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    dschu012's Content

    There have been 58 items by dschu012 (Search limited from 30-June 23)

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    #89143 (VB.NET & C#) Executing A File

    Posted by dschu012 on 16 May 2009 - 08:42 AM in Coding / Development

    You can also run the process with arguments if acceptable.

    Process.Start("firefox.exe","-url www.ibotmodz.net");

    #88960 [REQUEST]Factorial Calculator?

    Posted by dschu012 on 15 May 2009 - 10:37 AM in Coding / Development

    Factorial should be pretty easy since you only need a number as an input


    Here is an example of a factorial calculator. If the answer is above 18446744073709552000 it won't work because that is the maximum size of a ulong. So as long as you use it to calculate the factorials of numbers below 60ish you should be good.

    #88337 (C#) Linear Searching

    Posted by dschu012 on 12 May 2009 - 12:11 PM in Coding / Development

    A recursive function is a function that calls itself.

    //C++ Returns the Greatest Common Denominator
    int gcd(int x, int y)
      if (y == 0)
    	 return x;
    	 return gcd(y, x % y); //calls itself

    What you posted is a linear search

    #88329 (C#) Loops

    Posted by dschu012 on 12 May 2009 - 12:00 PM in Coding / Development

    While is in there, look further down.

    I mean a "do while" loop.

    int i = 0;
    }while(i < 10);

    That example really doesn't prove to be helpful. But it can be very helpful whenever you need to do something atleast once, then repeat the action based on the results.

    #88232 (C#) Loops

    Posted by dschu012 on 11 May 2009 - 09:56 PM in Coding / Development

    Should just be called a for loop not "for next". While your at it why not cover do while (they can be helpful) and foreach.

    #87032 Xbox Live Statistics Grabber v2 (DotNetBar)

    Posted by dschu012 on 06 May 2009 - 04:43 PM in Halo 3 / ODST

    Would be cool if it actually grabbed stats like the name states it does. Instead of just using a webbrowser control and navigating to your stats page.

    #85285 My Halo 3 Beta Extractions!

    Posted by dschu012 on 30 April 2009 - 01:03 PM in H3 Modding

    Are you guys using ZTeams (ShadowSpartan, Choking Victim, CtrlAltDestroy) application to rip the Models?
    If so I would have thought you would have given them credit.... :huh:

    Prob not since they are ripping from the beta. Hasn't ZTeam ripped from retail?

    #83759 How do you force skip in Matchmaking?

    Posted by dschu012 on 24 April 2009 - 11:26 AM in Help Desk

    Im playing living dead and Im sick of playing Original DLC, and I wanna skip everything thats not mythic. :D
    So, how would I go about doing this?
    Im pretty sure it has to do with blocking the map from being played or something... :huh:

    One of my friends has to go through and load each DLC map in a custom game before he can play them. If he doesn't load them up they get skipped when we get them in Matchmaking. I dunno how he does it but it is something along those lines.

    #82888 [request] LIVE vision gamerpic

    Posted by dschu012 on 19 April 2009 - 03:16 PM in Xbox

    But this way, you could make a LEGO gamerpic! :D

    Imagine that! A LEGO gamerpic!

    Lol I'm pretty sure that isn't what you mean

    #82857 [request] LIVE vision gamerpic

    Posted by dschu012 on 19 April 2009 - 12:16 PM in Xbox

    If you can take a picture and make it your gamerpic, could you just take a picture of another gamerpic to legally get any gamerpic you want? :D

    There is programs to get any gamerpicture you want...

    #74548 How to mod your halo 3 service tag

    Posted by dschu012 on 14 March 2009 - 08:25 PM in H3 Modding

    Cool. Never knew that.

    #71885 .::Fun with Projectile Speeds::.

    Posted by dschu012 on 01 March 2009 - 10:59 PM in H3 Modding

    Why care if he has made progress or not in Halo or not. He made a video that he thought was cool (it looked pretty cool) and wanted to share it. Why does everyone have to flame about any map modding video posted anywhere?

    #65395 Get any Gamer Pic for free!

    Posted by dschu012 on 06 February 2009 - 10:31 AM in Xbox

    nice program but can i use the ntsc images with a pal xbox 360?


    #63750 :O ---> B)

    Posted by dschu012 on 29 January 2009 - 07:19 PM in Off-Topic

    too bad their fugly.


