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    Tomatoes's Content

    There have been 31 items by Tomatoes (Search limited from 29-June 23)

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    #7605 Wii and 360 rant with deathgrip continued

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 February 2008 - 09:43 PM in Modding

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    those arent real reasons. the online isnt terrible and its not like super nintendo graphics or anything. graphics dont play a huge part in games anyways. some of my favorite games are on the snes, n64, and ps1. its almost better if they arent amazing, so the designers can focus on making the game better rather then spend time on making the grass swish in the wind.

    #8374 Im sorry.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 05 March 2008 - 05:26 PM in Modding

    i dont think anyone found what he said about the wii offensive, and i said that earlier, i just was pissed that someone could s*** talk the system thats making the most money with no evidence to support it, pretend he never hated it in the first place and we just misinterpreted him, then appologizes for offending everyone like its a ridiculous religion he insulted by accident. he said something stupid and he knows it, he just dragged it out and kept trying to end the argument without losing it. i was a bit pissed, not to be confused with offended.

    #7864 Im sorry.

    Posted by Tomatoes on 27 February 2008 - 09:27 PM in Modding

    its not that anyone was offended, you dont have to appologize, its just that you were being so close-minded about the issue. you're only good argument was that it doesnt have many games, and other then that you just said wii sucks, its a terrible system, etc etc. there are more wii sales then 360 + ps3 sales combined (correct me if im wrong) and that has to be for good reason. the system is inovative, inexpensive, and adaptable, which is quite a jump from the bottom-of-the-era gamecube. my opinion is that they realised they had to do something different or declare bankruptcy, but its still an amazing system nonetheless. you have to appreciate the technological advancement and sudden domination of the market if nothing else. saying the system is a piece of crap is just stupid. also, you tried to play it off like we were blowing the thing out of proportion which pissed me off, which is why i called you out on it. it seems to be human nature to try and make every argument the person you are arguing with seem unreasonable when you are losing an argument, everyone does it. anyways, thanks for the appology, the sentiment is appreciated.

    #7520 Who do you Think ?

    Posted by Tomatoes on 19 February 2008 - 08:13 PM in General Discussion

    this is gona take a good month to get twenty votes for someone

    #7576 Count to 7777!! Increased!

    Posted by Tomatoes on 21 February 2008 - 01:53 PM in Off-Topic

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    #7537 Count to 7777!! Increased!

    Posted by Tomatoes on 20 February 2008 - 01:03 PM in Off-Topic

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    ignore the 36