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    egworld's Content

    There have been 37 items by egworld (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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    #109114 [RETAIL] Halo 3: ODST Campaign Mod #3 Play as Engineer

    Posted by egworld on 04 November 2009 - 09:17 PM in ODST Modding

    can you play these online?

    #106337 Getting Recon

    Posted by egworld on 19 September 2009 - 02:16 PM in Halo Reach

    xmarcox its because they have turned off the stats on the odst servers, even tho you can still play the game it wont show up on bungie.net tell the 21st/22nd when they turn it back on.

    #103401 360 Prog: Xbox 360 Account Editor

    Posted by egworld on 16 August 2009 - 08:48 PM in Programs

    So what can you do with the XUID?

    #100968 Rotating Site Title

    Posted by egworld on 29 July 2009 - 02:15 AM in Website / Server Management

    Does any one know how to do the rotating site title like on bungie.net how it says something different every time you refresh the page? I been searching on how to do this but i cant find any one that knows how and im sorta a nub to html and php so ya.

    Can someone post the code for it, i looked at the source for bungie but nothing...

    #99852 How to Hex Hayabusa & EoD Armour to any profile

    Posted by egworld on 20 July 2009 - 08:59 PM in Tutorials

    Yeah it'll be good to see what values are changed on a recon profile in that area, also for Recon theres another area in the gamerprofile where the Bungie Machine ID is stored (its on everyones profile) but the code around it may trigger it online... you'd need to find your machine id using a film editor and a clip, then search in hex using hex values the machine ID code...

    If you could post from about 5 lines above and below that too would or may help me...

    Ya if you have msn or aim ill just send you the profile, its a stolen account with RECON on it so its all cool.

    #99846 How to Hex Hayabusa & EoD Armour to any profile

    Posted by egworld on 20 July 2009 - 08:30 PM in Tutorials

    Hey I just got an account with recon on it, ill try to upload the codes or send the profile to you if you want.

    #97720 moddedwarfare.com invite?

    Posted by egworld on 02 July 2009 - 07:28 PM in Xbox

    Hey Guys im looking for anyone that is nice enough to send me an invite to moddedwarfare.com. Also I got stuff i am willing to give for an invite. Message me if your willing to give me one.

    #94036 How To Mod Avatar Skin Color

    Posted by egworld on 10 June 2009 - 01:25 PM in Xbox 360


    I made my guy red and played 1 vs 100, people was all like wtf?

    HAHAHA I made mine all neon green and blue and played 1 vs 100 and i got banned for two weeks and it was a new profile so I would think that's why i got banned, but its still funny! :)

    #93128 Help?

    Posted by egworld on 05 June 2009 - 10:20 AM in Help Desk

    if your xbox 360 is from the year 2005/2006 you can do the penny trick or the xclamp fix its pretty much the same error as the rrod error well fixing it is the same at least but if its older idk just search on youtube xclamp fix / penny trick

    Edit i just remembered i fixed a 2007 with the penny trick a month back

    Ya. i have done the penny trick before and i think i got this one in 2006-2005 if im correct and i have done the xclamp fix but im going to retry doing this, and if thats not it i heard it might be soder points on the watsucsall it so i will look at that also.


    #93102 Help?

    Posted by egworld on 05 June 2009 - 12:32 AM in Help Desk

    Hey guys, a long as time ago my xbox 360 got the E 74 Error code, was are some ways of fixing this? and can you post a link or tutorial on how to? thanks.

    #84532 cod4 .bind and .set commands

    Posted by egworld on 27 April 2009 - 09:43 PM in Call of Duty

    only start and back buttons work.

    Ya, i just tryed most of them.

    #84526 cod4 .bind and .set commands

    Posted by egworld on 27 April 2009 - 09:11 PM in Call of Duty

    Ok, kool man. I will be trying some of these.