    #63129 Get any Gamer Pic for free!

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 January 2009 - 07:01 PM in Xbox

    you have no idea whats so ever do you?
    i have spent more than 8 hours on the xbox fourms and on every other xbox related forum!
    so you dont know so dont post you can look for your self and you wont ever find it !

    btw i found the id ( al least 10 hours of searching LOL )
    BestBuy halo 3 picture pack ---> 585707ee
    this site can help but sometimes it doesnot use the game id for the link it uses titles or something )=


    BTW agian mygamercard.com dose not work as of now )=

    Huh. Never not been able to find a pic I was looking for. The ID thing is the same folder as it is stored in on the Xbox, not just some random number, if you were curious on what it was exactly. Nice that you finally found it.

    #63056 Covies Neutral Flag

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 January 2009 - 08:48 AM in Mods

    I would have thought that someone would have made one in all this time

    and I think I heard of that headhunter gametype after I read the descritpion

    Ya didn't seem to be a big hit. I loved it in Halo 2 but it doesn't seem to play as well in Halo 3. Maybe with quicker respawns or something it might play better.

    #63055 Looking for renaming program

    Posted by dschu012 on 26 January 2009 - 08:36 AM in Programs

    I has vista, is that the problem?

    Maybe I don't have vista so can't really test it on that. Vista has all type of security things preventing you from doing stuff that can easily be done on XP.

    #63020 Looking for renaming program

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 January 2009 - 09:37 PM in Programs

    Thanks that does what I need, but i need to create a list for it to rename.

    It doesn't rename?

    Worked perfectly for me.

    Before I click the button

    Posted Image

    After clicking the button

    Posted Image

    #63012 Looking for renaming program

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 January 2009 - 09:15 PM in Programs


    Only renames files in the directory you pick. If you want it to go into more directorys and such just tell me and I might work on that for you.

    #62991 Covies Neutral Flag

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 January 2009 - 08:05 PM in Mods

    yeah, thanks, I was surprised when I realized that none were ever made(or released)

    we've needed this GT in halo 3


    Made and released about 6 months ago.

    #62909 i am thinking of making a program...

    Posted by dschu012 on 25 January 2009 - 02:14 PM in Xbox

    they all start with usermapxxxxxx or filmxxxxxx so its kinda easy to sort them and give extensions :)
    it will also include automatically find all halo files on the hdd and copy them to their respective folders, same for putting it back on the hdd..easy :)
    i just hope i can get it to work with the fatx filesystem >.<

    I think you are in over your head with this. Trying to read the HDD is way too complex.

    #62802 Get any Gamer Pic for free!

    Posted by dschu012 on 24 January 2009 - 02:14 PM in Xbox

    No, say you had the contents of a con file in a folder, and you wanted to make a con file using the files in the folder.

    So for example say you had a left4dead_config.cfg file and a game_instructor_count.txt file in a folder what this program would do is create a con file
    and inject these files into it...

    i dunno if i explained it how i have it imagined in my head.
    but i hope you get the basic idea.

    Seems pointless to me. Not enough uses for it. Use this if you wanna edit L4D UserSetting files

    #62794 Get any Gamer Pic for free!

    Posted by dschu012 on 24 January 2009 - 01:33 PM in Xbox

    Could you make something that builds a con file from the contents of a folder? that would be pretty awesome

    I dont understand what you mean exactly. Do you want to add stuff to a CON file that usually isnt in CONs....?

    #62788 Get any Gamer Pic for free!

    Posted by dschu012 on 24 January 2009 - 12:14 PM in Xbox

    Awesome i just got the adult swim pack ^___^ Mooninites Ftw!

    Btw are you working on anything else? Because everything you have made so far pwns.

    Nothing for the Xbox. Mostly making something for my own use but its getting to the point where I probably won't be able to finish it because I'm not smart enough.

    If you give me any good idea's of something for the Xbox that is possible I might work on it.

    #62570 Get any Gamer Pic for free!

    Posted by dschu012 on 23 January 2009 - 12:40 PM in Xbox

    seems like a cool app nice if they it had themes that you could do as well :)

    You can easily make your own themes. But since they don't store the images for themes online like the do for gamer pictures (for your gamer card) you probably couldn't get real themes.