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    JIME108's Content

    There have been 112 items by JIME108 (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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    #85213 My Halo 3 Beta Extractions!

    Posted by JIME108 on 29 April 2009 - 11:56 PM in H3 Modding

    Are you guys using ZTeams (ShadowSpartan, Choking Victim, CtrlAltDestroy) application to rip the Models?
    If so I would have thought you would have given them credit.... :huh:

    #85338 My Halo 3 Beta Extractions!

    Posted by JIME108 on 30 April 2009 - 03:50 PM in H3 Modding

    Prob not since they are ripping from the beta. Hasn't ZTeam ripped from retail?

    .... and Beta.

    #62372 My Halo 3 .Map Mod's

    Posted by JIME108 on 22 January 2009 - 04:11 PM in H3 Modding

    I have been recently been Modifying the .Map files from Halo 3 and have had some good and bad outcomes.

    Due to crap reasons I did remove the Video, thanks for the Heads Up.

    Here are some random "Bitm" swap pictures: Burnt Sandtrap + "Proj" Swaps

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    I will be releasing some video's soon so visit my channel for more Mods:

    #63263 My Halo 3 .Map Mod's

    Posted by JIME108 on 27 January 2009 - 03:01 PM in H3 Modding

    Gabe no matter how much you spam it wont make a diff just calm down if kids are going to buy kits for modding h3 thats theyre problem and money i understand what ur saying but just stop ur just turning Jime's post into a flame war.

    He always turns my posts into a flame war..... <_<

    #62459 My Halo 3 .Map Mod's

    Posted by JIME108 on 22 January 2009 - 11:45 PM in H3 Modding

    Thanks for the positive feedback, This is my first Mod and other sites are flaming me lots for it.

    #60769 Modified XEX

    Posted by JIME108 on 14 January 2009 - 05:24 AM in H3 Modding

    This guy stole Anthony's work and this XeX will only work for Halo 3 1.0 (from Anthony) and for a Dev Kit so don't get your hopes up. I recently bought a Dev Kit and will be happily posting pics and videos of stuff that I make.

    #97120 Modded Campaign Save Retail!

    Posted by JIME108 on 29 June 2009 - 07:46 AM in H3 Modding

    actuly jime it works, but it screws them up, like i have 1 with a cut scene is messed up and lol it wasn't supossed to be like that

    Well if it works, why do you have a problem?

    #98191 Modded Campaign Save Retail!

    Posted by JIME108 on 07 July 2009 - 12:25 AM in H3 Modding


    I think someone copied your avatar... :blink:

    Kink, this does not work, your a noob.

    #97398 Modded Campaign Save Retail!

    Posted by JIME108 on 30 June 2009 - 04:24 PM in H3 Modding

    thatas a lie, this works but depends on what you mean by "working" this does put the saves on but majorly screws up the mod.

    All this program is, is a CON Resigner.
    There is nothing special about it.
    Every CON resigner can do what this one is doing.
    Having that said NO ONE here will every be able to make a Dev Modded Personal file successfully run on a retail Xbox 360.

    #97102 Modded Campaign Save Retail!

    Posted by JIME108 on 29 June 2009 - 01:51 AM in H3 Modding

    There was a bug in the app and now that im fixing it I will not post it because the comunity is being a dick not you guys except a few here and some on others websites so sorry guys.

    There is no bug...
    He just wants attention, NO one here can make/resign campaign saves.

    #70117 MMP

    Posted by JIME108 on 24 February 2009 - 02:58 PM in H3 Modding

    Wtf is MMP.

    #65820 Meta Editing in Johnson Help

    Posted by JIME108 on 08 February 2009 - 11:46 PM in Help Desk

    Ha... If the program opens he has .NET Framework already it has nothing to do with that.

    Ha... He may have < .NET Framework 2.0 which would not even open the the program.

    #65577 Meta Editing in Johnson Help

    Posted by JIME108 on 07 February 2009 - 09:43 AM in Help Desk

    Yea, Just download Windows .Net Framework 3.5 + Latest Fix for Johnson.
    Also I will guarantee that you cannot make a flying Pelican (Especially with Johnson)

    #99086 How to mod your halo 3 service tag

    Posted by JIME108 on 14 July 2009 - 10:23 AM in H3 Modding

    Like the Armour Locks...

    You make it sound like you have researched it all...

    #97470 How to make your armor super white

    Posted by JIME108 on 01 July 2009 - 03:23 AM in Tutorials

    it might be that you might have done it wrong, you resigned it wrong, or like kd, you have to change it in more then one spot...

