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    theron324's Content

    There have been 15 items by theron324 (Search limited from 13-June 23)

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    #124123 dell computer problem

    Posted by theron324 on 15 September 2010 - 11:10 PM in Computers

    when i turn my computer on its a amber light and stays there how do i fix it. Im thinking i need to get a new higher wattage psu

    #124256 Another Dell computer problem =[

    Posted by theron324 on 18 September 2010 - 08:23 PM in Computers

    i got a virus on my laptop and i need to wipe the harddrive how do i do this?

    #124313 Another Dell computer problem =[

    Posted by theron324 on 19 September 2010 - 10:33 PM in Computers

    Boot up a windows CD if you have one, it should allow you to format the hard drive. If you don't have one, download a live CD like Knoppix (Linux), burn it to a disk, and use Gparted to format the HDD (for file system make sure you use NTFS) (Not recommended unless you know Linux)


    #121939 Selling xbox 360 modded controller

    Posted by theron324 on 27 July 2010 - 09:02 PM in General Discussion

    ok i am selling my xbox 360 modded controller for about $75 $5-10 shipping(shipping depends which sate you live in) ( I will take reasonable offers ) i only ship to the US this includes HI and AK

    When you are playing a game and press the "sync" button on the controller (located on the top of the controller between the triggers), the controller will cycle through the three modes of rapid fire.

    This controller was originally a white controller which has been dyed yellow. The dye WILL NOT come off, even after extensive use. The dye penetrates the plastic, unlike paint which just coats it.

    the controller has 5 different modes, each with corresponds to a different game. Each game has different speeds set for their weapons, so the controller uses speeds specific for the hottest games. The four modes are:

    Mode 1: Call Of Duty 4 + Call of Duty 6 Modern Warfare 2: (Fast, slow, burst)

    Mode 2: Call Of Duty 5: (Fast, slow, burst)

    Mode 3: Gears Of War 2: (Fast, slow)

    Mode 4: Halo 3: (R trigger rapid fire, L trigger rapid fire, Dual trigger rapid fire)

    Mode 5: User Programmable Mode (You can program this mode to shoot anywhere from 6 shots per second to 25 shots per second)

    (To change between modes, you simply press and hold the sync button. This will reconnect the controller and you will see the LEDs move about in a circular pattern. After about 5 seconds, the Player 4 LED will blink a certain number of times (1-4). The number of times it blinks corresponds to the mode it is in. So for instance, say that the Player 4 LED blinks 3 times. That means the controller is set for Gears of War 2. Now, say you don't want to play Gears of War 2, you simply press and hold the sync button down again and it will move onto the next mode (Halo 3) and keep cycling in order.

    Once you have found the mode for the game you would like, you are good to go - you do not have to set the mode each time you play. If you only play COD5, just set it to COD5 mode and you will never have to set it again, the controller will stay in the COD5 mode even after you turn the controller off.

    Now, once you have enabled the specific mode for your game, you can change speeds by using the sync button. You change speeds by pressing the sync button (NOT HOLDING IT, HOLDING THE SYNC BUTTON CHANGES MODES/CONNECTS YOUR CONTROLLER, PRESSING THE BUTTON CHANGES SPEEDS). Again, the Player 4 LED tells you the speed you are on. If the LED is off, rapid fire is off, press the sync button again and you enter speed one, press it again speed two, ect.)

    The controller also has a stealth mode to use the stealth mode follow these instuctions

    Mode 1 The LED for the mod will not show to trick your friends =] while the controllers off hold the synch button and turn the controller on

    mode 2 the LED blinks every once and awhile

    mode 3 the LED is solid

    mode 4 the LED is blinking

    to change modes you do this:

    while the controllers off hold the sync button and turn the controller on first time u do it goes to mode 1 the mode 2 then mode 3 then mode 4 u just have to keep doing it till u get the mode u want

    Posted Image

    This controller is good for all shooting games

    #126031 Microsoft Kinect 'hack' opens up possibilities

    Posted by theron324 on 30 November 2010 - 08:28 PM in 360 News

    This is straight from bbc

    It only took a matter of hours in the hands of intrepid developers for Microsoft's motion-sensing device Kinect to be "hacked" - or released for use on other platforms using open source software.

    Many programmers have already shown what can be done with Microsoft's new device.

    As soon as Microsoft became aware of the hacks it threatened legal action to halt the proliferation of the open source drivers but now has, according to technology site ZDNet, "backed down".

    Linux programmer Hector Martin bought his Kinect just before lunchtime on its European release date of November 10 and had created the fundamentals of the drivers before dinner.

    As the BBC reported , this meant that the Xbox device was capable of running on a PC without any interaction or connection with the Xbox, Martin himself not actually owning Microsoft's console.

    The Open Kinect Project had been set up by Adafruit Industries as a competition offering $1,000 (£600) for the first person to create open source drivers.

    This increased to $3000 (£2000) in response to Microsoft's hard line on what Adafruit was advocating.

