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    There have been 43 items by Lux (Search limited from 24-May 23)

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    #22810 Hyperstorm aka Haxalot88

    Posted by Lux on 14 June 2008 - 03:07 PM in Off-Topic

    Lux while we think that is the most likely story, we cannot confirm it 100%. He has a resigner based from code that is not his, and was unwillingly acquired. Those we can know 100% so until we get more solid evidence on the blackmail theory, we have to declare it as stolen.

    Yes, we do know he black mailed him 100%. XSS's server didn't have his server's directory index setup correctly so haxalot found the directory where the automatic database back ups were stored, downloaded one and told derived he had hacked his site and threatened to give the database (which had unencrypted passwords in it) out if he didn't get the source to his resigner.

    #22804 Click to figure out what every1 makes programs with..

    Posted by Lux on 14 June 2008 - 02:49 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    everyone know that they use visual basic lol

    Beginners use VB, people who want more control over their program's use C-style languages.

    #22621 ms BAN KEYPAIR

    Posted by Lux on 13 June 2008 - 07:28 PM in H3 Modding

    He may be asking what exactly happens when M$ bans your 360's keypair.

    I know it ruins all user created content* signed under your 360's keypair unless you can go through the trouble of resigning it with a working keypair...

    But that leaves me with a question that would in turn answer his question...

    When M$ bans your keypair, does it assign you a new, working one? If yes, then you could still create forge content.

    If no, would there be any way to get custom content working again without having to manually resign every time you save changes?

    * ~ O ya, this applies to arcade games, downloaded movies, etc.. anything that uses a .CON file.

    No, that would completely defeat the purpose of banning it in the first place.

    #22582 Hyperstorm aka Haxalot88

    Posted by Lux on 13 June 2008 - 06:33 PM in Off-Topic

    How does that prove that Hyperstorm is Haxalot...Also, Hyperstorm is not Haxalot.

    Yes he is. And he didn't steal one, he black mailed someone to get the source to theirs, then he copied and pasted code for a about a week to make "his".

    #22581 ms BAN KEYPAIR

    Posted by Lux on 13 June 2008 - 06:21 PM in H3 Modding

    Wait...I never knew 360's used a unique keypair per console...

    Prove me wrong...but does this not mean that the concept of a public resigner is virtually impossible? Though modders could still release the information and the apps necessary for more advanced modders to build their own signers from their 360's keypair...

    Unless the files in question relied only on server-side decryption and the encryption key was not necessary for resigning......yeah I obviously have no clue what I'm talking about now please fill me in.

    Each CON has some RSA encrypted data which is encrypted with the consoles private key, which is unique to every Xbox 360. Then the public key to decrypt the encrypted data is in the CON header, resigners change the public key to the one that goes with their private key so the data is decypted correctly.

    #22524 Any modders banned? Yep.

    Posted by Lux on 13 June 2008 - 04:03 PM in H3 Modding

    Wait, by console banned do you mean his keypair, online features, or fully bricked? 'Cause if it's fully bricked I'm going to be very angry...

    Off-topic I just recently came across a rather discreet program a select few people may recall using in Halo 2. After looking at this program I found that it can be completely re-purposed to decrypt just about anything in realtime if used correctly. If I can apply this just right I may be able to find my consoles keypair...and if I find my console's keypair AND M$ keeps up the bannings I may just release my reasearch and let some of the more advanced modders on here take it from there.

    I've already successfully used this to find a re-hash a modded con file, and that without a user-friendly "click here to re-hash" interface just gives me a good feeling like I really know what I'm doing for once and this may just work...But if what I hold in my hands is not enough for people to start resigning at least I've gained quite a bit of knowledge out of it that some people can use...

    Unless you have a dump of your NAND and the CPU key of the Xbox that the NAND dump is from you CANNOT get any keys out of the key vault.

    #22320 Click to figure out what every1 makes programs with..

    Posted by Lux on 13 June 2008 - 12:16 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    dang, i was just about to post a link. But anyway, VB is similar to C#, in the designing way, but much more different or more difficult in the coding. VB is more simple, and creates excellent, but less advanced programs. C# can take less code, but is presented and coded differently.

