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    There have been 259 items by Quinn (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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    #130328 Dragon Cave

    Posted by Quinn on 10 July 2011 - 10:34 AM in Off-Topic

    I just got two eggs for old times sake. Gonna put them in my sig

    #130176 Dream (Gaming) PC Build - June 2011

    Posted by Quinn on 02 July 2011 - 11:44 PM in PC Gaming

    no disk drive? or memory card reader? :p haha

    Like I said, late night.. Throw in a BD burner and a card reader, add about $200

    And in five to ten years, you won't be able to run anything on minimum. I love you technology, but you are also a total asshole.

    #130222 Dream (Gaming) PC Build - June 2011

    Posted by Quinn on 05 July 2011 - 10:18 PM in PC Gaming

    Why are you getting the second best CPU in this build, you clearly should have picked the top one regardless, seeing how its absurdly expensive anyway.

    Because of the fact that there is no difference (outside of a server environment) performance wise...

    #130160 Dream (Gaming) PC Build - June 2011

    Posted by Quinn on 01 July 2011 - 11:22 PM in PC Gaming

    I decided to compile a list of parts to make the most insanely overpriced gaming PC that I could. What can I say, I was bored..
    I decided to begin with the motherboard (Cause... you know, everything revolves around it). I thought to myself, what's the most over the top board out there now... And none other than the EVGA SR-2 came to mind. Let me lay down the tech specs of this board right now. This beast supports two Intel Xeon CPUs, has 7 PCI-E 2.0 slots (4 x16 or 6 x8 + 1 x16), supports 48GBs of DDR3 RAM, has two LAN chipsets (cause you know, one wasn't extreme enough!) and is f'ckin massive. The rest is gravy. The board can be found here.
    Cost so far: $564.99 (On sale, Canadian Dollars)
    For most, the next logical step would be to find a CPU. Normally, I would do this first, but this isn't a normal nor logical build. So I went searching for a case to hold this bloody board and its non-standard form factor. I also figured in that I would need dual power supplies, because this system will be drawing a helluva lot of power. What case is decent all around and can support two PSUs (without mods)? Look no further than the Xigmatek Elysium. This case has it's own damn form factor on newegg. The case can be found here.
    Cost so far: $784.98
    I guess it's time to give the CPU(s) a little love. The choice here was obvious, the Intel Xeon W3680 fits perfectly into the agenda. For you guys who are thinking (if any of you actually understand wtf I'm talking about) "that's not the top of the line Xeon, why get it?" The reason is because there are only two differences between the two CPUs, the first being the X5680 (top of the line one) supports more memory, and the second being $784. Anyways, this CPU has 6 cores, 12 threads. So for you guys who can't do math, that gives us 12 cores with 24 threads. Which is a lot of cores and threads... The CPU can be found here.
    Cost so far: $3016.96 (whoa, that was a jump)
    Now, all those cores and threads are useless without memory, and Patriot has just the remedy. The Patriot Viper II ‘Sector 7’ Edition kit gives you 12GBs (3x4GB, triple channel) of DDR3 2000 memory. Normally, 12GBs is considered a lot. But you know how we do it, overkill is my thing. Because our motherboard has 12 slots for memory, we would need four of these kits. To save your precious little brain, that's 48GBs of DDR3 2000. How the hell will you ever use all of that? The Memory can be found here.
    Cost so far: $3644.92
    Here comes the fun part boys and girls, the graphics cards. Yes, "cards" is plural for a reason. That reason being that it would be a damn shame if we didn't throw in a multi-GPU solution as epic and overkill as the rest of this build. The multi-gpu solution in this case consists of four - yes, four EVGA 384-bit, 3072MB GDDR5 GTX 580 bundles of awesome. Why not go with two 590s? Because they're slower than 4 GTX 580s in SLI, and in this case, have less memory. Not much needs to be said about these babies, except that they come with water blocks already installed. Is that epic or what? They can be found here.
    Cost so far: $6604.88
    Because you can't run a gaming PC without hard drives, we obviously need some. May I present to you my solution: Two Corsair Force Series 3 240GB SATA III SSDs (would be set up in RAID 0) and four Western Digital Caviar Black 2TB Hard drives. Why the WD 2TB drives? So you have space to store all those pirated games you download, you bastard...
    The SSD can be found here.
    The WD drives can be found here.
    Cost so far: $8184.82
    Ah, at last, we have the power supplies. What could possibly power this system? How about 3000 watts of Silverstone power (2 1500w PSUs). Needless to say, these are the highest (advertised) power PSUs out right now. Then can be found here.
    Cost so far: $8930.80
    Because if you can afford this system so far, you're a boss, you're gonna need great screens. Enter the NEC P461 46" "Large Format Monitor". At that size, you may wonder, why not just get some TVs? The reason lies in the bezel. These babies have a fairly thin bezel, while similarly sized TVs often have a thick bezel. Anyways, buy 6 of these and set them up in a 3x3 grid, and you'll have a 138 inch screen with a resolution of 5760x3240. That's awesome. However, they are rather steep, at $1,824.99 (each) on sale. They can be found here.
    Cost so far: $19880.74 (BAM!)
    I'm not going to baby you guy so much to even pick out a keyboard, but I will finish this insane post with the water cooling system. Shits gonna get insane. The loop would come from Koolance, who are pretty awesome. Anyways, this loop consists of the CPU 370 waterblock, the ERM-3K3UC System, the EVGA waterblocks (already one the 580s) and various nozzels, tubing etc. ($1,408.31 total)
    Total cost of build (before taxes and shipping): $21289.05
    Is this system complete and total, by every definition of the word, overkill? Yes
    Will I ever build a system like this? Probably not, unless I win the lottery (or someone important sees this article and sends me free parts :p)
    Would this system be boss as hell? Yup xD

