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    Halo 2 Modded Map-Pack Repository 2019 [Active]

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    #1 CabooseSayzWTF


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    Posted 23 January 2019 - 01:46 AM

    ALL LINKS REMOVED SORRY! If you wish to still download, you must download HERE
    This post will no longer be updated due to a personal agreement with se7ensins, However click the link above and it will re-direct you to the 7s post with the mappacks, sorry if this causes any inconvenience to anybody.
    The post on 7s is the most up to date and will stay up to date.
    Halo 2: Modded Map-Pack Repository
    Down below will be download links to every UPDATED mappack. In other words, I myself have updated a good bit of these so if you have them already, it's strongly recommended you download these also.
    I did not update [Killtrocity 1 & 2, Phantom 1 & 2, Fragtastic, Final Mappack by MJL, Mimesis Reborn, Allied]
    - All original map/ map-pack / tool creators and anybody that has helped contribute to halo 2 modding, and the preservation of halo 2's modding past, present and future!
    & anybody else who has helped along the way!
    I CabooseSayzWTF Salute Every Single One of You! Ooh Rah!!
    1. Dirty Disc Errors: Clear Cache, and make sure your font files are not in 100+ folders, like each font in its own folder, this causes dirty disk and invis text errors.
    2. Damaged Content/ Damaged DLC: Most mappacks have 50 maps included, with that said dlc map slots were taken up, so you get damaged content error messages. The fix for this is simple, either delete your DLC installation via clearing out the halo 2 and halo 2 content folders in Udata/Tdata as well as clearing cache or you can just ignore the message, also make sure you have no corrupted gamesaves, profiles, or gametypes which also cause damaged content error messages.
    3. If a modded mappack folder name has (- . , ! @ # $ %) any special symbols please rename the folder as in remove the special symbols as it will cause alot of issues.
    4. In any modded mappack, if they come with more than 1 .xbe (1.0 or 1.5 XBE's) be sure to choose which xbe you want to use and rename it to [default.xbe] to avoid game boot up issues that could occur. 
    Useful XBE's + Hudless/Weaponless Gamemode v3:
    Halo 2 DLC Installer: 
    Halo 2 Update 1.1 & 1.5 Update Installer: 
    What Are These XBE's
    - (1.0 XBE) Horizontal Splitscreen Mod
    - (1.0 XBE) Normal XBE, (No Mods)
    - (1.0 XBE) AI Enabled, 4 Player Local Coop
    - (1.5 XBE) Normal XBE, (No Mods)
    - (1.5 XBE) AI Enabled, Horizontal Splitscreen Mod
    - (1.5 XBE) Ai Enabled Only
    - (1.5 XBE) AI Enabled, 4 Player Local Coop
    - Hudless + Weaponless Gamemode (Good for pics/videos)
    Halo 2: Complete Edition
    This Halo 2 consist of the full original halo 2 experience, however modified so you don't have to have your normal halo 2 anymore or the dlc installer for that matter! This compilation is to make the normal halo 2 and the dlc installer both obsolete! All dlc included in this pack, all maps, everything you love about the original halo 2 is right here! As a bonus to make it a normal and complete experience, I have included the dlc gamemodes as well. I also included EVERY QUICK OPTIONS MOD TO DATE. SO in Mp the quick options list is extensively modified and much bigger in a pregame lobby to make your gametype edits. I even added some custom timers such as instant respawn, CTF timers, Territories timers, assault timers. Just keep note of this though, even though the full experience has the dlc, you can not play dlc maps with players that are using the dlc installer. So whoever you want to play with give this pack to them! Let's make the DLC Installer and Normal Halo 2 OBSOLETE TOGETHER!, This right here is all you 
    Killtrocity 1 & 2
    Phantom 1 & 2
    AI Revision (Updated)
    AI Revision has been updated with Xbox 360 Compatibility Files.
    Yes AI works and no freezing occurs on mainmenu.
    You can download the xbox 360 compatibility files if you already have AI Revision.
    --view on 7s
    Halo 2: Remapped V2(Updated)
    I didn't update much, I removed 1 map from disc 2 that would never work: Frozen.
    I set every map with proper team/inf slayer values.
    Mimesis: Reborn
    -- View on 7s
    Killjoys V2 (Halo 3 Themed Mappack -  Updated)
    I added 4 more halo 3 themed maps to the mappack.
    Allied Map-Pack
    --View on 7s
    United Map-Pack v1.6?
    This pack has been re-built for the most part, keep in mind the mainmenu is basic, no map images, most maps do not have descriptions. I may be missing a few maps, but this is the best I can do atm.
    DoorM4ns Legacy v1.1
    The maps were made by DoorM4n the maps were supplied to me from Redherring32 and Anubis, I thought DoorM4n deserved his own special mappack just because his maps were so freaking awesome!
    MiniGame Map-Pack v1.1
    These are racing maps, dodgeball, demo derby, soccer, ski, boxing etc. Pretty much smashed together small mappacks.
    XLink-Kai Definitive Halo 2 v1.6
    Map Pack Description:
    This Halo 2 consist of the best user made maps from every Halo 2 modded map pack and other stand-alone modded maps. As voted by members of every Xlink-Kai discord, they include maps best fit for Xlink-Kai gameplay, from competitive to a few fun maps. 12 of which are updated to include Halo 3 weapons. Also, are several better "Lockout" maps on this Halo 2. So hopefully if it spreads enough, we no longer have to play on the same Lockout 100 times a week.

