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    Halo 2 Invisible MapPack by Mayor

    halo 2 mods map packs

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    #1 xz0rb



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    Posted 15 November 2012 - 12:58 PM

    Can someone help me find the Halo 2 Invisible MapPack by Mayor? I am unable to find a working link for the past few months. Thank you!

    #2 fattwam


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    Posted 15 November 2012 - 04:12 PM

    Sorry i don't seem to have it, if you find one let us know so we can archive it :thumbup:

    #3 xz0rb



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    Posted 17 March 2014 - 09:36 PM

    I would like to bump and re-open my thread. I am willing to pay for this map pack. Does anyone want to make an extra buck? Let me know!

    #4 Owl



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    Posted 15 July 2014 - 12:55 PM

    Hello xz0rb,

    I managed to fix my old hardive and found this! https://www.sendspace.com/file/3dj5et :D

    Edited by Owl, 15 July 2014 - 02:41 PM.

    #5 Owl



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    Posted 05 June 2016 - 07:37 AM

    Hmm two years later, my links dead and no reply from Xz0rb. Anyone still want it? I still have a backup.

    #6 Curtis


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    Posted 26 January 2017 - 07:24 PM

    yes plz

    #7 fattwam


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    Posted 27 January 2017 - 02:13 PM

    sure why not, ill DL it and put it on my backup array.

    #8 iBotPeaches


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    Posted 27 January 2017 - 08:23 PM

    I don't have whatever this pack is. The only "cheating" mappack I found on my old drive is this one.


    Attached File  D0NTTCARES MAPAPCK(s) SPECIAL EDITION.zip   24.58MB   399 downloads


    "Well its me D0NTTCARE, and im back with more mods, I noticed i needed to update some things so that is what i did.

    These are of coarse spawn mods, i will not post discriptions of every map due to the post legnth. Anyways this time
    i really went ALL OUT, i have edited some changes with my mainmenu, added more stuff to my mainmenu, and i also
    added its own game varients, which you can see in the pictures, i have added these varients so they will work in MM, when
    you are host, and everyone in the game can see them, ex Team Slayer is now, ~T-S~, CTF, is now ~FUCK CTF~, etc.etc.
    There is also quick options added, about maybe 10-20 more of them. Now moving on to the maps, i have left all my new maps
    with the same skins, except for relic, which i completly redid due to the fact im a dumbass and locked my map, relic is no
    longer dark, it has a new skin aswell, i have added Wall Walker to all 21 maps(old and new), i have also removed death barriers for all maps,
    as well as made the banshee/vehicle barriers much much higher, so you can fly far up.Every map has its own unique skin, which most i made.
    and you will see the people who helped in the Skin Credits further down this post. I have also added in these updates MANY more projs to diffrent weapons
    and switched some stuff around,i have also made it so every weapon now reloads instantly, its still 10,000 so you can see your ammo off host, but
    when you hit x it reloads all 10,000 at once and not little by little, i have done many other updated such as add projs to more hogs on diffrent maps and
    what not, i also changed some spawn points on a few maps aswell.
    But theres just so much more, if you havnt seen any of my other mods, you might want to check them out aswell, although these are my most recently
    updated ones.For those of you who havnt seen any of my other mods and dont know what these consist of, i will fill you in, everymap is spawn mods,
    amazing for both on and off host, i have other older versions on
    many websites that you can check out, everything fully auto, everything AA everything sick, all maps that include a banshee off host, now
    have it so the banshee shoots out banshee bombs off host, which is amazing for btb spawn raping off host, on your host elites can fly, on ascension, relic, gemini
    and a few other of the larger maps, every other map elites can superjump on, please when your useing my mods be a spartan, the elite is
    disigned for people who arnt modding, non modders can fly the hog from the side seat, yada,yada,yada.
    everything here you can use in MM."

    Anyways here are my New Maps/Old Maps/MainMenu

    I hope you like these,




    This is from 2006. The grammar is interesting.

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