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    Tomatoes's Content

    There have been 31 items by Tomatoes (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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    #7576 Count to 7777!! Increased!

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 February 2008 - 01:53 PM in Off-Topic

    Posted Image

    #7537 Count to 7777!! Increased!

    Posted by Tomatoes on 20 February 2008 - 01:03 PM in Off-Topic

    Posted Image
    ignore the 36

    #7529 my ratings of the games i have for my wii

    Posted by Tomatoes on 20 February 2008 - 12:11 AM in Wii

    mario galaxy was a bit of a disapointment. ive gotten like 40 stars so far and not one of them was a challenge. the most recent boss i fought took 2 or 3 tries but thats the closest ive come to a difficult part in the game. i liked sunshine alot better. alot of people hated sunshine, but there was always something to strive for for me, as i loved the levels where your pack got taken away and you just had to do an obstacle course. apart from that, the levels are amazing, theres a bunch of fairly inventive power ups you can find and a bunch of side missions to do. the controls are good, they dont sacrifice playability to ***** off the new features. i give the game 7.5/10, keeping in mind i havent finished it yet.

    #7864 Im sorry.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 27 February 2008 - 09:27 PM in Modding

    its not that anyone was offended, you dont have to appologize, its just that you were being so close-minded about the issue. you're only good argument was that it doesnt have many games, and other then that you just said wii sucks, its a terrible system, etc etc. there are more wii sales then 360 + ps3 sales combined (correct me if im wrong) and that has to be for good reason. the system is inovative, inexpensive, and adaptable, which is quite a jump from the bottom-of-the-era gamecube. my opinion is that they realised they had to do something different or declare bankruptcy, but its still an amazing system nonetheless. you have to appreciate the technological advancement and sudden domination of the market if nothing else. saying the system is a piece of crap is just stupid. also, you tried to play it off like we were blowing the thing out of proportion which pissed me off, which is why i called you out on it. it seems to be human nature to try and make every argument the person you are arguing with seem unreasonable when you are losing an argument, everyone does it. anyways, thanks for the appology, the sentiment is appreciated.

    #8374 Im sorry.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 05 March 2008 - 05:26 PM in Modding

    i dont think anyone found what he said about the wii offensive, and i said that earlier, i just was pissed that someone could s*** talk the system thats making the most money with no evidence to support it, pretend he never hated it in the first place and we just misinterpreted him, then appologizes for offending everyone like its a ridiculous religion he insulted by accident. he said something stupid and he knows it, he just dragged it out and kept trying to end the argument without losing it. i was a bit pissed, not to be confused with offended.

    #7666 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 23 February 2008 - 09:02 PM in Modding

    they're all great systems

    nice contribution

    #7605 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 February 2008 - 09:43 PM in Modding

    Posted Image
    those arent real reasons. the online isnt terrible and its not like super nintendo graphics or anything. graphics dont play a huge part in games anyways. some of my favorite games are on the snes, n64, and ps1. its almost better if they arent amazing, so the designers can focus on making the game better rather then spend time on making the grass swish in the wind.

    #7618 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 22 February 2008 - 04:22 PM in Modding

    I think 360 is better than wii, but I think the playstation 3 is better than the 360. Really all it comes down to is personal opinion.

    I do agree with your graphics don't make a good game theory. Like I play Runescape (there I said it) and people tell me to play WoW instead, I ask them to tell me why I should the only reason they can give me is that its got better graphics.

    i personnaly hate the ps3 and i dont know anyone who bought it except sony fanboys. considering you agree with my opinion on graphics in video games it seems odd youd like the ps3, as its only improvement from ps2 was graphics. they put the most expensive hardware they could lay their unimaginative fingers on into a ps2 and sold it at 800 bucks. its 400 now because nobody is buying them. i can count the good games out for ps3 on one hand and have fingers left over. im not including the games out for all systems and pc in this count, there are plenty more good games then the few i can think of but as they are for all systems thats not really a reason to go buy a ps3.