    #84520 cod4 .bind and .set commands

    Posted by egworld on 27 April 2009 - 08:54 PM in Call of Duty

    I have researched this for a while now, I know tons of commands

    these are the only 2 I know-

    BUTTON_BACK = Back Button

    BUTTON_START = Start Button

    Ive tried for the y button-


    Hey if your smart just scroll threw your profile and i found some more button codes sorta...
    .set gpad_button_lstick_deflect_max "1".set gpad_button_rstick_deflect_max "1"

    #84518 cod4 .bind and .set commands

    Posted by egworld on 27 April 2009 - 08:36 PM in Call of Duty

    Hey here are some more codes...
    [codebox].Set player_sustain_ammo "1"
    .set g_speed "2400" (super speed)
    .bind BUTTON_BACK "GodMode" (You don't die)
    .bind BUTTON_BACK "no-clip" (walk through anything)[/codebox]

    I just stole them from myxboxspot.com "NicksMods" If you uses his **** give him credit, he's been kinda pissed that no ones giving him credit for releasing this.

    #84514 cod4 .bind and .set commands

    Posted by egworld on 27 April 2009 - 08:25 PM in Call of Duty

    so anyone know the others?

    Im still searching/working, i know gametuts knows some i dont, but good luck getting it out of them for free. They want $10 or msps.

    #84506 cod4 .bind and .set commands

    Posted by egworld on 27 April 2009 - 08:10 PM in Call of Duty

    I r haz aimb0t

    lol my ass.

    #79984 Any one up for a Game?

    Posted by egworld on 07 April 2009 - 08:57 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Hey Im looking for some people to play with during the day that are levels 40-50. I will play pritty much any thing you wan't as long as were close ranks in it or social. If you would like to play hit me up on XBL.

    GT: R2D i CaRpOoL u

    Bungie stats: http://www.bungie.ne.......i CaRpOoL u

    #78674 Conficker Worm Hits April 1â??st, how to protect your self from it!

    Posted by egworld on 01 April 2009 - 05:20 PM in General Discussion

    Its no April Fools joke guys, the conficker worm (also known as Conficker C, Conficker D,Downadup, and Kido) is real! Experts say that the worm has infected millions of computers already. Now this worm has been around for a while but today, on April 1â??st it will start taking steps to protect itself, making it much harder to get rid of. The worm works by taking advantage of a problem with the Windows operating system (also known as MS08-067) to quietly install itself. And yes you read it correctly, the worm is only on WINDOWS operating system. If you have a mac, linux or any other operating system then you dont have much to worry about.


    #76298 phpbb3 chatbox installation help

    Posted by egworld on 21 March 2009 - 04:27 PM in Website / Server Management

    Ya peaches knows what he is doing. He helped me get mine working back like a year ago when i had a phpbb site.

    #75106 Xbox 360 Achievement Injector

    Posted by egworld on 16 March 2009 - 10:02 PM in Applications

    Ok well this a aplication made from a guy over at xbl-hackers. It is a very small community at least i think so. This application is in beta stage and I heard it works perfect and that it is so far undetectable on xbox live. When it gets released in 4-6 months it will have an account login (I don't know what kind yet). Also it was made in c# so if it does i don't think it will be hard to crack. And i don't think there going to sell it so ya. Well Thats it.

    Cannot Be Displayed

    Ok here is there web site.


    Posted by egworld on 14 March 2009 - 10:28 PM in Off-Topic

    hahahaha stupid @#@%@

    #66566 PS3 Dev Kit ?

    Posted by egworld on 11 February 2009 - 08:24 PM in Modding

    yep thats it! lol i cant believe they cant make it smaller but thats sony for u

    #57890 VB 2008 Help

    Posted by egworld on 22 December 2008 - 08:59 PM in Coding / Development

    What do you mean you need to be more clear i assume you want to make it work with your own site?

    for that you will need to change the linking to the SQL database of your site its pretty easy to see in the code.

    Ok well after asking the maker of it 9 times he told me

    just run mysql querys and echo the result in the php

    . So um what your saying is to change the SQL database? Well were will it be ... (what would it look like then i can find it). I am a newb at coding, but i would like to have this on my programs just because... i will think or a reason later.

    I posted the code for the program in my first post

    #57747 VB 2008 Help

    Posted by egworld on 21 December 2008 - 10:28 PM in Coding / Development

    Hay i want to make a secure login for my programs like The "Team Binary Login Form". I know how to do the codeing and every thing but I want to know how to do the part on my server side, also i will upload the source file!

    here is the download

    Here is the code for people that don't download!
    Also i am a noob! HEHEHE!

