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    Dog5point0's Content

    There have been 56 items by Dog5point0 (Search limited from 03-July 23)

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    #119178 Modding?

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 09 June 2010 - 06:26 PM in General Discussion

    That describes other gaming sites perfectly.<br><br>We don't do that here :p<br>

    yes thats why im here not on se7ensins lol

    #119184 Modding?

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 09 June 2010 - 07:46 PM in General Discussion

    i hate flash drive modding too, bcuz now EVERYONE with a 5$ flash drive can mod and it gets old

    #119176 Modding?

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 09 June 2010 - 05:39 PM in General Discussion

    Lets take a look back in time to the days of halo 3 usermap modding before the con resigners were public. We would buy a signer and feel so good about our selfs, we would open up johnson and hxd and make a gay little tag swap that had no point AT ALL and think it was so kool and show all our friends this was when the community was only in the 100's and people didnt use modding as a business. Once the resigner was public everyone wanted one and everyone was modding this was when modding exploded. After some time people started modding the Call of Duty games and their profiles to make their gamerscore higher, people sell these editors for 100's of dollars and are modding achievements for 100's of dollars. They sell mods to cheat in call of duty and other games but why? its only a number and a rank on a game.... think what will the non modders think when your in cod 4 flying? would you like it, i know i wouldnt. modding as turned into Hacking and Money making and its ********, it used to be fun to play mods with your friends but now you cant go on MW2 for a day without getting into a modded game and its dumb it ruins the gameplay, or if you find someone who you get in an online fight with chances are that you will be DOSED and thats not fun at all or if you download a program it may phish you or infect you with a bot and thats even dumber. I would love to see modding to go back to the old days of fun and NOT money making and hacking.

    that is a previous post that i made a few months ago, and i came back to the xobx/modding community about two weeks ago after having boken my xbox and not wanting to buy a new one.... well i have found out that the modding community has gotten even worse, with fash drive modding almost anyone can do it now i go into my friends list to see that ***ing 6th graders from my school are modding their avatars and gamerscore. tell me why the hell would a 6th grader need to mod something, well actually why does anyone need to mod something its gotten to the point where even the PS3 is shit online with mods. if we are going to mod why do we have to do it in an online match? it ruines the game for everybody else also who gives a shit if your tenth prestige its just a name that shows u have no life..... xbox and ps3 are supost to be fun and modding isnt and never should be a money making business, i was just in a party a "modder" was trying to charge people to be in the party with him... its just stupid..... when Halo Reach comes out i would love to see everyone doing what used to be done, fun playable FREE modded maps that everyone can have fun on, NOT online ********

    #112206 dumb disk drive question

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 20 January 2010 - 07:10 PM in Xbox 360

    You can swap any drive with any drive... lol

    You need to swap the drive key, so you'll have to flash it.

    i knew i had to flash but wasnt sure of the drive situation

    #112200 dumb disk drive question

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 20 January 2010 - 06:49 PM in Xbox 360

    Ok can i go from a benq Dg-16D2S to a benq VAD6038?? or must i stay the same model of drive?

    #103966 Puppy Linux

    Posted by Dog5point0 on 22 August 2009 - 08:46 PM in Computers

    thanks lostmodz but did you know you could get a free ubuntu sent to your door disc just google it

    i have ubuntu i LOVE it its so much better than vista