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    flamez3's Content

    There have been 16 items by flamez3 (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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    #103706 Request. Modded gametype

    Posted by flamez3 on 19 August 2009 - 10:19 PM in H3 Modding

    Hahaah Lol. I enjoyed the fight there, Ill try to make the gametype mod for you. Get back to me

    GamerTag : flamez3

    #100632 Halo 3 Tag Program With All Map Packs!

    Posted by flamez3 on 27 July 2009 - 03:25 AM in Programs

    What about the tags under "Bloc", "Equip" and all that?

    #89902 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 20 May 2009 - 05:48 AM in Mods

    Looks really good, but what's modded in Pic 2, "Factory Base"?

    Well there are Breakable windows in the Base but it was to show you what Vehicles you have

    #89625 Dry Valhalla Mod

    Posted by flamez3 on 19 May 2009 - 05:48 AM in H3 Modding

    Nice looks good.

    #89341 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 17 May 2009 - 03:10 PM in Mods

    post ur msn and aim.

    Aim : flamez3@hotmail.com
    MSN : flamez3@hotmail.com
    Gamertag = flamez3

    #89286 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 17 May 2009 - 05:01 AM in Mods

    so ur hexing this?

    u got aim?

    Kk got it. Whats your Aim Rouge?

    #89285 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 17 May 2009 - 04:44 AM in Mods

    so ur hexing this?

    u got aim?

    Well, I got MSN, Trillian and XFire. But if you want. Ill get AIM

    #89283 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 17 May 2009 - 04:32 AM in Mods

    i opened this map in forge 2.6 editor. there was nothing in the mach, sure u did it right? or this is the right usermap.

    Iv'e been trying to figure this out for hours. What do you mean by right usermap. I overwrited the orignal (Unmodded) map of this usermap. And ive been trying to find out how to move the 'Street Cone" Thats for the windows. Cant Find that out either. This is really stuffed up. Im new to Forge and Sandbox. But this is stupid. Would you know what to do Rouge?

    #89279 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 17 May 2009 - 12:42 AM in Mods

    Hmm, im not sure... would you happen to have the original map? (the non modded one) if so just move the item you swapped the bridge for, up higher.
    Ive never actually used forge or sandbox to move items positions... sorry :[

    Also you can pm anytime man :] i like helping

    Arghhh. Why cant someone make a editor like Johnson and be able to the Cords. O well. Anyway. Do you mean th .map File? If you used Forge or Sandbox. Could you find the objects that you placed on teh map that were modded? Cause i cant find a dam thing

    Also you can pm anytime man :] i like helping

    Lol, Thanks man

    #89276 Forge 2.6

    Posted by flamez3 on 17 May 2009 - 12:16 AM in Programs

    Supports the mythic map pack and you can load you own KV

    Vista Download
    XP Download

    Clean http://www.virustota...f2a9b5a6ffe58c8

    thanks to Unknown v2 for updating it

    Thanks xpargas. Needed that:D

    #89273 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 17 May 2009 - 12:01 AM in Mods

    Alright flames looks pretty good, download the latest version of sandbox, older versions require you to open the sandbox.map (which is contained in the usermap con file)
    alternatively you could use the program forge 2.6.

    Thanks Korupt. But still, In Sandbox and Forge 2.6, I cant find the objects i put down, nor swapped around. Do you know how i would find them?

    #89269 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 16 May 2009 - 11:05 PM in Mods

    This actually looks pretty good

    For the bridge, raise the object you are swaping up a little

    Thanks xpargas, How do i do that? For the bridge problem, Do i do that in Sandbox?. I cant load the usermap. Gives me errors left and right.

    #89263 Playable CTF Mod - Vergence

    Posted by flamez3 on 16 May 2009 - 10:15 PM in Mods

    Vergence" is a fair played, evenly placed modded map. It contains Destroyable Bridges, Trees and Breakable Windows.


    Destructible Bridges
    Breakable Windows
    Fair share of Weapons


    Beach Base
    Posted Image

    Factory Base
    Posted Image

    Beach Windows
    Posted Image

    Factory Windows
    Posted Image

    The Two Bridges
    Posted Image

    Special Thanks

    Special thanks goes out to Rouge Modder, For helping me understand what and how to fix the Bridge Problem. Thanks Rouge:D


    Attached File  Vergence.rar   32.12KB   327 downloads

    Remember to Re-Sign it with your own ID!

    If anyone doesnt have a XSATA or Transfer Cable, I'd Be happy to go in Custom Games with you:D

    #89249 Playable Mod - TreeHalla

    Posted by flamez3 on 16 May 2009 - 07:38 PM in Mods

    Thanks for all of the replies, I cant upload on a B.net Profile, I got hacked and i link my gamertag to a different account by accident. :D

    If you think i should. Ill upload a video. And again, thanks for all the replies:D

    #89221 Playable Mod - TreeHalla

    Posted by flamez3 on 16 May 2009 - 05:22 PM in Mods

    This is probably my first decent Playable Mod. It has some cool features such as Trees for Cover, and fair weapon placement.


    Trees (Diff Sizes)
    Snipers ( 1 at each side)
    Rocket launcher
    Fair Weapon Placement
    Invisable Walls


    You can sometimes go through the Invisable Walls


    Posted Image

    Pelican Base
    Posted Image

    Other Base
    Posted Image

    Posted Image


    Attached File  TreeHalla.rar   19.32KB   364 downloads

    Remember to Re-Sign it with your own ID.

    If anyone doesnt have a XASTA or a Transfer Cable, I'd be willing to play a custom game with you or something:D

    #89148 Halo 3 Dev Mods!

    Posted by flamez3 on 16 May 2009 - 09:08 AM in H3 Modding

    Rouge, How would you make it avaiable on a Retail Xbox? I dont know if you could But if you do. I trust ya