    In a statement to the BBC, Microsoft was keen to point out that the Xbox 360 control system for the Kinect had not been hacked.

    A $3,000 reward was offered for the first person to "hack" the Kinect

    "What has happened is someone has created drivers that allow other devices to interface with the Kinect for Xbox 360," it said.

    "The creation of these drivers, and the use of Kinect for Xbox 360 with other devices, is unsupported."

    When contacted again, Microsoft had no further comment.

    The idea of hacking, or even "unlocking" hardware is always a tricky business. There is a grey area of the law within which the developers are generally adverse to others playing around with their device.

    It has been described it as "legal... but", in a similar way to the unlocking of mobile phones to use different networks.

    Dana Blankenhorn, of ZDNet, said that Microsoft's change of heart was down to two factors:

    "Microsoft lawyers recognised that it has no legal case against Martin, who made no changes to the hardware [and] Microsoft marketers realised that the drivers might, in the end, be a gold mine for Microsoft."

    A stipulation of the competition was that the winning software must then be freely available to download - and it has already produced surprising results.

    Oliver Kreylos' demonstration of the 3D camera functionality is perhaps the clearest example of the potential of the machine - the Kinect's 3D reconstructions could, eventually, allow you to make your own 3D films, though in this example the technology is still a little rough around the edges.

    Demonstration of "Minority Report" style technology using the Kinect
    As longer is spent making software, tasks will become more complex

    This is just the tip of the iceberg, with all sorts of different ideas springing up. Floemuc's Minority Report-style interface shows the fundamentals of how future interfaces could work without ever having to touch the screen. You can scroll past and manipulate images just by waving your hands in the air.

    There is even something for aspiring puppeteers. An interactive prototype puppet has been made using skeleton tracking and was created in a day.

    And this is just the beginning. Assuming that Microsoft does not pursue legal action or any other way of halting the developers, more refined versions of these ideas will begin to spring up, truly unlocking the potential of the Kinect.

    #124122 NeoBux Achievment Achieved!

    Posted by theron324 on 15 September 2010 - 11:05 PM in Off-Topic

    i dont know if you have ever heard of neobux but it is a paid to click site (ptc) all you do is click a ad an wait till this bar at the top of the screen fills up then do more.

    anyways i finnaly reached my $100 goal i deposited $100 to my paypal soooo so happy =] :drinks: :yahoo:

    Posted Image

    if you wanna join Click here

    #124187 NeoBux Achievment Achieved!

    Posted by theron324 on 16 September 2010 - 07:40 PM in Off-Topic

    Nice. I've made about $30 so far. I would've probably made more if I had more rented referrals.

    nice it is better to rent refferals wich is like $25 for 100 wich isnt bad then you save $25 and withdraw the rest so when u need to buy new refferals u can and by the time u reach 100 on paypal get gold member ship its so much better

    #129928 i iz back muhahaha

    Posted by theron324 on 18 June 2011 - 08:09 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes

    no one probaly remebers me seeing how i only talk with a few people but i was probaly on this site 24/7 when i still had a working xbox. the last day i logged onto ibm is 6 months, 2 weeks ago. i guess the moral of the story is dont get caught doing illegal things over xbox.

    #120653 PS3 Challenge Lobbys.

    Posted by theron324 on 06 July 2010 - 04:41 PM in General Discussion

    Is there anyone that can do a Challenge Lobby JUST For Mw2 - PS3

    Because I Need It.
    I Need It Bad.
    I Badly Need It
    Need it Badley
    Badly need I
    I Need Badly

    LOL i spelt it wrong all of the time but o'well

    no1 needs it u just want it

    #119816 need some help in vb c# 2008

    Posted by theron324 on 19 June 2010 - 08:59 PM in Coding / Development

    progressBar1.Value = progressBar1.Maximum;

    that didnt really help u did put that in the progress bar spot and it was underlined red

    #119812 need some help in vb c# 2008

    Posted by theron324 on 19 June 2010 - 08:43 PM in Coding / Development

    it has been a long since i used vb and i was wondering if i wanted to press a button and have a progress bar go 1-100% how would i do this or well what would i type in as the code?

    #119818 need some help in vb c# 2008

    Posted by theron324 on 19 June 2010 - 09:13 PM in Coding / Development

    ahh thx to both of you

    #120053 Counter Strike: Source

    Posted by theron324 on 24 June 2010 - 07:30 PM in PC Gaming

    dude css is awsome i use to play it but this comp blows so i gotta wait like a month to buy a new 1

    EDIT: can u download steam and steam games on iMac

    #120178 Counter Strike: Source

    Posted by theron324 on 26 June 2010 - 12:53 PM in PC Gaming

    ahh, I see. Bitches don't know about my L4D2 Servers.

    lol i didnt like l4d2 that much

    #119799 if you have played MAG read this!

    Posted by theron324 on 19 June 2010 - 02:48 PM in PS3

    -Off Topic -

    Really? That sounds like a cool place to live.

    well it gets boring here