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    Super Jump on Zanzibar

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    #1 SmokiestGrunl


      Australian Retired Staff

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    Posted 06 March 2008 - 02:36 AM

    This ones a little harder to explain. On zanzibar go in that little room where all of the windows are and when you enter from the front, go straight where there are two ramps, one going left and one going right. go up the left one where there are two windows. break the second window completely so that there are only little shards of glass on the edges. Heres where it gets hard. crouch and go where the window used to be and face the edge of it.|->|. if that is the broken window face that side. there will be a piece of glass sticking out of the frame of the window that is about eye level. you need to still be crouching and walk into that piece but be on the left side of the piece of glass. slowly look to the right sort of and then when you feel like you stuck and the cheif is like twitching you can let go of crouch but you will still be crouching. then keep wallking forward in that stuck position so that hes still kind of twitching. then tap A and keep holding forward until right before you hit the ground. the cheif will hit the ground and hop extremely high through the roof of the room. then move in the air so you dont fall back in the hole you came out of and land on the roof.