We started at this on IPB 1.3
Then moved to this on phpBB3 and IPB 2.3
Now its IPB 3, and I would like a new set made since we have new usergroups. If you enter please make them for
Banned (White Text, with strike through) Either way or black, depending on buttons.
Bots (Grey Text) b8b9b8
Guests (Grey Text) 192b40
Owner (Red Text) ff0000
Sub Admin (Pink Text) ff00cc
Global Mods (Blue Text) 3300ff
GFX Team (Orange Text) ffa500
Validating (Light Grey Text) 808080
Retired (Purple Text) 910191
Members (Green Text) 00cc33
Members+ (Green Text) 00cc33
VIP (Dark Green Text) 008000
- .PNG required
- .PSD wanted, but not needed
- Size is loose, 90-125 width, or 20-35 in Height
- Please have submissions done by June 30, 2009. You can win 10 dollars