CEXPatcher, was developed by Me (Xerax) to aid kiddies in patching their CEX xex's to enable feautres or remove checks. It is 100% open source under GPLv2, so feel free to download the source nad poke around in it.
- - Xerax: Backend Code/GUI/Research
- - iBotPeaches: (Debug Mode)Research
- - DeadCanadian: (Debug Mode)Research
- - MasterChafe: Testing
- - Renegade: Testing
- - Xbox Chaos Community
- - 343i
- - Bungie: For being kickass, and leading the way in FPS's over the last 10 years.
Q: I get an exception when i drag me xex on the form, it says it's "not uncompressed". whatdo?
A: Well, that means it either isn't a valid Halo CEA xex, or it hasn't been decompressed. (To decompress it, check the readme with the application).
Q: I get exceptions saying I don't have the correct file permissions?
A: Make sure you are running the application as Administrator.
Xeraxic - Download
Edited by Xerax, 20 November 2011 - 06:15 PM.