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    There have been 40 items by kevbrown713 (Search limited from 25-September 23)

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    #24124 [xTyLer iZ iLL] Last Reckoning - Guardian Mod

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 17 June 2008 - 04:03 PM in Mods


    #24121 What does the inside of your computer look like?

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 17 June 2008 - 03:56 PM in Off-Topic


    #24112 [H3 Pyro] THE B0X - Foundry Mod

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 17 June 2008 - 03:47 PM in Mods

    this mod is boring and old.

    #24103 A Map.Request for all modders

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 17 June 2008 - 03:32 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    How about putting a ton of barrier light things and sandbags and try to put another/take out buildings.

    #24101 Thoughts on modding Oblivion

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 17 June 2008 - 03:28 PM in Game Modding

    why not make a dragon for 360 version that would beat anything else.

    #23174 PSP games - taking request

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 15 June 2008 - 02:28 PM in Handhelds

    Alien Hominid PDA games? or the Matrix stick figure game?

    #23143 Some amazing games for PSP like halo

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 15 June 2008 - 01:03 PM in Handhelds

    Is there anyway to make it smaller for some reason it wont fit on my PSP. I deleted everything i find but there is still like 800 mb taken up by things i can't find. Is there a way to reformate the 1gb mem card?

    It just says corrupted?

    #23110 Some amazing games for PSP like halo

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 15 June 2008 - 09:59 AM in Handhelds

    So the IRSHELL goes in the MP_ROOT and then you create a new folder called GAME150 and put whats left in there?

    #23014 If you could have bungie add 1 feature to halo 3........

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 14 June 2008 - 11:46 PM in H3 Modding

    Those are good I hate losing EXP just cuz u need to get of or are faced against generals wen ur a NoOb in the begining. That's just as bad as that stupid press to talk feature.

    #23008 LEAKED! Brand new 500 Easter Eggs Mod on Sandtrap

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 14 June 2008 - 11:35 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Yea PLEASE post a link. Oh and are the eggs in this one roll-able? I saw a vid that had roll-able ones but didn't now if this did too.

    #22802 LEAKED! Brand new 500 Easter Eggs Mod on Sandtrap

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 14 June 2008 - 02:24 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Where did you get it from cuz i need to download.

    #22791 LEAKED! Brand new 500 Easter Eggs Mod on Sandtrap

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 14 June 2008 - 12:05 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Ya this looks cool I can't wait

    #22634 Any modders banned? Yep.

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 13 June 2008 - 08:06 PM in H3 Modding

    I REALLY want the CON resigner to be released, not only because I want cool things like flyable pelicans, but I would love to see Bungie utterly destroyed. If everyone could do ANYTHING it would show them how stupid it was for them to fix everything good about the game. For example, we used to be able to get in buildings and walk out of bounds, now Bungie decides to throw in those frickin' death barriers just to be little NoObs and ruin the fun. Then, people got so good at halo that it is impossible to beat them because they have no life. So some of us decide to hide after we gain the lead for laughs and some EXP. Bungie figures out that people are having fun again so they block up tons of spots with their stupid barriers making matchmaking dumb. I hope that the CON resigner can DESTROY matchmaking and do other cool stuff like change the voices of ur character wen they die to say something funny. I used to like halo a lot but now they only thing keeping me online is all the cool mods and forge. So hopefully Bungie backs down and go dies under some rock and let everyone do watever they want like modding without the fear of their BANHAMMER.

    P.S. is there ever going to be a modded pit with cameras all over the walls and a sandtrap with tons of davinci eggs cuz that would be amazing

    #21912 Want Your Map Resigned?

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 11 June 2008 - 10:45 PM in H3 Modding

    Dang but it would still be cool to have them sitting there. I hope I can download this. Also, Is there a map with tons of davinci egg things yet?

    #21905 Want Your Map Resigned?

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 11 June 2008 - 10:35 PM in H3 Modding

    Would the troop hog think be an acctual drivable troop hog? If so that would rule. The phantom garbage also sounds gangsta . this map sounds cool!

    #19680 I will not release another mod for a while

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 05 June 2008 - 04:12 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    haha prolly ran to anthony for backup

    #19540 If you could have bungie add 1 feature to halo 3........

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 04 June 2008 - 11:03 AM in H3 Modding

    Yea I do think the pimp walk would complete the game but they seriuosly need the sideways magnum. Then you could say "put ur hands up 'for I pop a cap" and that would be cool.

    #19506 If you could have bungie add 1 feature to halo 3........