    #7769 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 26 February 2008 - 03:11 PM in Modding

    I don't hate wii's!!
    I like the tramua center and sports.
    I just like the 360 allot better.
    Why do you nerdz make such a big deal about it. No offence i think were all nerds here.
    And you mentioned something about playing the games for the game and not the graphics...
    Thats why i play the 360. I find that it has more fun games then any other system.

    that sort of contradicts what you said earlier

    Wii= stupid
    Xbox= Awesome

    Wii's are terrible.
    And look how many games the 360 has. Everyone is different!

    I like halo 3. And wiis suck.
    Don't try to change the fact

    the fact? what fact. more ppl have wii's that xbox 360.
    how do wii's suck? just because they don't live up to there online and top of the line graphics?

    Pretty much. And the fact that there is only a few good wii games.
    I like trauma center.
    360 is still better.

    #8651 Super mario galaxy

    Posted by Tomatoes on 08 March 2008 - 06:48 PM in Modding

    the stars are too easy to get, nothing is a challenge. i have like 45 of them and none of them were hard to get at all.

    #7530 Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Posted by Tomatoes on 20 February 2008 - 12:16 AM in Modding

    Wii= stupid
    Xbox= Awesome

    stop being an xbox fanboy to fill your post count, atleast nintendo came up with something new

    #7520 Who do you Think ?

    Posted by Tomatoes on 19 February 2008 - 08:13 PM in General Discussion

    this is gona take a good month to get twenty votes for someone

    #8170 Wii Codes.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 03 March 2008 - 12:05 PM in Modding

    well they are kind of dominating the market right now, i think they made a smart move dont you? it definately was not safety, safety would have been making it like ps3 and 360, they tried something new, it could have been a disaster and cost them millions but it worked and now they have sold a ridiculous amount of wii's. its still hard as hell getting them in stores, they sell out right away. i only got mine because i was lucky enough to go into a blockbuster just after they got a shipment. this is over a year after they came out and this is happening, they are making a crapload of money.

    #7592 full free cs 1.6 download

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 February 2008 - 06:10 PM in Game Modding

    i could, or you could read the only other thread in the cs section, or you could google it, or you could ask pretty much anyone who plays computer games.

    #7124 full free cs 1.6 download

    Posted by Tomatoes on 13 February 2008 - 09:24 PM in Game Modding

    source is for noobs. easier to aim, its like aimed towards beginners. also its just really easy getting free 1.6 so theres alot of servers made for non-steam 1.6 players, im not sure about source might be hard to find one.

    #7509 full free cs 1.6 download

    Posted by Tomatoes on 19 February 2008 - 04:48 PM in Game Modding

    yeah but the point is ibotmodz is doing everything now, just because you think halo is the best doesnt mean you have to comunisticaly enforce your views on everyone. i wouldnt be on this site if this section wasnt here probably, i dont have a 360 because im a poor ******* and i love my cs. nobody is making you click the cs section, just stick to the halo section if you dont like it.

    #7100 full free cs 1.6 download

    Posted by Tomatoes on 13 February 2008 - 07:44 PM in Game Modding

    heres a link to download cs 1.6: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NOTKB3B0
    keep in mind, this is non-steam (meaning illegal) so theres a bunch of servers you cant join. the ibotmodz server is set to accept steam and non-steam. the ip address is

    #20768 Is wow goood

    Posted by Tomatoes on 09 June 2008 - 11:44 AM in Game Modding

    sorry for the people that play wow but wow is the biggest nerd game ever................................................i mean even south park made fun of it because wow is so nerdy lol and it cost loads of money just to buy the game win runescape costs 5 dollars a month..runescape all the way..

    Retail WoW is ten dollars for first month, twenty every following month. Private servers are free. Even if private servers didn't exist i'd be fully willing to pay 15$ more for a much better game.

    Its 15$ not matter what, unless you live out of the US I believe, WoW is a great game, I played it for a long time, got a 70 pally, some people may say its for no lifers, but I actually have a life, and played the game at the same time. I suggest you download the 10 day trial here: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/burningc ... OFWARCRAFT

    This is totally free and not much information is asked for, try it out and see if you like it. If you do, go ahead and purchase a months subscription and go from there, good luck.

