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    HomieIzReal's Content

    There have been 3 items by HomieIzReal (Search limited from 26-September 23)

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    #42592 Tag List for all Maps.

    Posted by HomieIzReal on 29 August 2008 - 06:06 PM in H3 Modding

    Does anyone know the frag grenade tag on standoff?

    #43070 RECON!

    Posted by HomieIzReal on 02 September 2008 - 11:10 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Im tryin to do the recon glitch ill tell u guys how to do it too but first picture and video http://www.bungie.ne...o...p;p7=9&p8=9 theres a link
    Here's a video http://www.youtube.c...h?v=s_fIUL1nVZw (link) please put vid on page staff
    Once u watch video u think first steps r easy till u get to the white screen withh spartin elite ime a spartin what u do

    u see after the p1= are tons of numbers the first set u dont change but once u go to the second set change the first number too 3 go to 3rd set change first number to 3 and go to the foursth set and change first number to 3
    after heres what mine should look like
    now im stuck on that part so many people from the comments of the same glitch said it worked im stuck on a white screen that has recon armor please reply after watching video and reading i know it works someone else made a video land pirate (oficial gamertag) and has recon right now :clapping: http://www.youtube.c...Zwrk&feature=iv heres another video :clapping:

    This is only client sided, and if you use firefox and firebug you can edit live page html ansd javascript which is easier than this dude says, and still does the same. Soon as you turn the page or refresh it after doing the glitch it goes away,just pretend.

    #40348 Problem With JohnsonS

    Posted by HomieIzReal on 15 August 2008 - 10:42 PM in Help Desk

    I have my map files extracted from my HDD to my pc, when i load bunkerworld.map or any map file, Everything loads but the tags. I need some tags such as spawn points and barriers so i can make some basic mods. Can anyone help? Thanks.