    1.6 Info
    This pack has accomplished its goal as being 100% System Link Compatible. While there are a few bugs left that couldn't be tackled, the team has worked countless hours, days, and months to bring you something everybody can enjoy. We hope you enjoy the map-pack as mush as we did creating it.
    - This is the very first 100% System Link Compatible modded mappack in halo 2 history, besides cheating mappacks and Halo 2: Combat Evolved. Combat Evolved at its core is 98% vanilla maps with halo 1 styled modifications added. While Definitive pack is a mappack that was created with Kai 100% in mind and maps voted by members of discord purely, without all of our beta testers and staff team this would of never happened, and I CabooseSayzWTF thanks every single one of you that played a role in helping this mappack ever shed the light of day.
    Discord Server For This Map-Pack: HERE
    Halo 2: Online Coop Campaign Mod - Broken(Updated)
    I made a new mainmenu, proper map listing's, added god mode to every map to avoid a few issues. Added helpful map descriptions telling you what team to play on and or what gametype to play the map on. Added weapons near player spawns on maps that refused to force the player to spawn with a weapon, and more. This is my Broken But Playable Edition, enjoy.
    Halo 2: Prophet/Bomber Edition
    This mappack is probably one of the worst I have ever seen tbh. So much cringe!
    Anyways since it is a mappack, and does have some "Okay" modded maps, it will be added to the archive.
    Halo 2: Combat Evolved (Most Recent Newest Version)
    It's strongly recommended that you download this version. This is the most up to date version. Has actual Halo 1 assault rifles, pistols, ui edits, better balancing, and much much more. Also grab the gametypes.(Gametypes go in 4d530064 or 06f300fa in UDATA) depending on the xbe you use.
    Final Mappack Revived By MJL
    --View on 7s
    Cheating Mappacks!
    DONTCARES v2 Special Edition Cheating Mappack(Updated)
    Updated with a new mainmenu that supports his cheating modified dlc maps without the need to install the dlc.
    [Do not use this pack on Xlink Kai in a server that does not support modding - You Have Been Warned]
    Hockey Fan's Cheating Mappack(Old Maps)
    [Do not use this pack on Xlink Kai in a server that does not support modding - You Have Been Warned]
    PPF Noobs Cheating Mappack
    [Do not use this pack on Xlink Kai in a server that does not support modding - You Have Been Warned]
     - Halo 2: Allied Mappack
    - Halo 2: UMP (Ultimate Mappack? Was prob United Mappack)
    - Halo 2: United Mappack v1.2 or higher
    -DoorM4ns Legacy Mappack
    -  Halo 2: Prophet Edition
    - Killjoys Expanison pack
    - Halo 2: Ai Revision V2 (was being worked on but never released publicly from my knowledge)
    - Halo 2: Legendary Mappack
    - I love Frys Mappack v1.9 or higher
    - Just call me Steve's mappack 
    Here's a list of rare and old as hell mappacks, if you have any one of these let me know! I have no idea if they are any good at all as I never got the chance to play any of them. We don't have high hopes for anybody having these still, but if you do, please send it our way! (I keep saying us as the halo 2 modding community)
    -Hockey fans mappack
    - Cam da man's racetrack mappack
    - PbnJams Mappack
    -Dark Shadows Mappack
    - The PPF Noobs Old Map Pack
    -Halo 2: Invisible Mappack
    - xKNiiVES Mappack
    - ac mappack
    -Brovos mappack
    - Dye's legit mods mappack
    - Se7en masta legit mods mappack
    - Sol plans mappack
    -Neons mappack
    - M4's V1 & V2 mappack
    - Brandons mappack v1-v3
    - Jerseys 1080 mods mappack
    - The sorrow goods mappack
    - Karbons mappack
    - Kontras mappack
    - T34M K4RN4G3 mappack
    - Mcl's mappack
    - EMP Mappack

    Edited by CabooseSayzWTF, 03 February 2020 - 02:24 AM.

    #2 Shadow07


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    Posted 01 May 2019 - 11:00 AM

    Dude this rocks. I've been trying to get the ai revision pack to work on my 360 for over a year now. I'm going to download all of these and give them a try. 