    Its 20$ a month here in Canada because our money was worth less then the US dollar and the bastards wont change the price. A better place to get an idea of the game would be a high rate private server I think. You might prefer the private server in the end, I certainly do, and it's free.

    #20125 Is wow goood

    Posted by Tomatoes on 07 June 2008 - 01:45 AM in Game Modding

    sorry for the people that play wow but wow is the biggest nerd game ever................................................i mean even south park made fun of it because wow is so nerdy lol and it cost loads of money just to buy the game win runescape costs 5 dollars a month..runescape all the way..

    Retail WoW is ten dollars for first month, twenty every following month. Private servers are free. Even if private servers didn't exist i'd be fully willing to pay 15$ more for a much better game.

    #20128 CS.....:S?

    Posted by Tomatoes on 07 June 2008 - 01:56 AM in Game Modding

    Spraying takes actual skill in 1.6. You can't be walking forward holding down the fire button in the general direction of the guys head and hs him without incredible luck. Most likely the guy will take a second to aim and make a crater in your face if you run at him spraying. In 1.6 you have to aim the cursor way under the guy to spray him accurately, and it's different for every gun and varries ridiculously by distance. It's an acquired skill in 1.6, something to work on and get good at, not an effective strategy for the "what button is reload" guy.

    #23656 How to Play The WoW: Wrath of the Lich King Alpha

    Posted by Tomatoes on 16 June 2008 - 04:55 PM in Game Modding

    Why would you want to play WotLK? It's going to ruin WoW just like BC ruined it. Sure, it's "optional" but your ass is going to get kicked up and down the street by everyone who HAS bought it. Everything people worked so hard for in BC will be next to useless. It's another dam cash grab.

    #16296 My review of GTA 4

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 May 2008 - 12:58 PM in Games

    The storyline has the same flaws as vice city. With the end game kill count at about 700 Niko Bellic should be the most wanted man in the U.S. You are constantly outnumbered in every mission and you come out alive and nobody seems suprised about it. Atleast GTA 4 added the fact that he used to be a soldier but an army soldier isn't the most highly trained specialist in the world and even if they were a 700 kill count is ridiculous. There are missions where you and a single accomplice battle through thirty mobsters and your accomplice seems hardly suprised you both came out alive. You are striving the entire game to fulfill the american dream, and in the end you're still just an errand boy for the mob. There's nothing to do with your money at the end of the game, no houses to buy or anything. The most expensive thing you can buy is a rocket launcher which you get for free in one mission and the ammunition for it, at 5 grand per rocket. I finished the game with 700k and im wondering why the game bothered giving me money at all. You never get any better abode then a moderately luxurious penthouse for free, and you never get a house. Also, every mission you are sent to overlook a deal that "might" go bad, it always does. Usually you are under attack from a small army with a "good job, here's five grand" when you single handedly wipe them all out. And although it's a small thing, i found it anoying how many of the mobsters you fight say stuff like "look around buddy, you're surrounded" when you clearly aren't, having killed everyone to get there and with a clear escape route behind you. Apart from all that, I'm liking the driving now. It's not easy and unrealistic like vice city and san andreas, it's actually fun, and although I don't really care the graphics are pretty good. Multiplayer is pretty fun too, there's some really fun game types and a ranking system similar to halo, and there's also a free roam mode so you can just get into huge cop chases with your friends firing out the windows. The guns are fine-tuned now, the rocket actually spirals like a real rocket and the explosions look ausome. The radio is again hilarious but theres hardly any good music. Really, the most fun I got out of this game was the screwing around with friends in free roam and deathmatches. If you're buying it for the campaign, don't bother getting the game. Don't even bother beating the campaign if you already have the game. It's long and tedious, (reminds me of the halo 3 campaign) just beat it if you want the achievements or you're really bored one day. It would be worth beating the campaign if only they put something to buy with your money, all the side missions are pointless with nothing to do with the money you earn. The campaign was a step backwards, i'm hoping they release some mansions you can buy with a downloadable update. I give the game 7.5/10.

