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    There have been 31 items by Tomatoes (Search limited from 29-June 23)

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    #23662 Why Do People Say Lol?

    Posted by Tomatoes on 16 June 2008 - 05:03 PM in Off-Topic

    Of course you hardly ever mean it when you say lol, but if everyone said Gigglez instead it comes back to the same thing: nobody means it when they say it. It's become an acknowledgement sort of agreement word when people say something moderately amusing, like if your raid is full of mexicans and you say "WHY CAN'T ALL THESE GOD DAM MEXICANS SPEAK ENGLISH" and your friend says "lol". He's not actually laughing, but there would be an awkward silence without it. People usually have to do something like LOL!! when they actually laugh to differentiate between the two.

    #7769 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 26 February 2008 - 03:11 PM in Modding

    I don't hate wii's!!
    I like the tramua center and sports.
    I just like the 360 allot better.
    Why do you nerdz make such a big deal about it. No offence i think were all nerds here.
    And you mentioned something about playing the games for the game and not the graphics...
    Thats why i play the 360. I find that it has more fun games then any other system.

    that sort of contradicts what you said earlier

    Wii= stupid
    Xbox= Awesome

    Wii's are terrible.
    And look how many games the 360 has. Everyone is different!

    I like halo 3. And wiis suck.
    Don't try to change the fact

    the fact? what fact. more ppl have wii's that xbox 360.
    how do wii's suck? just because they don't live up to there online and top of the line graphics?

    Pretty much. And the fact that there is only a few good wii games.
    I like trauma center.
    360 is still better.

    #7666 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 23 February 2008 - 09:02 PM in Modding

    they're all great systems

    nice contribution

    #7605 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 February 2008 - 09:43 PM in Modding

    Posted Image
    those arent real reasons. the online isnt terrible and its not like super nintendo graphics or anything. graphics dont play a huge part in games anyways. some of my favorite games are on the snes, n64, and ps1. its almost better if they arent amazing, so the designers can focus on making the game better rather then spend time on making the grass swish in the wind.

    #7618 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 22 February 2008 - 04:22 PM in Modding

    I think 360 is better than wii, but I think the playstation 3 is better than the 360. Really all it comes down to is personal opinion.

    I do agree with your graphics don't make a good game theory. Like I play Runescape (there I said it) and people tell me to play WoW instead, I ask them to tell me why I should the only reason they can give me is that its got better graphics.

    i personnaly hate the ps3 and i dont know anyone who bought it except sony fanboys. considering you agree with my opinion on graphics in video games it seems odd youd like the ps3, as its only improvement from ps2 was graphics. they put the most expensive hardware they could lay their unimaginative fingers on into a ps2 and sold it at 800 bucks. its 400 now because nobody is buying them. i can count the good games out for ps3 on one hand and have fingers left over. im not including the games out for all systems and pc in this count, there are plenty more good games then the few i can think of but as they are for all systems thats not really a reason to go buy a ps3.

    #8170 Wii Codes.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 03 March 2008 - 12:05 PM in Modding

    well they are kind of dominating the market right now, i think they made a smart move dont you? it definately was not safety, safety would have been making it like ps3 and 360, they tried something new, it could have been a disaster and cost them millions but it worked and now they have sold a ridiculous amount of wii's. its still hard as hell getting them in stores, they sell out right away. i only got mine because i was lucky enough to go into a blockbuster just after they got a shipment. this is over a year after they came out and this is happening, they are making a crapload of money.