    EDIT: 360 version works like a charm. Does anyone have any covers for these mappacks?

    Edited by Shadow07, 01 May 2019 - 05:40 PM.

    #3 CabooseSayzWTF


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    Posted 01 May 2019 - 06:56 PM

    Dude this rocks. I've been trying to get the ai revision pack to work on my 360 for over a year now. I'm going to download all of these and give them a try. 


    EDIT: 360 version works like a charm. Does anyone have any covers for these mappacks?

    Glad you enjoy! You could possibly find covers on a covers website or even a google search, I play these on my rgh so I never bothered with covers, I also don't use custom dashboards just due to how I set up games and how many xex and xbe files I have, using scan paths mess everything up via Auroa and FSD just due to how I have it set up, also not a big fan of custom dashboards anyways lol, I just use XEX MENU for everything because it's simplistic, i only ever recommend Aurora because it auto-updates games to latest game update, but I manually patch my games so no worries there. Good luck though non the less. Yeah the AI Revision has a error somewhere in the mainmenu.map for it to not be compatible with x360, somebody a long while back did do a .xbe edit to make it work on 360, however I could never figure it out, thus why I just made a new mainmenu for it and a ai enabled xbe.


    EDIT: also the Memises Reborn was my project to revive mimesis after the "Mimeses Revived" unpatched mappack which was just like sppf patches, however not ever map in that pack was apart of mimesis, so I included all original mimesis maps + cut maps that were going to be in the pack, plus a few extras that I liked.

    Edited by CabooseSayzWTF, 01 May 2019 - 06:59 PM.

    #4 Shadow07


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    Posted 02 May 2019 - 05:13 AM

    Glad you enjoy! You could possibly find covers on a covers website or even a google search, I play these on my rgh so I never bothered with covers, I also don't use custom dashboards just due to how I set up games and how many xex and xbe files I have, using scan paths mess everything up via Auroa and FSD just due to how I have it set up, also not a big fan of custom dashboards anyways lol, I just use XEX MENU for everything because it's simplistic, i only ever recommend Aurora because it auto-updates games to latest game update, but I manually patch my games so no worries there. Good luck though non the less. Yeah the AI Revision has a error somewhere in the mainmenu.map for it to not be compatible with x360, somebody a long while back did do a .xbe edit to make it work on 360, however I could never figure it out, thus why I just made a new mainmenu for it and a ai enabled xbe.
    EDIT: also the Memises Reborn was my project to revive mimesis after the "Mimeses Revived" unpatched mappack which was just like sppf patches, however not ever map in that pack was apart of mimesis, so I included all original mimesis maps + cut maps that were going to be in the pack, plus a few extras that I liked.

    Man I love aurora. It just feels good to scroll through all those covers. It was a pain to set up though. I probably spend more time “curating” my game library in my 360 than actually playing games these days lol. Yeah I tried every .xbe or “ai in mp” patch I could find but always locked up on the main menu.

    I downloaded the mimesis reborn pack last night. I’ll load it up today. I left the community around the time mimesis was getting going so it’ll be fun to visit all those maps I missed out on.

    #5 CabooseSayzWTF


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    Posted 03 May 2019 - 01:03 AM

    Man I love aurora. It just feels good to scroll through all those covers. It was a pain to set up though. I probably spend more time “curating” my game library in my 360 than actually playing games these days lol. Yeah I tried every .xbe or “ai in mp” patch I could find but always locked up on the main menu.

    I downloaded the mimesis reborn pack last night. I’ll load it up today. I left the community around the time mimesis was getting going so it’ll be fun to visit all those maps I missed out on.

    Just keep in mind back in those days I wasn't around, I was so behind, I bought halo 2 the day halo 3 released lmao (I didn't even know halo 3 was being released that day) I was a poor lad and finally saved enough to get halo 2 as well as the original MP mappack that day lmao. With me not really modding halo 2 very much at all, I learned pretty much everything by myself to make my own map as well as learn how to compile a mappack and make fixs etc for the broken packs. It took me maybe 1-2month learning process with just guess work, most mimieses maps are actually in killtrocity and phantom by default, anyways my own crash derby based map i threw into mimesis, i also included a specific gamemode to go with it so the map works properly as it can. I'm still noobish with halo 2 modding as is, I havent worked on halo 2 in maybe 3-4 months ish, so I basically forgot most of what I learned but it was fun to say the least! I say learned most by myself mostly because alot of tuts have broken images, broken english text so on and so forth. 


