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    fgtzachattack's Content

    There have been 5 items by fgtzachattack (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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    #64223 Sandtrap mod please

    Posted by fgtzachattack on 01 February 2009 - 09:20 AM in Help Desk

    no, i think u can spawn as many as u want if u didnt put it on, like say a banshee, if u put like some warthogs, mongooses, and w/e else, and u change them to a banshee and there was no spawned banshee on the origanal map before it was modded, then u should be able to get more on the map.

    #59794 mod halves

    Posted by fgtzachattack on 06 January 2009 - 06:57 PM in Mods

    um.. actually this is probably the easiest time ever to mod. Just becuase NXE came out doesnt mean its harder. It was harder 6 months ago when you had to hex everything, now everybody has these easy handy dandy apps to do everything. NXE is easy to get around also becuase everyone has released new KV's. I am also not trying to flame, but you should definately make something more.. playable, this is good to test things out, but if your going to release a mod, you might want to make it fun to play. I will say one thing though, you did use good post format, reminds me of Forgehub

    actually i always use a hexeditor, and i find it confusing to use forge and sandbox and hexing is ok with me, i mean it gets the job done, doesnt it?

    #59559 mod halves

    Posted by fgtzachattack on 04 January 2009 - 09:50 PM in Mods

    wow this must have taken you forever to make <_<

    ok, i guess thanks?

    #59537 mod halves

    Posted by fgtzachattack on 04 January 2009 - 07:11 PM in Mods

    Posted Image

    post written up by fgtzachattack of ibotmodz and halovariant.net.

    -Foundry door B's
    -Yellow Lights
    -Spartan clones
    -Elite Clones
    -G.O.S. turrets

    Bugs: (if any)
    -sometimes spawn out of the specified map
    -only host can see lights


    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    Posted Image

    - http://www.bungie.ne...fileid=59565008

    #59457 [SmokiestGrunl]Demo Derbi

    Posted by fgtzachattack on 04 January 2009 - 12:10 PM in Mods

    the reason why the flame gernades didnt mod is because if u already put them on, then there can only be that many, and the map wont load anymore, so next time, dont put the fire nades down, just mod them in so u can have more.