    C++ doesn't have a design, its basically a small Command Prompt app. But can do all sorts of things which i cannot mention because i know nothing about it, lol.

    **VB is what im using to code my program. Visual Basic Express 2008, which reminds me, can anyone point me to a blog/forum other than MSDN for help, they know alot, but it takes 3-4 posts to get a good answer out of them.

    EDIT: Anyone know anything about MySQL integration into Visual Basic 2008 (2008 ONLY).

    VB.NET, C#.NET, and C++.NET all use the exact same libraries, thus they all have the exact same functions. You can design a form with C++. As for MySQL integration in .NET, go here.

    I also prefer C#.

    #22176 Any modders banned? Yep.

    Posted by Lux on 12 June 2008 - 06:06 PM in H3 Modding

    Just edit your author name out to your alias, etc.

    Tisk tisk, ignorance....

    #21829 ms BAN KEYPAIR

    Posted by Lux on 11 June 2008 - 06:08 PM in H3 Modding

    When they ban your key pair what exactly happens?

    All CON files signed with it become invalid.

    #21827 ms BAN KEYPAIR

    Posted by Lux on 11 June 2008 - 06:03 PM in H3 Modding

    yes, by using your console and user ID. And im not ignorant, im stupid.

    Ignorant can mean more than one thing, in my case, I meant it to mean that you are ill informed about the subject. And no, there is a different private key (encryption key) for every single Xbox 360, there is also a different public key (decryption key)for every single Xbox 360.

    #21825 ms BAN KEYPAIR

    Posted by Lux on 11 June 2008 - 05:56 PM in H3 Modding

    they didnt ban the keypair, they put the console id in a blacklist. to ban the keypair would be like starting a xbox from scratch. bye bye arcade games you bought the maps you have the game saves, everything

    EDIT* lol microsoft scanning every xbox for everything with a con on it would take a while, i say it will be offline for about a week if it happens

    Your ignorant. The CON keypair is unique to EVERY Xbox 360.

    #21820 ms BAN KEYPAIR

    Posted by Lux on 11 June 2008 - 05:45 PM in H3 Modding

    Yes it is possible, and they have banned a couple keypairs from 360GS already.

    #21811 can you download a resigner online

    Posted by Lux on 11 June 2008 - 05:23 PM in H3 Modding

    No one, except Bungie, can sign Halo 3 maps. Also, there isn't even a file on that site called "Halo 3 Resigner" that site just takes what you search and makes page out of it to get people to register to install spyware and adware on your computer.

    #21787 New modded valhalla, Snow Valhalla!![No not V2]

    Posted by Lux on 11 June 2008 - 04:28 PM in H3 Modding

    ive heard people talk about this map it would be cool if it was real and they release it

    It is real, christ. And if they released it you couldn't use it.

    #21392 New modded valhalla, Snow Valhalla!![No not V2]

    Posted by Lux on 10 June 2008 - 07:40 PM in H3 Modding

    No its not, it was made using a dev kit. It would be a map mod if it was confirmed.

    Right, I forgot the fact that it can only be used on a XeDK renders it fake.[/sarcasm]

    #21330 New modded valhalla, Snow Valhalla!![No not V2]

    Posted by Lux on 10 June 2008 - 06:36 PM in H3 Modding

    that sucks, wish it wasnt but it does look pretty cool if its real

    It is real, this has already been confirmed.

    #21193 Modding Con Resigner (Need To Know Info)

    Posted by Lux on 10 June 2008 - 02:39 PM in H3 Modding

    Pimpin Tyler was already file share and match making banned, yet I see no CON resigner released. I declare shenanigans. And the rest of you are probably next. Also, I made the list to give to Bungie.

    #21137 Want Your Map Resigned?

    Posted by Lux on 10 June 2008 - 12:30 PM in H3 Modding

    miinaturvat, there is a limit to how many items can be spawned on a map, and that limit is 640. And that is including player spawns, and other needed objects.