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    yellowyoiker's Content

    There have been 84 items by yellowyoiker (Search limited from 29-June 23)

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    #36974 Banned from matchmaking

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 30 July 2008 - 01:45 AM in Help Desk

    I think I might have left 2 modded pics on my fileshare overnight cause i fell asleep. could that had been why I was banned from matchmaking permenatly and consol banned on my xbox for 1 month but im still not fileshare banned? any ideas?

    #36918 Banned from matchmaking

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 29 July 2008 - 07:43 PM in Help Desk

    dark legeacy is already file share banned and i think permenatly banned from matchmaking =0

    #36914 Banned from matchmaking

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 29 July 2008 - 07:28 PM in Help Desk

    Is there anything we can do to prevent it from happening ever again?

    #36889 Banned from matchmaking

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 29 July 2008 - 06:21 PM in Help Desk

    My Account has been permenatly banned from matchingmaking and my consol has been banned for 1 month, I have modded screenshots *nothing bad*, maps, and films. Im pretty sure That I was banned because of modding the screenshots but could this have been from modding maps or films? Is is still safe for me to mod maps and films if I was banned for modding screenshots? Any help You can give me I will be thankful for.

    Sorry for the horrible spelling :p.

    #36913 Banned from matchmaking

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 29 July 2008 - 07:20 PM in Help Desk

    But my fileshare isnt banned? I mean wtf , So Is is safe for me to continue to mod maps while my consol is banned from matchmaking for 1month? as long as i dont put the maps on my fileshare and i share through showing people them?

    #60351 I have tD Hysteria's IP :D!

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 11 January 2009 - 12:33 PM in Off-Topic

    Why would you talk trash?

    My friend did, because he wanted to 1v1 him, Lol

    #60290 I have tD Hysteria's IP :D!

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 11 January 2009 - 03:15 AM in Off-Topic

    I was playing grifball and I got matched up with him at 4 A.M., my friend proceeded to talk trash to him and then he invited us into his party and we had a hilarious conversation. I am pissed that I didnt get a capture card for christmas now :(
    I have a pic of me in his party if anyone wants to question that I dont have it :D
    Anyways if anyone wants his ip post here.

    #53613 My Evil Plan

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 24 November 2008 - 10:29 PM in Off-Topic

    If I actualy read that my head would explode

    #66349 Bring dev forklift screenshot

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 10 February 2009 - 09:23 PM in General Discussion

    Hey everyone, Someone had made a dev mod that had a pic of them driving a forklift, and I was wondering if anyone can find that image for me. Ive tried to find it for a while and have had no luck :(

    The image should have a guy *actualy* driving a forklift

    :D post your results here

    #67089 Bring dev forklift screenshot

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 14 February 2009 - 09:41 AM in General Discussion


    Shouldn't this be in H3 Discussion :o?

    Idk didnt want to get any mods pissed at me :p

    #66498 Bring dev forklift screenshot

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 11 February 2009 - 05:12 PM in General Discussion

    Thanks your a beast :D

    #53872 Foolproof Plan For Reconz !

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 26 November 2008 - 04:19 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Epic fail imho.

    super epic fail

    #75831 Kryptonite - A Sandbox Jump Course

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 19 March 2009 - 08:21 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    This is a fun map to play but some maps like this get boring after you finish them :D

    #58674 New Tricks Series By Me & Count Peter - "Halo 3 Tricks & Secrets...

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 29 December 2008 - 03:58 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Pretty good spots, Although I know extensions to most of those jumps and easier ways to do them (to me at least) If you want to pm me I know ALOT OF SPOTS and could mabye even help u guys with your next video :D

    #76727 Do u like HALO WARS?

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 23 March 2009 - 04:24 PM in Off-Topic

    I happen to love halo wars. It might just be because I am in the top 25 in the singles ladder for gamebattles, but I also think it makes me play better and smarter at halo 3. So anyways, I enjoy mostly because I enjoyed the early age of empires games and because that + halo = fun

    #53619 Selling, Trading And Services

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 24 November 2008 - 11:11 PM in News

    Hey, I was wondering in what section I should post about Trading stuff? :D

    #49336 King of the hill infection

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 19 October 2008 - 03:04 AM in Mods

    hey shot :p looks cool

    #75825 iBotModz MAP!

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 19 March 2009 - 08:08 PM in General Discussion

    nobody lives anywhere near florida :(

    #76228 Your favorite browser?

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 21 March 2009 - 12:15 PM in General Discussion

    I like the bowser in super mario 64.

    Yea I heard it was supose to be awsome :D

    #53870 ¨have Someone A Link To A Fileshare With A Aa-wraith On A Map?

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 26 November 2008 - 04:11 AM in Help Desk

    The whole aa-wraith is not available to you :D, Ill let someone else explain in full detail because I dont feel like it

    #99376 How much would you pay for recon?

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 17 July 2009 - 03:07 AM in Off-Topic

    Hey everyone, How much would you pay for recon on an account?
    I have heard that when odst comes out that they are going to give everyone that currently has recon a different kind of armor, so just for the sake of the possibility of that

    Name your price you would pay for a recon account:
    Name your price you would par for a recon account that would end up getting a special armor after odst came out:

    Also, just a random question, but has anyone that ever knew ANYTHING about modding actually obtained a recon account and actually done research on it? (Not through a dev kit)

    #99532 How much would you pay for recon?

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 18 July 2009 - 03:03 PM in Off-Topic

    Knowing bungie they might have just done something like that, or it could possibly be the bungie chestplate :D

    #99383 How much would you pay for recon?

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 17 July 2009 - 03:55 AM in Off-Topic

    No offence, but the armour looks like it went up shit creek without a paddle!

    It looks horrible, in other words.

    Even if I did end up with it, I would never wear it. And I'm not going to pay money for something that I'd never use.

    And I'm pretty sure you get recon when you unlock all the Vidmaster achievements for Halo 3...

    Yes I know that the Vidmaster achevements will end up giving you recon, but my point is that they probally are not going to screw over all the people that have earned the armor, and I have heard rumors going around about bungie giving something to them in return. And also, the only anyone even wants recon in the first place is because very few people have it. I know it sounds like you have told yourself that you wouldn't even wear it even if you did get it but I bet some part of you wants it just because very few people have it.

    #75829 Mythic Map rating

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 19 March 2009 - 08:17 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    sandbox 10

    assembly 9

    orbital 7

    #54143 Click Here To Make Some Money For The Holidays :d

    Posted by yellowyoiker on 27 November 2008 - 11:42 AM in General Discussion

    Hello everyone,

    I have the ability to make 1 year accounts, the only problem is, that I cannot simply add them to the accounts I already have. I have to make brand new accounts that have 1 years on them. Currently about 5 of my accounts have ran out of subscription that I would like to renew. So here is my very generous offer to you.....
    1-I will trade you a 1 year account,*you can even tell me what you want the gamertag to be*, for a US 3 month code.
    2-I will trade you a 1 year account,*you can even tell me what you want the gamertag to be*, for a US 1600 Microsoft Point code.

    All of these accounts will be created by me, And will not be banned in any game, because they have not played any games before :D

    now your thinking... Well, this seems a little fishy....
    Smokiestgrunl has already vouched me in my other thread in off topic so if you want to know that Im legit, go look there.

    Hurry and trade me before I have no need for anymore 3 months :D

    PS: Its my birthday tomorro :D