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    Dog5point0's Content

    There have been 56 items by Dog5point0 (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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    #111743 Anyone know how to mod it to make you character an ODST?(Single Player)

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 10 January 2010 - 10:21 PM in H3 Modding

    lol yeah andrew when u want to add something just click edit, hes new so he doesnt know lol

    #113343 Another methode to connect xbox with pc

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 17 February 2010 - 02:11 PM in Help Desk

    open your harddrive and connect it up that way with the sata cables in ur computer

    EDIT oops sorry yung i posted as soon as you did

    #112213 For Sale

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 20 January 2010 - 08:34 PM in Xbox 360

    any other questions feel free to ask i will answer

    #112218 For Sale

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 20 January 2010 - 09:11 PM in Xbox 360

    Also, what was the console "called" (ie. Arcade, Pro etc)

    it was a pro

    #112211 For Sale

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 20 January 2010 - 08:20 PM in Xbox 360

    kk one sec i will grab that for you (posted in the origanal topic)

    #112247 For Sale

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 21 January 2010 - 03:12 PM in Xbox 360

    lol update the main post guys please read

    #112261 For Sale

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 21 January 2010 - 05:40 PM in Xbox 360

    lol gave up on modding a window in the case eh? to bad its 8955 and once the Ben-Q tray starts to go out its only a matter of time thats what my first 360 had...

    i got lazy and my friends giving me a deal on his 360 so i said i would sell this one and buy his


    #112209 For Sale

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 20 January 2010 - 08:18 PM in Xbox 360

    Semi Modded Xbox 360


    • Window
    • Benq drive
    • No RROD
    • No Banns
    • Asking $100 for it, ebay link will be posted in time
    • Dash Version:2.0.8955.0
    • MFR: 2008-06-25
    • HDMI Port

    Disk tray only works half the time this is for PARTS & REPAIR and is sold AS-IS. Old pics the in the window is sanded and is flush with nice straight cuts, and there is no lines on it anymore. also disk drive has no tape on it i re glued it. To fix this xbox it only requires a new disk drive but this one works half the time. You can get a new drive HERE for about $30


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    My reason for selling this was i decided to buy a new Xbox 360 pro and will be modding that insteed.

    • The HDD pictured is NOT included
    • Faceplate IS included, its just not pictured in the one cuz i didnt get that far in life lol
    • The Power and AV cord ARE included with this xbox

    #112220 For Sale

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 20 January 2010 - 09:14 PM in Xbox 360

    i will have it up on ebay soon

    #112216 For Sale

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 20 January 2010 - 09:06 PM in Xbox 360

    No history of any other problems on the console?

    No no other problems

    #111829 Upcoming Project

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 13 January 2010 - 01:36 PM in Programs

    I have been looking around and i find it STUPID that people are making 100's of dollars selling these profile editors. When most of us have the knowledge to just do it in a hex editor anyways. i personaly dont get it so I am making a new one with all the features of most others and will be posting it 100% free! it may take me some time to get it working and out but i will keep everyone updated.



    #113001 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 07 February 2010 - 01:54 PM in Xbox 360

    Update 3:

    I bought the cd drive and will be flashing it next week most likely, i have just started the painting and have the plexiglass glued in too, i have only primer on it at the moment. but i am painting it flat black.

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    more pics when i get the black on it =) also buying the Blaster CK3 so the flash is easyer and i dont have to open it everytime i update

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    #113014 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 07 February 2010 - 09:40 PM in Xbox 360

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    finished painted pic of it

    #111711 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 10 January 2010 - 04:37 PM in Xbox 360

    as dumb as it sounds but im bringing it into my school and cutting in with the schools laser cutter with master cam mill 8 iv talked to our teacher and he says that it will be able to do it easy and be able to get into the small cracks with out any issue

    #111908 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 14 January 2010 - 10:20 PM in Xbox 360

    Update 2:
    Due to me having the flu or some shit the cutting will be delayed til either tomorrow or friday, and now i am unshure of the tools we are using to cut cause i will be doing it with our schools wood shop teacher and not the laser cuttter :thumbdown: pictures will be posted in THIS update of the tools and the proses once i get it done and taken home to update the post


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    Sanding it so its flat and getting the plexiglass for it soon

    #113029 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 08 February 2010 - 04:19 PM in Xbox 360

    now for t3h etching...

    next im instaling a flashed drive and leds then etching

    #111768 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 11 January 2010 - 02:59 PM in Xbox 360

    maybe try and sand it down paint it black then redraw the logo and have it so when your console is standing up the logo will be straight just a thought unless you intend to leave it on its side of course.

    p.s.i have that wristband in the sec pic with the checkers :p

    well i changed my plans a tad bit today me and my friend were talking about it and im going to remove the Kink logo and just etch it into the peice of plexi glass i think that will look better and it will be turned for it to me standing up
    and thats actually a bandanna i use for snowboarding lol ^.^

    #111709 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 10 January 2010 - 04:27 PM in Xbox 360

    Dog5point0's Xbox Mods

    This all started when my disk tray broke and wont read disks anymore so i ripped it apart and cleaned it all up then it worked for about a month but it stopped working again so i opened it once again and tryed some more things to it nothing worked so i said to my self **** this im buying a new drive and putting some sick shit in it.

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    Update 1:
    Window time, designing my custom Kink BMX window. There will be a window cut out and in the center of it will be a Kink logo

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    Under the window i will have it light with Blue LED lights

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    forgot to say im also gunna fill the xbox 360 text logo thing on the side so its a flush finish

    Tons of credit to my friend Aaron for freehand drawing the kink logo for me, i will be cutting it tomorrow i hope i will post updates as they happen

    Tell me what you think, or let me know if you have any ideas for me

    Update 2: http://www.ibotmodz....post__p__111908
    Update 3: http://www.ibotmodz....post__p__113001

    #111795 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 12 January 2010 - 10:38 AM in Xbox 360

    I love to snowboard I ride a burton but yea plexiglass sounds better maybe some leds to under the etched kink logo. use hot glue :p

    but it is your console just a suggestion :)

    i ride a lammar right now but im buying a forum... and i was origanaly gunna do the burton logo but i changed my mind and did a kink logo. im doing the cutting tomorrow and then im going to try and get some plexiglass from home depot, once i get that i will be etching it and gluing it in with my grandpa lol

    #111824 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 13 January 2010 - 03:22 AM in Xbox 360


    #111774 My 360 hadware mods

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 11 January 2010 - 04:11 PM in Xbox 360

    yeah i was always gunna put plexi glass just not the whole window was gunna be that but now it is

    #118355 Work for some local bands and other crap

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 27 May 2010 - 02:29 PM in Showoff

    they told me to make a bright and colorful shirt lol i did i made a few more but they are on a different computer.... and we had to have a shirt that some of the non emo girls would wear lmao

    #117552 Work for some local bands and other crap

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 13 May 2010 - 05:50 PM in Showoff

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    theres more but i dont have it uploaded

    #119191 Work for some local bands and other crap

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 09 June 2010 - 08:36 PM in Showoff

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    this is an old one we never made im working on a album cover too

    #112761 Apple officially announces the iPad

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 01 February 2010 - 02:41 PM in General Discussion

    this may be good if it was for schools so we don't have to waste paper.

    for 1000$ per ipad paper would be cheaper