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    There have been 259 items by Quinn (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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    #130260 STUXNET

    Posted by Quinn on 07 July 2011 - 07:48 PM in General Discussion

    country, not computer

    Sorry, like I said I didn't watch the video :p
    Advice still stands though ;)

    ******* awesome. I can't wait for the inevitable AI vs AI war and then the AI vs Human war that will follow, and then the AI/Human hybrid vs Alien war that will follow that.

    erm... I can, I like my life just the way it is!

    #130760 Dumbest question ever asked lol

    Posted by Quinn on 05 August 2011 - 09:07 AM in General Discussion

    "Can you teach me how to Dougie?"

    #130758 Something to tax that dream PC of Quinns

    Posted by Quinn on 05 August 2011 - 08:03 AM in Off-Topic

    Well someday.......
    Pfft 170 000 three-terrabyte harddrives, thats just around the corner :whistle:

    inb4 SSDs are $5/TB

    #130632 Japan scientist makes meat from human feces

    Posted by Quinn on 28 July 2011 - 09:19 AM in Off-Topic

    just the thought of that is disgusting, here's a thought everyday you ingest harmful chemical because harmful chemicals are everywhere now imagine not being able to get those chemicals out of your body and even ingesting someone else's you don't know whats in there waste (0.o)

    I'm sure they treat it first.... with more chemicals

    #129563 Instant Shutdown

    Posted by Quinn on 02 June 2011 - 01:57 PM in Programs

    You really should shut your computer down properly...

    #130614 Question for everyone on IBM

    Posted by Quinn on 27 July 2011 - 09:01 AM in Off-Topic


    #130253 STUXNET

    Posted by Quinn on 07 July 2011 - 06:33 PM in General Discussion

    Didn't watch the video cause I don't want to wait 30 mins for it to load (my connection). However, they can only destroy your computer if you let them. As in, don't be stupid.