    Hahahaha, Noobs..

    You need to run it through a Hash Block Calculator not a CON Resigner.

    #100169 How to Hex Hayabusa & EoD Armour to any profile

    Posted by JIME108 on 23 July 2009 - 05:15 AM in Tutorials

    I see.

    I told you guys to research Profiles not Service Tags. 6 Days later, Armour Locks. Your welcome.

    oh jeez, is this Nomical's 4th account... -.-
    Why change your name so many times, it's not going to change what you have done.

    #100040 How to Hex Hayabusa & EoD Armour to any profile

    Posted by JIME108 on 22 July 2009 - 12:20 AM in Tutorials

    I added ODST and it didn't unlock Recon at all...online or offline despite Recon being achievement related...so perhaps a title update to Halo3 needs to roll out to allow that to happen?

    Adding a game is pretty simple...

    Login to Live on your dashboard, then pull out your ethernet or wireless usb so that the profile stays on screen and you are now offline. Then put in any game, but you will need to know its .gpd number. Play the game for a few seconds, log out of your profile...

    Then open profile in Hex, find the game you've just played .gpd number in the profile - the right place to edit is where the game title will be present and close to where it should say dashboard either a few lines above or below it. Now hex it to the game you want to add, by changing the .gpd number to the game you want to add.

    Rehash/resign then log into xbox live...wait for about 30 seconds and game has been added.
    If MS haven't made the achievements live then you wont see it - just the games icon instead.

    ~ Blueshadowz...

    #100152 How to Hex Hayabusa & EoD Armour to any profile

    Posted by JIME108 on 23 July 2009 - 12:56 AM in Tutorials

    I'm not a member of Blue Shadows...the message for adding a game to your gamerprofile is pretty much commonly known in lots of places. My message is a shortened down version of how Mattyovers described his method of obtaining the ODST achievements weeks ago...

    The first person to release the tutorial (I believe) was Rampant Pogo from BlueShadowz.
    It seems like a coincidence that you post a tutorial after he did.

    #91699 help mod map

    Posted by JIME108 on 28 May 2009 - 03:56 PM in Help Desk

    [scen]- levels\multi\riverworld\fx\waterfall\waterfall_base -EA2908B3

    #109340 Halo: Reach Leaked pics

    Posted by JIME108 on 08 November 2009 - 07:06 PM in Halo Reach

    This is a early beta or alpha stage of Halo: Reach. The pictures are REAL.
    What do you expect the early stages of a game to look like, according to multiple people the game looks surprisingly good for the stage it's at.

    Posted Image

    New Carbine
    new carbine that shoots needles, and explodes when 3 needles are hit


    it is a one shot battle rifle with 12 rounds, pretty powerful and effective long range.

    This is what the HUD looks like. In the bottom left, you can see your squadmates health and names.
    Right above the radar shows what perks you are carrying. When I played there were 3 perks-sprinting, cloaking, and halogram.
    The sprinting makes you run when you hold LB,
    cloaking makes you invisible (when you cloak your radar jams and you can't really hear anything around you).
    The halogram creates a hologram of yourself, so enemies will shoot at both.

    #109625 Halo: Reach Leaked pics

    Posted by JIME108 on 18 November 2009 - 06:39 PM in Halo Reach

    It is real...


    This is the original thread, the idiot that leaked them is from Microsoft. Just read the thread.

    #106014 Halo 3 Secret Boaring Animation

    Posted by JIME108 on 14 September 2009 - 04:11 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Just two years late.

    #102382 Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta

    Posted by JIME108 on 08 August 2009 - 08:34 AM in H3 Modding

    So if it's been around for a while, does that mean it works?

    Or does it not actually work?

    EDIT: Ok, I just downloaded the H3 beta. It does work, but you can't play it, since "The Halo 3 Public Beta is either currently unavailable, or has expired".

    There are no servers for it and it's expired therefore unable to play it. Unless you have a XeDK ;)

    #102380 Halo 3 Multiplayer Beta

    Posted by JIME108 on 08 August 2009 - 07:45 AM in H3 Modding

    Long Lost Link?
    This has been available and known for over two years now.

    If you want to see some interesting stuff go here:
    Halo 3 ODST:
    Bungie Pro - 12 months
    Something Special..
    EN Dolphin Data

    #76704 Halo 3 Forklift :)

    Posted by JIME108 on 23 March 2009 - 03:03 PM in H3 Modding

    What was the point of uploading this to bungie.net?
    You can still get banned.