencerd (this smart guy) and he taught me alot about resigning/rehashing. And thats where I am now, making my own apps. And when I do, I will leak that to the public. Whos to stop the other 20 people who have working CON resigners/rehashers. One day they will be leaked and downloads for them will be everywhere. Your trying to protect something that we should be friends over. I was in that party when you bashed sligstorm for stealing tools and I understand. All this hiding behind random "rumors" is flippin dumb. I want a real post from all your "cool circle" on HaloMods on what you WANT and DONT WANT I'm tired of hearing all this BS. Also why would I care if Se7ensis lost their H3 Modding section? All they did was copy ours lol...

    Bungie is dumb for banning us if they do. If we touch Matchmaking then I say go all out and take my 360 and ban me forever. Till then were getting Bungie more hits/plays/ and more money. And it would be ridiculous to ban a fun raising thing.

    In final,

    I want a BUNGIE news article saying what modders CAN do and CANNOT do. I want some rules set, so I know where to stop. Theres porn pictures in fileshares, modded maps all over, and fileshares corrupted. Bungie should have to technology to scan all modded maps and delete them from all fileshares and forum posts and try to stop it.

    Now, I want YOU and YOUR friends to go make an official post on why YOUR mad, and some good solid reasons. I'll I see is a blind hatrid towards leechers.

    Lets pretend it never got released?
    Your mods would be released and everyone would talk about you. I guarantee though your ideas to think of, aren't as good as the current.

    #14 yungbol


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 02:32 PM

    Quote from first post:

    None of you are smart enough to make the tools yourselves!

    Shadow LAG, stop flaming the community on our site. All we want is to be able to mod, and sorry we don't have the extra money you do to go out and buy parts for a devkit or hybrid 360 whatever you want to call it...

    The above quote is mocking everyone's work they put into it and the people like me who are young and have no idea on how to make a resigner. Yea sure I can get a NAND dump but it doesn't give you the CON keys there, you have to know how to decrypt it, and just cause we can't do that does not mean we are STUPID!

    #15 Dark Slipstream

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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 02:38 PM

    *I'll outline key points in this post.

    Anthony and his little cool circle arent verry happy that other people can mod and dont want they dont like the competition Maybe they like being the only ones who can mod.

    Why would bungie say to anthony "go warn them" wouldnt they do it themselves? ~ OMG that is exactly what i was thinking.

    Like just send an email to us saying stop modding or we will ban you. No, we didnt get anything like except the word from anthony and shadow. And if bungie does decide to ban us the cool circle should be banned too because they all broke the term and conditions too.

    They were the first ones to do so. Oh and btw we've decided that if one of us get banned we will release the CON signer. And no people anthony and his little cool circle arent the only ones with on non server based con signer.

    Peace, im sure half you guys dont even know me. My gamertag is nox13666.

    Oh and just think about what would happen when the CON signer gets released, everyone will have little porn pictures on their fileshare ~ hmm, now thats alot worse that one (not nude) woman.

    Crap loads of people are gonna get banned and then Microsoft will be pissed that a crap loads customers suddenly disappeared. ~ My point exactly

    So yeah because of this i wont release any more mods, blame the cool circle.

    Im going to have to agree.

    #16 isaacmatthews


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 03:37 PM

    u no what shadow lag, i used to think you were cool, but now i see you and anthony are just ****heads, u no wat halo 3 is alot funner with modding. just give it up halo 3 is better with modding.

    #17 Snowmon333♥



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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 03:51 PM

    shade is a noob, thats shadow lag who is posting here

    #18 .Slack♠


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 05:12 PM

    can someone tell me how shadow LAG contributed to modding at all?

    #19 kevbrown713



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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 06:48 PM

    Anthony/Shadow, you can be pissed all you want, what's done is done, it sucks for you. But, go out, and have fun doing what your original intention was. I know that it is a big deal to you, but its an opportunity for the people who don't have all the hacking experience that you have. I made a few mods in halo 1 for the computer, they came out nice. I never leaked them, it's not that hard. I mod my computer, and i enjoy it. That is why you should mod, because you want to give people a new way to see the game. If you mod for money/fame, there is something wrong. So, let us make the mods, and you can just watch it happen, don't be mad, you started it, and now, it's too late to end it.

