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    There have been 50 items by subs_55 (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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    #115115 alternative to rep system

    Posted by subs_55 on 31 March 2010 - 09:31 PM in Problems / Suggestions

    +REP, sounds like a good idea, could get people a little more active.

    Food for thought though, have you seen the stars in your profile? They work the same way, but are only ever noticeable in one place, so they are pretty pointless.

    i noticed that maybe 5 min after i posted this. its a similar idea, but like you said it means nothing.

    im just really against the rep system. i always forget about it, and i dont think its fair to just have a really good option and a really bad option. there sould be some middle ground. the stars could help express quality of posts not just the quantity of good posts.

    #115026 Its all rainbows at this parade....

    Posted by subs_55 on 30 March 2010 - 09:36 PM in Showoff

    both of those tags are just everywhere. i disappointed to come back just to see the only active GFX person has just gone down hill.

    #115020 alternative to rep system

    Posted by subs_55 on 30 March 2010 - 07:54 PM in Problems / Suggestions

    okay, i just got this random idea here. i think we should have a rating system based off of 5 star ratings. ill call it karma. okay so kinda like when you add rep, just make it so you decide how many stars you wana give that person (maybe make moderators, and vips votes). ratting will average themselves and as far as vip goes, lets say they have to have a 5, or 4 star rating with *insert number* of votes. and maybe make it mandatory in certain forums to rate after you post it or something so we get more voters.

    just a thought.

    #114665 plz?

    Posted by subs_55 on 24 March 2010 - 06:58 PM in Showoff

    dude the Ford Mustang 2010 has got to be one of my favorite cars in the world!! :thumbsup:

    hard to like it after hearing what the 2011 is going to have. there bringing back the 5.0l but they built it from the ground up. 91 hp boost in one year,

    #114660 plz?

    Posted by subs_55 on 24 March 2010 - 06:21 PM in Showoff

    well ya didnt like the last one, so heres a worse one.


    #114564 Why not?

    Posted by subs_55 on 22 March 2010 - 07:38 PM in Showoff

    well a certien someone told me to make some more tags for the site. so, here i am, and here it is. tell me if it is comeback material.




    Posted by subs_55 on 28 February 2010 - 09:38 PM in General Discussion

    Canada didnt get all of there medals from hockey dudes. Canada manged to break two records: most gold medals by a host country, and most gold medals PERIOD. thats pwnage. not to mention US as more then quadruple the population of Canada. dont be sour and take this away from Canada, they legitly deserved this. you US ppl dont need to win everything. like come on.

    #113724 RRoD #2? wtf?

    Posted by subs_55 on 28 February 2010 - 10:42 AM in Help Desk

    okay, my xbox killed itself a couple months ago. i had no warranty left. i ended up fixing it maybe a moth ago/ i removed the x clamps re-did the paste yata yata, and it worked fine. until yesterday that is.

    i got RRoD again and i am wondering if i can fix it. is it possible to just crack it open again and tighten the screws or re apply the paste? or something? would the penny trick fix it? or am i ******?

    #105108 help me fix my compooter?

    Posted by subs_55 on 01 September 2009 - 01:55 PM in Help Desk

    okay, heres my story. the reason why i havent been on in like 4 forevers is because of my computers death. one day, just before i was about to wipe it, it decided to not turn on. so i figured it was my power supply, because that makes sense an all, and also i was under powering it so i whent out and bought the biggests fancyest crome plated power supply that had ever been conjured and slapped it in there. hooked up fine, checked the specs and all was just dandy, and shiny. buuuuutttt.... it still wont work, it does the same thing. it just turns on for maybe 3 seconds then WHAAMO it goes dead. now i figured id just do some tests swap some shit no big deal right? trial and error till it works. buuuuuutttt.... i have like zero time and when i do get time i got higher prioties then my computer. so im wondering if any of you guys got some ideas that i can start with so i can use my time the most efficently.

    let me know what your thinkin. might be awhile before i can check the replys so be patient bros.

    #96906 attempt at a new style.

    Posted by subs_55 on 27 June 2009 - 08:03 PM in Showoff

    I'm a little confused. Looks like a normal stock just resized to fix the signature.

    its closer to about 6 stocks and a hours worth of work. its just a different type of tag. they dont all need to be hot chicks floating in random lines.

    #96428 **** all of you...

    Posted by subs_55 on 24 June 2009 - 07:49 PM in Off-Topic

    try playing something besides easy lol

    #95965 Make an awesome sig for all of ibotmodz ($5)

    Posted by subs_55 on 22 June 2009 - 06:34 PM in Battle Zone

    not interested, just a guess.

    #95792 whoa

    Posted by subs_55 on 21 June 2009 - 07:33 PM in Showoff

    i made this for a friend by her request.

    #95573 here we go

    Posted by subs_55 on 20 June 2009 - 12:40 AM in Showoff

    i just looked at it again and realized how bad this was. lol.

    #95561 here we go

    Posted by subs_55 on 19 June 2009 - 09:47 PM in Showoff

    some chick lol.png

    im not sure if i should stick with my old style (like this but this is a rough example) or continue with my new photo manip like stuff. check my last two posts here and let me know.

    #95335 My new tint job

    Posted by subs_55 on 17 June 2009 - 11:13 PM in Off-Topic

    what the heck kind o car is that?

    #95174 Last Things I Made

    Posted by subs_55 on 16 June 2009 - 10:51 PM in Showoff

    ho teh ****! i r hearted!!!!!! lol ya man lets try and get gfx going again. ive tried some new stuff aswell. thanks for the gift. my next project it for you. the only person who ever gave me gift on this site, and did it twice. i owe you.

    #94540 more new style shit

    Posted by subs_55 on 13 June 2009 - 09:47 PM in Showoff

    Wild Blue Yonder.png

    #94525 attempt at a new style.

    Posted by subs_55 on 13 June 2009 - 06:37 PM in Showoff

    i wasnt trying anything in particular but i just wanted to try something different then what i usually do. its kinda a bit more photomanip like then what i usually do and i didnt ***** the motion blur or the gradients. lqtm

    #94420 attempt at a new style.

    Posted by subs_55 on 12 June 2009 - 11:01 PM in Showoff

    hot-fuz newstyle..png

    #94276 What are you listening to

    Posted by subs_55 on 11 June 2009 - 10:38 PM in Media

    Alexisonfire - To a Friend

    #93697 About BlueShadowz

    Posted by subs_55 on 08 June 2009 - 06:48 PM in Off-Topic

    I second that motion.

    i.... 3rd that motion?

    #92687 WinFlip

    Posted by subs_55 on 02 June 2009 - 07:05 PM in Programs


    im only telling you what my anti-virus picked up. idc if you dl it, just warning ppl. virustotal is 100% either. so idk.

    #92677 WinFlip

    Posted by subs_55 on 02 June 2009 - 06:19 PM in Programs

    dont download, until there is a scan up. i just downloaded and got a
    PSW Trojan. my anti-virus caught it though. dunno if there more or what. virus total would help.

    #92432 Who's watching E3

    Posted by subs_55 on 01 June 2009 - 09:53 PM in Off-Topic

    go to g4.com you can watch there i think

    i know i just thought id over do it. thanks anyways ;)