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    There have been 31 items by Tomatoes (Search limited from 26-June 23)

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    #7769 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 26 February 2008 - 03:11 PM in Modding

    I don't hate wii's!!
    I like the tramua center and sports.
    I just like the 360 allot better.
    Why do you nerdz make such a big deal about it. No offence i think were all nerds here.
    And you mentioned something about playing the games for the game and not the graphics...
    Thats why i play the 360. I find that it has more fun games then any other system.

    that sort of contradicts what you said earlier

    Wii= stupid
    Xbox= Awesome

    Wii's are terrible.
    And look how many games the 360 has. Everyone is different!

    I like halo 3. And wiis suck.
    Don't try to change the fact

    the fact? what fact. more ppl have wii's that xbox 360.
    how do wii's suck? just because they don't live up to there online and top of the line graphics?

    Pretty much. And the fact that there is only a few good wii games.
    I like trauma center.
    360 is still better.

    #8374 Im sorry.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 05 March 2008 - 05:26 PM in Modding

    i dont think anyone found what he said about the wii offensive, and i said that earlier, i just was pissed that someone could s*** talk the system thats making the most money with no evidence to support it, pretend he never hated it in the first place and we just misinterpreted him, then appologizes for offending everyone like its a ridiculous religion he insulted by accident. he said something stupid and he knows it, he just dragged it out and kept trying to end the argument without losing it. i was a bit pissed, not to be confused with offended.

    #7864 Im sorry.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 27 February 2008 - 09:27 PM in Modding

    its not that anyone was offended, you dont have to appologize, its just that you were being so close-minded about the issue. you're only good argument was that it doesnt have many games, and other then that you just said wii sucks, its a terrible system, etc etc. there are more wii sales then 360 + ps3 sales combined (correct me if im wrong) and that has to be for good reason. the system is inovative, inexpensive, and adaptable, which is quite a jump from the bottom-of-the-era gamecube. my opinion is that they realised they had to do something different or declare bankruptcy, but its still an amazing system nonetheless. you have to appreciate the technological advancement and sudden domination of the market if nothing else. saying the system is a piece of crap is just stupid. also, you tried to play it off like we were blowing the thing out of proportion which pissed me off, which is why i called you out on it. it seems to be human nature to try and make every argument the person you are arguing with seem unreasonable when you are losing an argument, everyone does it. anyways, thanks for the appology, the sentiment is appreciated.

    #7529 my ratings of the games i have for my wii

    Posted by Tomatoes on 20 February 2008 - 12:11 AM in Wii

    mario galaxy was a bit of a disapointment. ive gotten like 40 stars so far and not one of them was a challenge. the most recent boss i fought took 2 or 3 tries but thats the closest ive come to a difficult part in the game. i liked sunshine alot better. alot of people hated sunshine, but there was always something to strive for for me, as i loved the levels where your pack got taken away and you just had to do an obstacle course. apart from that, the levels are amazing, theres a bunch of fairly inventive power ups you can find and a bunch of side missions to do. the controls are good, they dont sacrifice playability to ***** off the new features. i give the game 7.5/10, keeping in mind i havent finished it yet.

    #7576 Count to 7777!! Increased!

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 February 2008 - 01:53 PM in Off-Topic

    Posted Image

    #7537 Count to 7777!! Increased!

    Posted by Tomatoes on 20 February 2008 - 01:03 PM in Off-Topic

    Posted Image
    ignore the 36