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 03 June 2008 - 10:12 PM in H3 Modding

    Posted by: SHOKAG3
    1. coagulation
    2. forge filters on all maps
    3. scarab and pelican in forge
    4. armors for the elites to make it even
    5. more armors for the spartans to uneven it again
    6. an aquatic map
    7. another foundry but bigger
    8. more color options to armor
    9. play as your character in campaign
    10. funny noises when elites die
    11. more blood
    12. rocket launchers can home onto enemy vehicles
    13. voice filters
    14. join a ranked game thats already started
    15. uhhh... did i say coagulation
    16. the flaming helmet but in like different color fires and not in the eod body.
    17. pick up objects like the soccer ball
    18. lower gun in xbox live
    19.map that changes time and or weather

    Also skip forward in theatre
    No death Barriers
    No number capacity for saves(100 custom content)
    Empty sandtrap and bigger
    Allowed modding
    No stupid "forward for recon" messages
    When inf greneades is on it should include fire grenades
    Darth vader voice filter
    less verifing on names(it even doesnt allow "office" as a name)
    squirrels in forge( lol jk... but seriously :|)
    laying down like SOCOM for PS2
    black as an armor and emblem color
    motorcycle like cars
    red bull power ups that make you fly
    0 gravity
    faster swords like H2
    Monkey AI
    Unlimited $
    Create custom map from scratch(hills, water, buildings)
    No stupid push to talk!!!!!
    use katana instead of sword
    AA wraith
    Drive forklift
    Filters in old maps
    Non-fixed hiding spots
    no weapons at start option(like on crow's nest)
    no falling distance until death in campaign
    record videos in campaign
    watch your videos on bungie.net and be able to put on ipod
    Troop transport hog
    Human warthogs(no turret)
    Ability to turn magnum sideways like GANGSTA
    body twitches when assassinated
    play as a fat master chief
    ladders in forge
    easier merging in forge
    easier floating in forge
    radio in the warthog and Dukes of Hazzard horn
    more dramatic screaming when killed
    girly giggles when you kill someone(Sound FX)
    create death barrier in forge
    create barrier in forge
    smrter AI(I Know smarter is spelt wrong:P)
    Ghost AI in forge that stare at you from out of bounds then dissappear(randomly)
    breakable windows like halo 2
    ability to sit in chairs
    knifes as weapon(shanks)
    easy booting for booting little kids who scream in mic
    guests in team doubles
    year long grifball
    dual swords
    Gangstas as AI in forge
    ability to mark "Hoodz" in forge maps
    breakable crates like in campaign
    climbable trees
    delete all button(including respawn points)
    Break Dancing
    Grillz under ur helmet or on marines
    Ability to make and/or flash gang symbols
    torches instead of flashlights
    movie making feature
    play music in maps(attach .mp3's) ex. the final countdown in grifball
    Chuck Norris instead of Sr. Johnson
    Flyable dragon(oh wait that's Oblivion)
    Clan Friends list
    faster mangi(mongoose)
    Spray paint in forge write on walls
    customizable vehicles
    Especially a FLYABLE PELICAN!!!!!!(with room for passengers)
    Pimp walking
    a cain(like the one lying on ground in sandtrap)
    conveyor belts in forge
    fog in forge
    high fives
    hold RB to pick up weapon when you dont have one
    ability to drop all weapons
    rocks in forge
    Play as Monitor in campaign
    Easier ability to be killed by traffic cones
    And finally(for now) destructable bunnies!!!!!!!!

    #19359 I Need Testers!

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 03 June 2008 - 09:40 AM in H3 Modding

    Yokomoko fersure!

    #18897 I Need Testers!

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 01 June 2008 - 02:46 PM in H3 Modding

    HaloGen713 - I'm interested, the only problem is that i dont know when my XBL membership ends, and i might not be renewing it for a while

    #18022 I will not release another mod for a while

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 29 May 2008 - 04:20 AM in Halo 3 / ODST

    yeah...why would anti-modders come to modders?

    #17690 My modding thread on bungie to let it be legal

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 27 May 2008 - 06:53 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    this is my account that ive logged onto live with once, its no big deal

    #17689 I will not release another mod for a while

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 27 May 2008 - 06:48 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Anthony/Shadow, you can be pissed all you want, what's done is done, it sucks for you. But, go out, and have fun doing what your original intention was. I know that it is a big deal to you, but its an opportunity for the people who don't have all the hacking experience that you have. I made a few mods in halo 1 for the computer, they came out nice. I never leaked them, it's not that hard. I mod my computer, and i enjoy it. That is why you should mod, because you want to give people a new way to see the game. If you mod for money/fame, there is something wrong. So, let us make the mods, and you can just watch it happen, don't be mad, you started it, and now, it's too late to end it.

    #17619 My modding thread on bungie to let it be legal

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 27 May 2008 - 04:18 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    since you've been blacklisted, ive made a new one:


    #17558 Warning To Everyone

    Posted by kevbrown713 on 27 May 2008 - 01:28 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    dont quote me on this, but i normally host modded things on my filesheare, but today when i checked, twoof them were missing. Is bungie cracking down on the modders?