    Imports System.Net
    Imports System.IOb
    Imports System.Text
    Public Class LoginForm1
    	Dim LoginStatus
    	Dim Group
    	Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
    	End Sub
    	Public Sub Login()
    			If UsernameTextBox.Text = "" Then
    				MsgBox("Please enter a Username!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Username:")
    				Exit Sub
    			End If
    			If PasswordTextBox.Text = "" Then
    				MsgBox("Please enter a Password!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, "Password:")
    				Exit Sub
    			End If
    			If LoginStatus = "0" Then
    				MsgBox("Invalid Username/Password" + Environment.NewLine + "Possible Server Timeout, Try Again Later", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Login Failed!")
    				UsernameTextBox.Text = ""
    				PasswordTextBox.Text = ""
    				Exit Sub
    			ElseIf LoginStatus = "1" Then
    				If Group = 8 Then
    					' Banned User Group Number
    					MsgBox("If you was banned from the site what makes you think you can use programs made for the site", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Banned User")
    					' Everyone Else Can Use The Program
    				End If
    				MsgBox("There was an error while connecting. Please try again in a few minutes.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Server Error")
    			End If
    		Catch ex As Exception
    		End Try
    	End Sub
    	Public Sub CheckLogin()
    			'call our function to loginto the site and then return all its s*** as a stream
    			Dim rssStream As System.IO.StreamReader = LoginSite(UsernameTextBox.Text, PasswordTextBox.Text)
    			Dim rssDoc As System.Xml.XmlDocument = New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
    			'load the stream as a XML file
    			'tell it what Main node to look under
    			Dim rssItems As System.Xml.XmlNodeList = rssDoc.SelectNodes("User")
    			Dim currentRssItem As System.Xml.XmlNode
    			'tells it to loop through and find all our data we want
    			For Each currentRssItem In rssItems
    				Dim rssDetail As System.Xml.XmlNode
    				'get if we are logged in or not a 0 is a Not logged in and a 1 is a logged in
    				rssDetail = currentRssItem.SelectSingleNode("LoggedIn")
    				If Not IsNothing(rssDetail) Then
    					LoginStatus = rssDetail.InnerText
    					LoginStatus = "0"
    				End If
    				'Get the group ID
    				rssDetail = currentRssItem.SelectSingleNode("Group")
    				If Not IsNothing(rssDetail) Then
    					Group = rssDetail.InnerText
    					Group = ""
    				End If
    				'Now that we have all our stuff lets put it into Labels so we can use it later
    		Catch Err As Exception
    			LoginStatus = "0"
    		End Try
    	End Sub
    	Public Function LoginSite(ByVal username As String, ByVal pass As String) As Object
    			Dim requestUriString As String = "http://www.teambinary.org/apps/authenticate/login.php"
    			Dim request As HttpWebRequest = DirectCast(WebRequest.Create(requestUriString), HttpWebRequest)
    			request.Method = "POST"
    			request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    			Dim computerName As String = SystemInformation.ComputerName
    			Dim textArray3 As String() = New String() {"username=" & username & "&" & "password=" & pass}
    			Dim text2 As String = String.Concat(textArray3)
    			Dim encoding1 As New System.Text.ASCIIEncoding
    			Dim buffer1 As Byte() = encoding1.GetBytes(text2)
    			Dim stream1 As IO.Stream = request.GetRequestStream
    			stream1.Write(buffer1, 0, buffer1.Length)
    			Dim response1 As Net.HttpWebResponse = CType(request.GetResponse, Net.HttpWebResponse)
    			Dim reader1 As New IO.StreamReader(response1.GetResponseStream)
    			Return reader1
    		Catch exception1 As WebException
    		End Try
    	End Function
    	Private Sub Cancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Cancel.Click
    	End Sub
    	Private Sub LoginForm1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    	End Sub
    End Class

    #57744 Need Help Choosing A Host

    Posted by egworld on 21 December 2008 - 09:51 PM in Website / Server Management

    Ok I'm tossing it up between 6 hosts.

    Santrex - Professional plan
    Hostivia - Business plan
    Hostmonster - over seller, strick rules
    - over seller, strick rules
    ix Web Hosting - Business plan
    Host Gator - Business plan - over seller, didn't really look at the rules.

    If you could post your personal experience with any of these hosts (if any).
    Skim over the feature, if you want, I would appreciate it though.
    Tell me what you think.

    I use to use hostivia! but i stopped and went to www.nxserve.net