This application will allow you to edit your clan tag in COD: WAW. It can be used to put things in that the game will usually not allow. The only reason why I am releasing this is because it is common knowledge anymore on how to do and won't work on most peoples profiles anyway because no public rehashers can correctly rehash large profiles.
1) Make sure your clantag is 4 letters long.
2) Open up your profile (smaller then 2MB if you have doubt back it up)
3) Put in your desired clan tag.
4) Save.
This has not been tested too much, worked on a small profile so I don't really know the limits. Be sure to back up your profile if it is around 1 - 2 MB just incase. Rehash and Resign like always.
Download: ClanEDITs.rar 6.84KB 188 downloads
Uploaded by yungbol of, I am not responsible for how you use, or what you do with this program.
REMEMBER, I CANNOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH, BACK UP YOUR PROFILE! Some profiles act weird, so always be on the safeside.