    #16458 My review of GTA 4

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 May 2008 - 11:28 PM in Games

    Oh ouch...

    Good thing your not harsh. Seeing as that game sites that haven't given a game a 10/10 in years, gave the game 10/10.

    Have you even played the game? The campaign was a waste of time, I didnt feel fulfilled at all. There was no end game, save for some side missions for yet more useless money. After all your killing Niko's just like "I'm done now" and the game ends. The missions were completely unimaginative and unreasonable. The best hitman in the world would consider himself lucky to have survived any of the missions in the later part of the game, and you're still just an errand boy. Your only goals in the game are the american dream and confronting the guy who killed all your friends, and even when that happens it's retarted and disapointing. Nothing you set out to do gets done and then the game ends. I gave it 7.5 because driving is fun, multiplayer is fun, and shooting is more refined. That doesn't earn it 10/10. A game that earns 10/10 doesn't make you want 30 hours of your life back. They took out some of the things that made the series great for completely no reason. It feels like they had to really rush a deadline, cut the story off short, skipped the endgame stuff completely and released the game.

    Kind of like anything in life...

    Way to fill your post count.

    #16598 My review of GTA 4

    Posted by Tomatoes on 22 May 2008 - 05:16 PM in Games

    Ill take my warning.

    I love the game. I think the story is amazing. Alot better than the others. I think your missing the point... It is a game... NOT A *&@#@@ SIM.

    They made stupid mistakes with the story. They tell you what happened, they don't show you. It disconnects you from the character. You are Niko while you play the game, you should feel like you are him as much as possible.

    The best hitman would never survive... I know that. Think that him dying after a few missions would be fun?? Oh yes... IM a hitman... Game over. THink about it...

    I'm saying maybe one man pitted against a drug dealer and fourty armed guards is slightly ridiculous. It could be possible to pick him off with a sniper and haul ass out of there, or maybe just less guards. Maybe you could have your own small army of guys. It's incredibly boring creeping around every corner as slow as possible making sure one guy doesn't jump out from behind something and you have to do the whole mission over again. Another rookie mistake, there shouldn't be ways to die you couldn't have known were there untill you die from it. That's just boring.

    "Nthing you set out to do gets done and then the game ends." Oh? Kind of like how he didn't expect america to be what it was...

    Right, nothing was how you expected it. So you go on a murderous rampage of a quest to fix that, and then the game ends, your revenge got you nothing, your down a girlfriend, you don't have a mansion or alot of money (in the story anyways), so you're back where you started. Good thing Niko killed those 700 people or he might still be living in an apartment and his cousin still would be poor.

    "That doesn't earn it 10/10. A game that earns 10/10 doesn't make you want 30 hours of your life back. They took out some of the things that made the series great for completely no reason. It feels like they had to really rush a deadline, cut the story off short, skipped the endgame stuff completely and released the game." What do you expect? Real life? This is a game remember that.

    Oh, it's not real life. Thanks for the pro tip. The fact is that vice city and san andreas were both way more fun then this game. This game is a step backwards in the series, it should have MORE to do, not less. There is space left on the disk and making a few buyable houses wouldn't be hard or take up much disk room. They already have strip joints, fast food restaurants, gun stores and more they could have made buyable, make the cooks and clerks and stuff refer to you as boss one way or another, an occasional revenue to pick up and a back room with stuff in it or something. Imagine how much more fun the game would be with that stuff. I haven't even played the game since I beat it. The same couldn't be said for san andreas, vice city, and probably GTA 3 aswell (I haven't played GTA 3). Even if space was so constricted they couldn't fit a mansion on it, I would be fine with toned down graphics for an upgrade in gameplay. I can't see anyone disagreeing with that.

    #20124 How to play World of Warcraft.. For free.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 07 June 2008 - 01:35 AM in Game Modding

    http://www.toxic-wow.net/guide/ That's a guide for the servers I play on, for those of you having trouble with JUSTREC's you can try this. Just change the realmlist if you want a different server, although these ones are pretty good.