    #130160 Dream (Gaming) PC Build - June 2011

    Posted by Quinn on 01 July 2011 - 11:22 PM in PC Gaming

    I decided to compile a list of parts to make the most insanely overpriced gaming PC that I could. What can I say, I was bored..
    I decided to begin with the motherboard (Cause... you know, everything revolves around it). I thought to myself, what's the most over the top board out there now... And none other than the EVGA SR-2 came to mind. Let me lay down the tech specs of this board right now. This beast supports two Intel Xeon CPUs, has 7 PCI-E 2.0 slots (4 x16 or 6 x8 + 1 x16), supports 48GBs of DDR3 RAM, has two LAN chipsets (cause you know, one wasn't extreme enough!) and is f'ckin massive. The rest is gravy. The board can be found here.
    Cost so far: $564.99 (On sale, Canadian Dollars)
    For most, the next logical step would be to find a CPU. Normally, I would do this first, but this isn't a normal nor logical build. So I went searching for a case to hold this bloody board and its non-standard form factor. I also figured in that I would need dual power supplies, because this system will be drawing a helluva lot of power. What case is decent all around and can support two PSUs (without mods)? Look no further than the Xigmatek Elysium. This case has it's own damn form factor on newegg. The case can be found here.
    Cost so far: $784.98
    I guess it's time to give the CPU(s) a little love. The choice here was obvious, the Intel Xeon W3680 fits perfectly into the agenda. For you guys who are thinking (if any of you actually understand wtf I'm talking about) "that's not the top of the line Xeon, why get it?" The reason is because there are only two differences between the two CPUs, the first being the X5680 (top of the line one) supports more memory, and the second being $784. Anyways, this CPU has 6 cores, 12 threads. So for you guys who can't do math, that gives us 12 cores with 24 threads. Which is a lot of cores and threads... The CPU can be found here.
    Cost so far: $3016.96 (whoa, that was a jump)
    Now, all those cores and threads are useless without memory, and Patriot has just the remedy. The Patriot Viper II ‘Sector 7’ Edition kit gives you 12GBs (3x4GB, triple channel) of DDR3 2000 memory. Normally, 12GBs is considered a lot. But you know how we do it, overkill is my thing. Because our motherboard has 12 slots for memory, we would need four of these kits. To save your precious little brain, that's 48GBs of DDR3 2000. How the hell will you ever use all of that? The Memory can be found here.
    Cost so far: $3644.92
    Here comes the fun part boys and girls, the graphics cards. Yes, "cards" is plural for a reason. That reason being that it would be a damn shame if we didn't throw in a multi-GPU solution as epic and overkill as the rest of this build. The multi-gpu solution in this case consists of four - yes, four EVGA 384-bit, 3072MB GDDR5 GTX 580 bundles of awesome. Why not go with two 590s? Because they're slower than 4 GTX 580s in SLI, and in this case, have less memory. Not much needs to be said about these babies, except that they come with water blocks already installed. Is that epic or what? They can be found here.
    Cost so far: $6604.88
    Because you can't run a gaming PC without hard drives, we obviously need some. May I present to you my solution: Two Corsair Force Series 3 240GB SATA III SSDs (would be set up in RAID 0) and four Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB Hard drives. Why the WD 2TB drives? So you have space to store all those pirated games you download, you bastard...
    The SSD can be found here.
    The WD drives can be found here.
    Cost so far: $8184.82
    Ah, at last, we have the power supplies. What could possibly power this system? How about 3000 watts of Silverstone power (2 1500w PSUs). Needless to say, these are the highest (advertised) power PSUs out right now. Then can be found here.
    Cost so far: $8930.80
    Because if you can afford this system so far, you're a boss, you're gonna need great screens. Enter the NEC P461 46" "Large Format Monitor". At that size, you may wonder, why not just get some TVs? The reason lies in the bezel. These babies have a fairly thin bezel, while similarly sized TVs often have a thick bezel. Anyways, buy 6 of these and set them up in a 3x3 grid, and you'll have a 138 inch screen with a resolution of 5760x3240. That's awesome. However, they are rather steep, at $1,824.99 (each) on sale. They can be found here.
    Cost so far: $19880.74 (BAM!)
    I'm not going to baby you guy so much to even pick out a keyboard, but I will finish this insane post with the water cooling system. Shits gonna get insane. The loop would come from Koolance, who are pretty awesome. Anyways, this loop consists of the CPU 370 waterblock, the ERM-3K3UC System, the EVGA waterblocks (already one the 580s) and various nozzels, tubing etc. ($1,408.31 total)
    Total cost of build (before taxes and shipping): $21289.05
    Is this system complete and total, by every definition of the word, overkill? Yes
    Will I ever build a system like this? Probably not, unless I win the lottery (or someone important sees this article and sends me free parts :p)
    Would this system be boss as hell? Yup xD

    Please tell me if I missed anything, I made this list late at night. So I'm tired, and I make mistakes when I'm tired.

    #131421 Which game(s) are you getting this fall/winter?

    Posted by Quinn on 22 September 2011 - 05:03 AM in Games

    Skyrim, probably BF3. Other things might get pirated, and if I like them, then I'll buy them.

    #130326 Welcome everyone

    Posted by Quinn on 10 July 2011 - 08:41 AM in Off-Topic

    Hello there :)

    #130998 Apple’s Spaceship Just Got More Beautiful

    Posted by Quinn on 13 August 2011 - 05:22 PM in General Discussion


    #131090 IPB Login On your Custom HomePage

    Posted by Quinn on 20 August 2011 - 07:44 AM in Website / Server Management

    This guy seems legit.

    What do you mean, I don't see anything ;)

    #131061 Microsoft Office 2010: Product Key for preloaded won't work?

    Posted by Quinn on 18 August 2011 - 10:39 AM in Off-Topic

    I'm guessing bot.

