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  • iBotModz CBox


    Peaches I love you for being here to bring us together.

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    3 replies to this topic

    #1 Korupt Data

    Korupt Data

      SoOoO KoRuPtAbLe

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    Posted 31 March 2019 - 10:33 AM

    This site and the old one got me through a lot of family issues, I just want you to know you made my life a blast m8. I thought we should post new pics to see how everyone was so here's me on Halloween. https://imgur.com/EjqW3MT

    Edited by Korupt Data, 31 March 2019 - 10:57 AM.

    #2 D.HeRo♥


      MeLo Is TeH ReSpEcToR

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    Posted 18 April 2019 - 11:08 AM

    Damn we're all old now Haha I have a son and am married now, like what the hell? This site was an awesome place to grow up with and I learned a lot from everyone.

    #3 Dan


      That guy from England.

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    Posted 18 June 2019 - 09:38 AM

    This is crazy, just coming back on here after years away. This forum was my childhood through to me being a young adult.


    Now, well, I'm old, I'm in the real world. What memories this place has - I hope we can come back to view this for years to come.


    I also hope all of my old friends are safe and well, I'm sure it's been a bumpy ride for us all!

    #4 .MeLo♥


      here for the vibes

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    Posted 04 September 2020 - 06:49 PM

    DUUUUUUUDDDEEESSS!!! Some of my most amazing and closest friends that I never met. We are in fact getting old hahaha

    Joined the married crew, kids..... crazy to think about when we were all here I was like twelve haha!

    anyway dudes I still have Xbox and PS4, add me if you want!


    xbox: I MeLo v2 l
    psn: pandoramic


    Hope you’re all well!!❤️❤️