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    There have been 1 items by Ludacrisse (Search limited from 28-September 23)

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    #126921 Castle Crashers Modding?

    Posted by Ludacrisse on 11 January 2011 - 03:04 PM in Xbox

    So, I've been trying to mod Castle Crashers, but I've run into a few problems:


    a ) My profile doesn't show up on the list on the Xbox 360.
    b ) My profile's gamerscore and avatar and etc. are deleted.
    c ) The mod works (This was only on an offline profile with no games played besides Castle Crashers).

    My profile is 4-5MB, so I was wondering if anyone had a rehasher that would rehash it correctly.

    I've used CONcept's and Haxalot88's rehashers and only CONcept's resigner, and I've been unsuccessful with my profile, but successful with a profile smaller than 1 MB.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

    P.S - Dark, you better help me with this. :rant:

    Yeah this post is like 2 years ago so wonder if you'll even check your post or maybe you figured it out already but download horizon.................the profile editor that has a profile mod tool for Castle Crashers and you can easily change the stats of the characters but you dont unlock all.....and you'll appear as a lvl 1 or whatever that character was before you did the steps....