    I want to like aurora but due to how my games are setup I get hundreds of thousands of xbe's and xex files loaded into aurora and it makes it very difficult for me to even categorize it correctly lol, So I just stick to xex menu since I'm more used to it, to me it's faster also considering I have game series based games in one folder etc, idk how to explain it and it make perfect sense haha I just can't use Aurora or FSD because of that, now if I need to ftp or like do a quick game update test sure i'll use it but thats about it.

    Edited by CabooseSayzWTF, 03 May 2019 - 01:06 AM.

    #6 Shadow07


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    Posted 05 May 2019 - 07:17 PM

    Just keep in mind back in those days I wasn't around, I was so behind, I bought halo 2 the day halo 3 released lmao (I didn't even know halo 3 was being released that day) I was a poor lad and finally saved enough to get halo 2 as well as the original MP mappack that day lmao. With me not really modding halo 2 very much at all, I learned pretty much everything by myself to make my own map as well as learn how to compile a mappack and make fixs etc for the broken packs. It took me maybe 1-2month learning process with just guess work, most mimieses maps are actually in killtrocity and phantom by default, anyways my own crash derby based map i threw into mimesis, i also included a specific gamemode to go with it so the map works properly as it can. I'm still noobish with halo 2 modding as is, I havent worked on halo 2 in maybe 3-4 months ish, so I basically forgot most of what I learned but it was fun to say the least! I say learned most by myself mostly because alot of tuts have broken images, broken english text so on and so forth. 


    I want to like aurora but due to how my games are setup I get hundreds of thousands of xbe's and xex files loaded into aurora and it makes it very difficult for me to even categorize it correctly lol, So I just stick to xex menu since I'm more used to it, to me it's faster also considering I have game series based games in one folder etc, idk how to explain it and it make perfect sense haha I just can't use Aurora or FSD because of that, now if I need to ftp or like do a quick game update test sure i'll use it but thats about it.

    Well I'm glad there's someone like you out there that still cares about this stuff. I've been trying to find the allied mappack for over a year now at this point lol

    #7 CabooseSayzWTF


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    Posted 13 May 2019 - 05:45 PM

    Added allied mappack 1-2months back, just now added United mappack v1.6 (rebuilt) includes most United maps, I think i'm missing just 1 map, the mapapck will be updated with map images and a okay mainmenu once the last map is found.

    I also updated AI revision xbox 360 compatibility files, this fixes a few bugs with the mainmenu, the main one being the broken start screen! I however could not fix the red scrollbar minor image corruption. 

    #8 Shadow07


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    Posted 17 May 2019 - 03:54 AM

    When people play these mappacks on xlink kai do they do it with the autoupdate activated or deactivated? Just wondering if I need to patch all my mappack .xbes or not. 

    #9 CabooseSayzWTF


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    Posted 22 May 2019 - 05:22 PM

    When people play these mappacks on xlink kai do they do it with the autoupdate activated or deactivated? Just wondering if I need to patch all my mappack .xbes or not. 

    I couldn't tell you tbh, I don't play xlink kai nor do I use updates. If anything I only ever use the 1.5 xbe's just for ai and such but thats about it, i never install the actual update or use them for halo 2 as I have legit no reason to, and some mappacks can get screwey on updates 1.1 and 1.5 from what I have heard so I stay away from 1.1 and 1.5.



    - Also HockeyFans (Old Maps) cheating mappack has been added to the post as well as a personal pack I made based on DoorM4n's maps.



    EDIT: 5/23/2019


    Thanks to dominaters recent link to some racing maps which consisted of some of cam da mans maps and shadows maps, I built a special pack called MiniGames mappack, it has a total of
    - 25 Racing Maps
    - 3 Demo Derby Based Maps
    - 2 Paintball Maps
    - 3 Dodgeball Maps
    - 1 Boxing Map
    - 1 Soccer Map
    - 1 Ski Map
    -- I'm still going to work on the pack, however at this very moment i'm really needing some duck hunt based maps and yellow brick road if anybody has the patches for those.

    Edited by CabooseSayzWTF, 23 May 2019 - 02:59 PM.

    #10 CabooseSayzWTF


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    Posted 02 June 2019 - 05:12 PM

    Updated: 6/2/2019


    - Added PPF Noobs Mappack

    - Updated Minigames Mappack to v1.1

    - Updated DoorM4ns Legacy to V1.1

    - Added + Updated XLink-Kai Definitive Halo 2 to v1.1

    - Added Useful XBE's + Hudless/Weaponless Gamemode


    UPDATE 6/3/2019


    Xbe's have been updated, redownload if you downloaded them on 6/2/2019



    UPDATED 6/10/2019



    Updated XLink-Kai Definitive Halo 2 to v1.4

    Updated xbe's to v3



    UPDATED 6/17/2019


    Added Halo 2: Complete Edition

    Added Halo 2: Prophet/Bomber Edition

    Edited by CabooseSayzWTF, 17 June 2019 - 11:52 AM.

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