    Please tell me if I missed anything, I made this list late at night. So I'm tired, and I make mistakes when I'm tired.

    #130760 Dumbest question ever asked lol

    Posted by Quinn on 05 August 2011 - 09:07 AM in General Discussion

    "Can you teach me how to Dougie?"

    #129479 E3 2011: Confirmed and Rumored Games

    Posted by Quinn on 25 May 2011 - 09:04 PM in General Discussion

    All I care aboot is TES V, all the other games are gonna take a back seat cause I'll be playin that shit all day

    #129109 E3 predictions

    Posted by Quinn on 30 April 2011 - 06:57 PM in Off-Topic

    all i want is skyrim!!! just bring me skyrim and all will be ok :)

    oh, and maybe actually release the honest hearts update for fallout new vegas... i've done all i can do on it... give me more quests damn it!!!

    Dear Sir,

    I could not agree with you more.

    That is all.

    #131162 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 25 August 2011 - 11:50 AM in PC Gaming

    Fuck them, there's no way it's getting installed. Battlefield 3, prepare to be pirated.

    #131195 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 27 August 2011 - 08:36 PM in PC Gaming

    over reaction much? The TOS of pretty much everything says this.

    Actually, the reaction is more to the collective amount of increasingly bad fuck-ups that EA has performed.

    #131197 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 27 August 2011 - 09:27 PM in PC Gaming

    EA seems to be doing it's best to make sure BF doesn't sell well on the PC.

    It sure seems that way.

    #131205 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 28 August 2011 - 11:57 AM in PC Gaming

    Still, this is nothing, EA representatives have even publicly said that.

    Good for them?

    #131343 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 10 September 2011 - 05:08 PM in PC Gaming

    It is if you run windows xp :p

    True, but I'm still not sure why anyone who would play a game this new, and this demanding on windows xp.

    #131303 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 05 September 2011 - 07:51 PM in PC Gaming

    I imagine there will be dx10 support, but it could very well be dx11 only, which would make it pretty demanding.

