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    diet's Content

    There have been 17 items by diet (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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    #97786 .:offical Show Off Ur Desktop Thread:.

    Posted by diet on 03 July 2009 - 04:35 PM in Off-Topic

    Look at everyone's messy ugly desktops :p

    Posted Image

    #101297 Modded GamerTag

    Posted by diet on 31 July 2009 - 02:19 PM in Xbox

    Well then feel free to give me your money in exchange for a console ban.

    You didn't get anything I just posted, so w.e

    #101091 Modded GamerTag

    Posted by diet on 30 July 2009 - 12:29 AM in Xbox

    hmm.... its been a year since someone said this would get leaked. Since someone said another person or themselves would figure it out. Also slipstream, that statement could be applied to anything we've ever done. -.-.

    Also, PT is an idiot. He paid one of the earlier people to do it for a certain amount of money per change.

    ...was like $15, he did it like twice...$30. My god what a loss of money and suffer of intelligence. Everyone paid for ActionReplay back in the days of Xbox 1, it costed around the same amount and in the end what the majority of people did got them banned too. Guess every modder who ever got banned on Halo 2 is an idiot too?

    Ur so coo brah, ur rite, pt must be teh best moddur evar.

    No one said that...but to call someone stupid because they paid for a mod one time almost a year ago is fkn stupid.

    Anyways, yeah modded gamertag....hi.

    #120066 DDoS lul

    Posted by diet on 25 June 2010 - 12:19 AM in News

    I only hit this forum for 30 minutes and u guys were offline for 24 hours.
    what a vonerable site and I like how you tryed to ban me but guess what?
    ReDBaRz BaK.
    Little kids wanna keep talkin shit? I can easily take this site down once again.
    I like how this site got temporarily suspended.

    Educate yourself kid. Btw, you forgot 1 thing: diet > you

    I have still yet to be DDOSd

    Same here...


    I can arrange it ... j/k

    OH TEH NOZ !!!!!! Hes gonna attack us with his 1337 bio-zombie :lol:


    Btw @ everyone hi, haven't been here in a couple months.

    #99166 "noclip" in Nazi Zombies after patch.

    Posted by diet on 14 July 2009 - 10:09 PM in Tutorials

    You either added extra bytes or removed bytes. You need to keep the amount the same.

    This is why I hate when shit goes public. When shit is private everyone knows what their doing, if you do not know what your doing or fuc/k something up, someone either leaked it to you or it was released to the public.

    I srsly can't see whats so hard about Ctrl+F and Ctrl+B. But okay. :-\

    #99522 "noclip" in Nazi Zombies after patch.

    Posted by diet on 18 July 2009 - 01:48 PM in Tutorials

    ok I created an new profile. played codwaw solo for about 2 min then saved and quit. I searched for buttonsConf Said it couldnt be found. Then i used neo hex editor or w/e and it said no pattern could be found. Please help?

    and your a gmod at blueshadowz thats funny

    #99167 moddedwarfare.com invite?

    Posted by diet on 14 July 2009 - 10:15 PM in Xbox

    Someone invite diet, he wants to, at the least, "check the site out". :)

    #97891 moddedwarfare.com invite?

    Posted by diet on 04 July 2009 - 04:49 PM in Xbox

    Someone invite diet, he wants to, at the least, "check the site out". :)

    #100970 Don't mess with activion!

    Posted by diet on 29 July 2009 - 03:47 AM in Xbox

    Ohh **** you activision, what you don't want anyone to have fun? **** off and leave him alone

    Your getting mad at a company for trying to stop modding/cheating, pathetic. When I see companies patch mods fast I see them as a much better company then most that let their game be filled with cheaters forever. Mind you I do cheat, but regardless my point still stands.

    Well from a legal standing, they are sort of being lenient.
    It could have been worse, they could have just sued them like Tecmo did to modders, at least Cheater got a chance to not have to pay up that money.

    True, though at the same time from a legal standing the letter is actually rather humoring in the way the handled it and their cease and desist. Really you could get around with it, though no one would bother over something stupid as modding game. Let's just say for those who know more than what wikipedia has to offer on copyright laws, this whole matter really is funny. Like I said though, this is over something as silly as modding a game so know need to fight back.

    I personally don't like the CoD tool; I prefer using a hex editor :)

    Eh? I'm all for doing stuff manually and not using a little stupid 10 min app (not saying CoD Tool), but when it came to modding CoD...**** a hex editor when I can click a few times copy and paste my dev values and save and be done.

