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    bubbie10's Content

    There have been 11 items by bubbie10 (Search limited from 28-July 23)

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    #116811 Free Early Halo Reach Beta code

    Posted by bubbie10 on 29 April 2010 - 05:02 PM in General Discussion

    it wont work for me...can anyone send me a code? my GT is bubbie123 thanks :)

    #112260 cool gow 2 weapons

    Posted by bubbie10 on 21 January 2010 - 05:33 PM in Gears of War

    Is this an image remake or a model remake?

    image remake

    #112254 cool gow 2 weapons

    Posted by bubbie10 on 21 January 2010 - 04:18 PM in Gears of War

    J-tag and reaserch...

    oh well do you have any ideas on what wepons i can remake and what they should look like?

    #112251 cool gow 2 weapons

    Posted by bubbie10 on 21 January 2010 - 04:00 PM in Gears of War

    are you going to inject them into the game?? If so then they are cool :thumbup:

    thanks...i wish i could but sadly i cant :( do you have any ideas?

    #112249 cool gow 2 weapons

    Posted by bubbie10 on 21 January 2010 - 03:53 PM in Gears of War

    Im making gow 2 wepons, here are a few.
    Posted Image
    Posted Image
    Posted Image
    Posted Image
    if you want me to make more tell me what wepon and what you want it to look like

    #112236 Nuke in A Care Package

    Posted by bubbie10 on 21 January 2010 - 06:06 AM in Modern Warfare 2

    the title of this topic was misleading i thought it ment you found a nuke in a care package :(

    #112187 How do i get exploror 360 to open?

    Posted by bubbie10 on 20 January 2010 - 02:29 PM in Xbox 360

    thanks :)

    #112172 How do i get exploror 360 to open?

    Posted by bubbie10 on 19 January 2010 - 08:32 PM in Xbox 360

    why does he have 11 rep from that?

    i think you mean 10,i have no clue about this web site im kinda new so i have no clue how to get it or lose it...i tryed to ask yester day but noone would answer...can i have a link so i can download xploror 360 again?

    #112100 How do i get exploror 360 to open?

    Posted by bubbie10 on 18 January 2010 - 06:00 PM in Xbox 360

    iv tried that but it doesnt seem to work :( can you give me a link so i can download it again? i think i might have gotten a bad download.

    #112097 How do i get exploror 360 to open?

    Posted by bubbie10 on 18 January 2010 - 04:42 PM in Xbox 360

    i downloaded exploror 360 from a post but it doest seem to open at all, it just says error and then it closes. can someone help me?


    Posted by bubbie10 on 25 September 2009 - 08:54 AM in ODST Modding

    i modded deja vu and endure will ALL my vidmasters get reset?