IDK how to make it work :/ I was told its easy but I can't make sence of it at all, maybe someone here can figure it out but I can't
- Download Wakaba in the attached folder
- Set up a MySQL database. If you don't know how to do this, ask your webhost; every host has a different way of going about this. You need the address for the database, the username, and the password.
- Extract to your computer somewhere. The desktop works just fine. Now, using the plain-text editor of your choice (notepad, wordpad, etc, but NOT something like Microsoft Word), open up "".
- The only lines you are required to change are: use constant ADMIN_PASS needs to contain your new password. use constant NUKE_PASS needs to contain the password for destroying the board. use constant SECRET is used for generating secure tripcodes; just bang on the keyboard for a while. use constant SQL_DBI_SOURCE this takes the form 'DBI:mysql:database=<name of your mysql database>;host=<address of your mysql database>'. Sometimes the address is 'localhost', sometimes not. Consult your host for details. use constant SQL_USERNAME is your SQL login name. use constant SQL_PASSWORD is your SQL login password. An example setup looks like this: use constant ADMIN_PASS => 'secret'; use constant NUKE_PASS => 'supersecret'; use constant SECRET => 'jhkasdfkjniuhsagln pivhgpqwhbe4 lh v0SER98YT4'; use constant SQL_DBI_SOURCE => 'DBI:mysql:database=imageboard;host=imageboard.example.tdl'; use constant SQL_USERNAME => 'joebob'; use constant SQL_PASSWORD => 'joebobspassword'; Make sure you remove the # from in front of these lines after you change them.
- Those were the lines you were required to change in order to get your board working. There are some other things we want to do while we have this file open, however. Since the comments in the config files are pretty self-explainitory, I'll just run through the sections:
- System config - This area controls all of the behind-the-scenes settings of the board. Set and forget.
- Page look - These lines control board name, top image, default css, default names/links/comments, and thread display behavior.
- Limitations - These lines are for controlling how long posts/thread stay around for and attributes of uploaded files
- Captcha - Captcha settings. Normally you won't have to mess with these (unless you want to turn it off).
- Load Balancing - Beyond the scope of this tutorial, but wakaba is experimenting with allowing image files to be spread out over multiple domains.
- Proxy - Also experimental, these are setting for wakaba's Open-proxy checker. Off by default.
- Tweaks - Miscellaneous settings. Mostly for power users.
- Internal paths and files - As it says, might as well leave this alone. The spam link database links are kept here, though.
- Icons for filetypes - Here, you can add other files to allow to be uploaded outside of the default jpg/png/gif.
- Now then, with all these changes made, upload the entire 'wakaba' directory to your webhost.
- Check your webhost's documentation to see what permissions you need to set these files to. These rules should be labeled "cgi file permissions" or something to that effect. For most people, "775" shuld work just fine. Set "" and "", as well as the wakaba directory and subdirectories to this value.
- Now visit "" in your browser window. If you've done everything correctly, your board should appear!
Attached Files
Edited by Dan, 28 May 2009 - 01:44 PM.
Fixed poll