    #97296 Modded Campaign Save Retail!

    Posted by diet on 30 June 2009 - 08:47 AM in H3 Modding

    I dont know how long this upload link will be up because i dont know of any good upload engines..
    Game Save Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?xdzx0d0dj90



    #96786 Achievement Hacking

    Posted by diet on 27 June 2009 - 01:03 AM in General Discussion

    I do too, he ruined the game for alot of us, and completely got a good site shut down (whether or not it was his in the first place).

    I mod the 360 and it's games, but I would never mod a game that isn't released, that's just 100% retarded.

    Well, not publicly share/leak the information about it. Modding is supose to be fun, your bringing more fun to games and leaking achievements may be fun for some and cool for others, but it mainly hurt Bungie's new game (in a way) and to other modders that believe what I just said, it makes him out to be

    100% retarded

    #96789 Achievement Hacking

    Posted by diet on 27 June 2009 - 01:13 AM in General Discussion

    Well avoid searching YouTube for Halo 3 ODST Achievements and you should be safe ;)

    #97181 H3:odst Game Id And Halo:Reach Game ID

    Posted by diet on 29 June 2009 - 02:58 PM in Xbox

    law suit anyone?

    did u guys here whatr happened to game tuts........
    everyonethats a mod or owner got consle banned and account banned

    AND THEY had to close thier site because bungie was making a law suit because they unlocked all halo odst achivement

    They were also back up the next day. More or less, I think they wanted a bit more attention. Even if Bungie or Microsoft wanted to make a case against them they couldn't, Matty doesn't work for Microsoft or Bungie and has no connection to them other than playing their games/console. Leaking information in the past has only bought and a letter from the company to remove said leaked material from the site. As you've seen on countless of youtube videos that have been being removed by YouTube.

    Yeah, seriously we're starting the whole mattyovers situation like TheEasyB said.

    A mod should remove it before IBM gets taken down.

    Please, all the people here that can do this either by themselves or with the app have already done it and will most likely keep that to themselves. IBM wouldn't go down because he posted that lol. Btw, you can get those from Xbox.com so I guess Bungie should sue Microsoft too. :yahoo:

    lololol phail

    What mattys did did not cause the site to get shut down because he did nothing out of the ordinary that other sites do, whatever legal trouble they are in, i can can almost guarantee its not because of matty, all he did was mod and give tuts on how to mod, if that were the case that it was illegal, then every modding site would be shut down

    he didn't do anything either, he just added the game wif supermodders tool and then boasted about having all this knowledge which is not true of course xD

    and finally, no, no one got console banned at all unless they specifically got the achievements early and got caught, otherwise, microsoft has no way of gettings a hold of a members xbox, and plus, it would be Microsoft doing something, not bungle, but that being said, its not that big of a deal, his threat was useless and his stupidity amazed me, microsoft is taking no serious action to this at all.

    I do find leaking achievements out of the ordinary, even with everything a lot of modders have accomplished and shown off, though achievements are stupid and all the leaked ones really do is give you a bit more information into Halo 3: ODST. If anything I bet their only receiving letters to take down certain content, nothing beyond that. Yeah it hurt Bungie a bit, but nothing as bad as other game companies have got in the past. Well you can get a console banned just from a gamertag, he does boast his console did get banned, but honestly does anyone care if someone Xbox got banned? :-\

    I do agree his threat was stupid, even if he was in a real legal situation; once he made that threat he was done lol.

    #97034 H3:odst Game Id And Halo:Reach Game ID

    Posted by diet on 28 June 2009 - 07:25 PM in Xbox

    H3:odst Game Id: 4D530877
    I Found out this by downloading the theme.
    no gamerpics yet.

    Halo:Reach: 4d53085b
    I Found this by downloading a video lol.
    no Gamerpics yet.

    OMG son ur so cool. +5 STARZ /sarcasm

    #102274 Gamertag modding FIXED

    Posted by diet on 07 August 2009 - 06:31 AM in Xbox


    #96778 Why I'm 1337

    Posted by diet on 27 June 2009 - 12:18 AM in Off-Topic

    Cod 5

    Edit: Here are some more that happened:
    Posted Image

    #96776 Why I'm 1337

    Posted by diet on 27 June 2009 - 12:14 AM in Off-Topic

    no me
    Posted Image