    #20 nielsss


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    Posted 27 May 2008 - 06:58 PM

    I had a talk with Shadow and I just would like to remind people that post isnt necessarily facs. That's just what i think.
    Apperently anthony and shadow werent involved in the creating of the list, they simply heard about before us.

    I also talked to anthony and here's what was said...

    nox136667 (15:21:19): Well i removed all my mods of my fileshare and im not releasing anything, is that what u wanted?
    GamerscoreMan went idle at 15:28:34.
    GamerscoreMan returned at 15:40:03.
    GamerscoreMan (15:40:20): i can care less...
    GamerscoreMan (15:40:27): like I said its bungie
    GamerscoreMan (15:40:31): not me
    nox136667 (15:40:33): ok
    GamerscoreMan (15:40:39): i dont work for them nor do I work for microsoft
    nox136667 (15:40:41): But you did make the list
    GamerscoreMan (15:40:46): ...
    GamerscoreMan (15:40:57): they don't need me to make a list to know whos modding >_>
    nox136667 (15:41:45): But you did make that list right? I mean that was un-needed.
    GamerscoreMan (15:41:58): no
    GamerscoreMan (15:42:09): i said bungie was making a list, and somehow people said it was me..
    GamerscoreMan (15:42:14): they asked me about it too
    nox136667 (15:42:25): oh
    nox136667 (15:42:35): how come your not on it
    nox136667 (15:42:48): You were the fisrt to break those terms and conitions
    GamerscoreMan (15:43:03): how do you know whos on it if I dont even know?
    GamerscoreMan (15:43:23): and i stoped after they warned
    nox136667 (15:43:53): We didnt get a warning, and that shouldnt matter you still broke the terms and conitions just like us
    GamerscoreMan (15:44:23): right
    GamerscoreMan (15:44:26): so i have a chance of getting banned too
    GamerscoreMan (15:44:38): i never put the s*** on myfileshare so thats a plus for me
    nox136667 (15:45:07): True
    nox136667 (15:45:35): So were all getting banned
    GamerscoreMan (15:45:48): once again, I dont know
    GamerscoreMan (15:45:51): i dont work there
    GamerscoreMan (15:46:08): hell, who knows if they will even ban
    GamerscoreMan (15:46:12): they just asked me about it
    nox136667 (15:46:31): What specificly did they say
    nox136667 (15:46:53): specifically*
    GamerscoreMan (15:46:57): lots of stuff
    GamerscoreMan (15:47:04): it was in the mix of a conversation about non halo stuff
    nox136667 (15:47:14): Long story short
    GamerscoreMan (15:47:28): they were just asking why is so many people modding
    GamerscoreMan (15:47:32): and i told them about haxalot and blackmailing derived
    nox136667 (15:47:46): hax wasnt the only one
    nox136667 (15:48:51): I know you dont believe me but....yeah someone else made from scratch, no source code from derived
    GamerscoreMan (15:49:00): k..
    GamerscoreMan (15:49:05): i dont really care
    GamerscoreMan (15:49:08): it was being abused
    GamerscoreMan (15:49:13): and bungie may punish for that
    GamerscoreMan (15:49:16): thats why i never shared my s***
    GamerscoreMan (15:49:21): i knew something like this would happen
    nox136667 (15:49:27): How were being abused?
    GamerscoreMan (15:49:45): modding on live...
    GamerscoreMan (15:49:53): screenshots as well
    nox136667 (15:50:11): oh...
    nox136667 (15:50:21): Ill be right back, i've visiters
    GamerscoreMan (15:50:30): well i g2g
    GamerscoreMan (15:50:31): school
    GamerscoreMan (15:50:33): see ya
    nox136667 (15:54:31): bye