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    #1 SmokiestGrunl


      Australian Retired Staff

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    Posted 14 March 2008 - 03:45 PM

    I noticed that it can be hard to find complete and up to date plugins so I decided to take what I could find and put them all together. Please note I do not take any credit for making all of them, only the ones that are listed next to my name. They are compatable with every recent Halo 2 map editor.

    Includes: (newer entries)

    bipd- standing/crouching heights, flashlight flags, flying biped flags
    deca- bitmap effects
    fog- colors
    fpch- lots of stuff
    jpt!- damage types, explosion/headshot flags
    mach- machine speed
    matg- mm- multiplayer options
    phmo- alive, object weight
    pphy- mass, density, air/water friction
    proj- goes through flag, grenade y/n, type, size, glow radius, bounce life/distance, homing/turning ability
    scnr- lots of stuff
    vehi- vehicle id, boost y/n, type of physics, warthog headlight flags, seat flags/types, more values
    weap- weapon type, aim assist, enable 3rd weapon, lunge/melee flags, homing/lock on flag,

    CREDITS- just some of the accomplishments of various plugin modders

    Xboxwar3z- all the basics
    The Swamp Fox- scnr plugin; fpch plugin
    Aequitas- bipd flashlight flags; vehi headlight flags (with a little help from Iron_forge)
    Some Random Guy- jpt headshot/explosion flag, damage type; proj type, grenade y/n, goes through flag, bounce life/distance, glow radius; vehi seat types
    Slick50zd- phmo alive flag, weight
    Mrhyperpenguin- vehi seat flags
    scott_man328/link_36p- matg-mm team options
    zulux- vehi weapon force, horsepower, gravity values
    jefff- mach speed
    Aztec- original flying biped mod
    xbox7887- pphy mass; weap types, some flags; some vehi seat flags, flying biped, fog colors, deca plugin

    EDIT: (3-03-05)- Sorry i havent updated lately. I got a little sidetracked. Heres some things to play around with. The flying biped is a wip but it does work. I also added a deca plugin as well as a fog one. I have plenty more i will be releasing soon enough. Lots of color effects lol.