    DX 11 isn't a bad thing, in BC2 I gain 10-20fps (over DX 10) with DX 11.

    #131232 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 30 August 2011 - 04:34 PM in PC Gaming

    Have CP on your computer, EA scans and downloads, sue EA for being a child pornography racket. There is literally no way that would not work.


    #131221 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 29 August 2011 - 11:21 AM in PC Gaming

    here we go everyone! http://www.gamespot....ges-origin-eula Now you can buy battlefield 3! jk, EA is evil and thus doesnt deserve money /thread

    No need to be childish about it, I'm quite happy with the change. I'm still a bit bummed that it's not going to be on Steam, but I think I can deal with that. And honestly, we can probably add BF3 as a non-steam game and launch it like that to take advantage of the in-game overlay (which is essential to tell me to go the fuck to bed at 4am...)
    Also, my issue with data being collected is that if a smart enough hacker were to make it his goal to hack into EA's servers, who knows how much personal information they could get their hands on.

    #131248 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 01 September 2011 - 10:28 AM in PC Gaming

    except not at all, and again, they aren't scanning the whole computer.

    And that's why I'm going to Pre-Order BF3, because they have addressed my concerns (well, some of them at least)
    Hopefully it'll be as good or better than BC2. I heard that it was going to have the same/similar system requirements as BC2, I'm sure hoping it will (I sometimes play on my laptop, which runs it on medium-high with respectable FPS)

    #131223 EA Origin Can Send Your Private Data To Third-Parties

    Posted by Quinn on 29 August 2011 - 02:59 PM in PC Gaming

    But your information is already in the hands of numerous corporations, its pointless to be upset over this. And I just grow tired of seeing people overreact to this and other things on various sites. If I can handle being banned from live reasonably, I think people can handle this piece of an EULA.

    I`m sure it is, but then again, why give even more of it away? I have zero issue with them collecting data about minor things, like how I play, what guns I use etc. Even using it for marketing, I'm fine with. But scanning my whole computer... I'm not okay with that. It doesn't matter if I don't have any sensitive information on there, the issue is privacy. And the numerous times I've been banned from live, I really haven't cared, cause I'll just go play a PC game ;)

    #131408 ESRB Details Make Skyrim Sound Even More Awesome

    Posted by Quinn on 20 September 2011 - 01:32 PM in Games

    so much win....

    #131030 Everything you need to know about Skyrim

    Posted by Quinn on 15 August 2011 - 12:25 PM in Games

    I like how they're staying true to the ES series, but adding in new features. However, I don't like how Cuirass' and Greaves' are combined, I like everything separate.

    #129208 Excellent:)

    Posted by Quinn on 08 May 2011 - 03:57 PM in Showoff


    #130917 Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road DLC Delayed

    Posted by Quinn on 10 August 2011 - 07:46 PM in Games

    Posted Image

    #129423 Finished my site 2.0

    Posted by Quinn on 23 May 2011 - 04:28 PM in General Discussion

    It looks really good, I'm very impressed

    #130790 For quinn ;D

    Posted by Quinn on 06 August 2011 - 07:43 AM in Off-Topic

    old as hell

    but still awesome

    #129116 free dlc not a list its just free

    Posted by Quinn on 30 April 2011 - 11:07 PM in Xbox 360

    The personnal personal computer was is a great invention that we all many use almost everyday. Fire trucks are red.

    Had to fix it.
    Last one is because if "we all" really means all humans, then your statement is wrong (because there are many, especially in third world countries, that don't have computers.

    #129513 free dlc not a list its just free

    Posted by Quinn on 29 May 2011 - 04:18 PM in Xbox 360

    k ur dumb im gunna be all no grammer an what not just to piss u off you were complaining about something not being relevant how does you bitching about grammer and third world countries having comps have a damn thing to do with dlc you ******* tard now go read the post again and again and realise how ******* dumb you are

    Well now, I love the civility of your post. Temporarily banned.