    #131000 The official word on the glossy Xbox 360

    Posted by Quinn on 13 August 2011 - 05:23 PM in 360 News

    I still have a normal 360... with a purdy red led fan on it

    #130179 More Red Dead Redemption DLC In The Works

    Posted by Quinn on 03 July 2011 - 09:38 AM in Games

    Not like its even a good game, LA Noir would be more appreciated as a port.

    I want both...

    #129484 Hi, I am 5k3l3t0r

    Posted by Quinn on 26 May 2011 - 02:46 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes


    #129444 my name is sk

    Posted by Quinn on 24 May 2011 - 01:03 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes


    #129257 Hello

    Posted by Quinn on 11 May 2011 - 06:28 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes

    Hi :)

    #129208 Excellent:)

    Posted by Quinn on 08 May 2011 - 03:57 PM in Showoff


    #129814 Report - Next Xbox Debuting in 2012

    Posted by Quinn on 15 June 2011 - 05:24 AM in 360 News

    Crytek can smd.

    #129893 [Tutorial] Minecraft Servers: Mods! [4/4]

    Posted by Quinn on 17 June 2011 - 05:48 PM in Minecraft

    I believe that this will be the last tutorial in this series, unless something specific is requested. If you want to run a completely vanilla (stock) server, this page is probably not for you.
    For Minecraft servers, there are multiple options that fit (mainly) into two categories; Server Modifications and Server Wrappers

    In this tutorial, I will cover how to install bukkit, the largest beta server mod out there.
    Bukkit, in a simple sense, provides a basis for other mods, called "plugins" to run. I use it, and so do many others.

    1. Getting Bukkit
    To get bukkit, go to their website, and look to the right of the page. There you will find "Recommended Builds", click on the one for your minecraft version.
    Posted Image

    After you click on that, it will bring you to a page like this:
    Posted Image

    Click on the outlined object, and it will download the file (alternately you can use wget, if you know how, I'm not going to explain it)

    2. Install
    Well, this is an easy step! Simply upload the file you just downloaded (rename it to something shorter if you like) to the same directory as your minecraft_server.jar.
    Now, you must change your script that you use to launch the server. You should just be able to replace "minecraft_server.jar" with "craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" (or whatever you renamed it to)
    However, if that doesn't work, refer to the bukkit site.

    3. kso it b installed, wut do i doz nows????!??!?!?!?!??!?111111111
    Whoa, easy there, don't hurt yourself using proper English! What you do now, is start the server with your freshly modified script, let it load, then stop it again. The "plugins" folder should now exist, along with some other files.
    Posted Image

    4. Getting some mods!!
    This has got to be the easiest step ever... just go to Bukkit's plugin list!

    5. Installing those plugins
    So you found some plugins you like? If you downloaded a .zip or .rar, decompress them, and upload the contents to your plugins folder. If you downloaded a .jar, upload the file to your plugins folder.
    (NOTE: The server must be restarted before new plugins are loaded. If your server has been off for this tutorial, then simply start it when done. If not, restart it.)
    Posted Image

    ^^^ Some of the plugins I'm running

    Well, have a nice day, and I hope you learned something!

    #130175 More Red Dead Redemption DLC In The Works

    Posted by Quinn on 02 July 2011 - 10:27 PM in Games

    Yeah, now they just need to make the game for PC :blackie:

    #129913 [Tutorial] Minecraft Servers: Mods! [4/4]

    Posted by Quinn on 18 June 2011 - 10:20 AM in Minecraft

    yyyaaayy :D gonna build me a house haha

    Lol, the nether is enabled btw

    #129897 [Tutorial] Minecraft Servers: Mods! [4/4]

    Posted by Quinn on 17 June 2011 - 07:20 PM in Minecraft

    will you please op me again quinn? i'm really bored of not being able to give myself blocks :/. i started playing terraria now... gotta admit its more fun than minecraft

    Done, sorry about that

    #128932 Dead alien found in Russia.

    Posted by Quinn on 18 April 2011 - 08:03 PM in Off-Topic