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    Quinn's Content

    There have been 259 items by Quinn (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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    #130676 Hi I'm Lulzsec.

    Posted by Quinn on 29 July 2011 - 08:10 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes


    #129484 Hi, I am 5k3l3t0r

    Posted by Quinn on 26 May 2011 - 02:46 PM in Introductions / Goodbyes


    #130575 Hitachi FW

    Posted by Quinn on 25 July 2011 - 05:02 PM in Xbox 360

    Does anyone know if the latest LT firmware for Hitachi drives is safe for xbl?

    #130578 Hitachi FW

    Posted by Quinn on 25 July 2011 - 08:18 PM in Xbox 360

    It should be...
    Did you already update to the newest system update?
    Did you get an error code?
    If you didn't, you should be fine, but if you did and still haven't gone through the update, then:
    1) Flash to stock firmware
    2) Update
    3) Flash back to latest Hitachi firmware

    tl;dr yes, if no error code when updating

    I haven't updated yet, so flash it back to the stock fw then update and I'm good to re-flash. Thanks :)

    #130180 How Have You Guys Been?

    Posted by Quinn on 03 July 2011 - 12:42 PM in General Discussion

    Speak for yourself, I cannot though, because I'm dead.

    Boys boys boys... I'm Quinn, I never die

    #130231 How Have You Guys Been?

    Posted by Quinn on 06 July 2011 - 03:08 PM in General Discussion

    Never say, or type "Boys boys boys..." again.


    #130329 How Have You Guys Been?

    Posted by Quinn on 10 July 2011 - 10:44 AM in General Discussion

    Damn you and your T3A guy replies. xD


    I remember when T3A guy found that. :S.

    Didn't he make it?

    #130358 How Have You Guys Been?

    Posted by Quinn on 11 July 2011 - 12:47 PM in General Discussion

    I think your sig needs to be updated :p

    #130155 How Have You Guys Been?

    Posted by Quinn on 01 July 2011 - 02:24 PM in General Discussion

    Well, I'm blue now, as you may have noticed :p
    Good to see ya back buddy

    #128854 How many people play minecraft?

    Posted by Quinn on 15 April 2011 - 01:24 PM in Minecraft

    how would i use it?

    in the chat, type /give *item id* *amount* (or !give, one of the two should work)
    ^That's only for multiplayer, for single player you need a mod (single player commands, I believe) to use it.

    #128841 How many people play minecraft?

    Posted by Quinn on 14 April 2011 - 03:35 PM in Minecraft

    a mod that lets you give yourself items I assume.

    No, its in the vanilla game, it allows you to give yourself items/blocks (making building easier)

    #128820 How many people play minecraft?

    Posted by Quinn on 13 April 2011 - 07:15 PM in Minecraft

    5 player one looks ok ish. though i cant talk. i cant afford anything :( saving for a car

    It would be more like donate what you can, not a fixed amount per month. I just don't know if I can pay my bills with another monthly charge

    I can take away the give command :p

    This is one of the most vanilla public servers you'll find. Almost everyone runs buhkit or something. Go wander in a direction, (not too far). Otherwise you blow up my mapsize, then grow the file, then cost me more bandwidth. Then start your own little area. The intention of our world was to flatten a massive area and create a city, but that failed.

    I enjoy the give command because I want to build stuff. Your server really isn't survival, because the zombies/creepers etc. don't come around often, unless you are in an unlit area. I like making exotic places, hence the request for the give command. (if I just wanted to make my castle bigger with cobblestone, I would mine it :p)
    On a different note, I would definatly be able to help build a city (if you wanted to), but we should plan it out first, like what type of city? (Old style, modern?)

    #128945 How many people play minecraft?

    Posted by Quinn on 19 April 2011 - 02:54 PM in Minecraft

    Our personal server is down as its not yet compatible with 1.5. I could put a vanilla version up there, but I don't want to take the risk with anything possible. SimpleServer is our wrapper, and there seems to be lots of new packets (probably for achievements and weather). It will take awhile to map those packets out and then re-code them into the new version. Hopefully the guys who decompile minecraft will map out the new packets and post them, so then the developers can quickly add the code (lazy ftw).

    Our version of SimpleServer also used that !mystats command, but those stats have been built into the core game. So those will probably have to be merged/remove/maintained separately. Point being, it will take time.

    There are a couple of new items, so you'll have to spawn those by IDs as no word-ID pair has been made it. Those will come later when I have time.

    Check back later today, or tomorrow early for the updated build. Until then, Single Player :p or GOW3.

    Yay finally a booster rail!!!!

    #128972 How many people play minecraft?

    Posted by Quinn on 20 April 2011 - 05:37 PM in Minecraft

    kk server is back online.

    There might be some bugs left, so if the server rejects your login that means it crashed :( It restarts every 45 minutes, so have fun :p

    A more stable SimpleServer will be out later tonight.

    Would you take offense to me building a giant phallus in the middle of the map?

    #128811 How many people play minecraft?

    Posted by Quinn on 13 April 2011 - 03:25 PM in Minecraft

    wish you could :( i like peaches server, but being a noob player, its to developed for me to be of any use. i need a blank canvas to work with for me to be of any use. and itd be more fun for me :(

    I have the hardware to build a dedicated server, but I simply don't have the internet to do so. I was looking at hosting, and unfortunately it is simply out of the question for me to pay by the month for one, its too much.
    The price I saw for a VPS was around $40 a month.
    However, that's ridiculous, so I wouldn't ever do that. I saw these prices at on the Minecraft forums:
    Posted Image 3 players - 128mb RAM : $2.95/mo.
    Posted Image 5 players - 256mb RAM: $7/mo.
    Posted Image 10 players - 640MB RAM: $14/mo.
    Posted Image 15 players - 640MB RAM: $21/mo.

    ^If someone (or multiple someones) would be willing to split/help with the costs, I would manage it. If anyone is interested in splitting/helping with the costs, I will shop around for the best deal. I could also explore the option of regular web hosting, and setting one up on that (more work, but maybe worth it in the long run)

    #129379 How Old Is Everyone?

    Posted by Quinn on 21 May 2011 - 10:05 AM in Off-Topic

    Last time i posted in this thread i was 17 now im 20. lol

    Jeez, I feel so old

    #129246 How Old Is Everyone?

    Posted by Quinn on 10 May 2011 - 08:45 PM in Off-Topic


    #131084 How to connect PSP to 3G network with a wireless 3G Router?

    Posted by Quinn on 19 August 2011 - 12:15 PM in General Discussion


    beat me to it :/

    #129890 How to mod Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas: Part One

    Posted by Quinn on 17 June 2011 - 05:15 PM in Game Modding

    due to 0 replies, I never made a part two. Just wasn't worth it :cray:

    #131094 I am alive Leaked Trailer

    Posted by Quinn on 21 August 2011 - 12:43 AM in Games

    just another version of fallout...

    err... doesn't look like it. One fundamental difference I saw was that enemies aren't just mindless idiots shooting at you, they actually react to the fact you have a gun and well... they don't

    #129245 I lol'd

    Posted by Quinn on 10 May 2011 - 08:44 PM in Off-Topic


    #129253 I lol'd

    Posted by Quinn on 11 May 2011 - 02:37 PM in Off-Topic

    Im flattered ;)

    I had to repost it, thats how much I liked it :p

    #131194 i was a carrot once

    Posted by Quinn on 27 August 2011 - 08:34 PM in Off-Topic

    I'm antimatter, nice to meet you!

    #130174 IBM Creates New Memory Technology 100 Times Faster Than Flash

    Posted by Quinn on 02 July 2011 - 10:26 PM in Computers

    Dear IBM. I love you.

    #130631 iBotModz Yearbook 2011

    Posted by Quinn on 28 July 2011 - 09:17 AM in Off-Topic

    here's a pic of me

    Posted Image

    oh no wait, thats the fuck-tard who ruined my year. go fuck yourself clegg.

    Nick Clegg? Tuition fees?