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    SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

    • Submitted: Sep 09 2008 05:44 AM
    • Last Updated: Jul 16 2009 01:20 PM
    • File Size: Unknown
    • Views: 4605
    • Downloads: 1,219
    • Author: T Beezie
    • Version: 1.0

    Previous Versions

    • 04 May 2009 Download Night Ops
    • 10 Sep 2008 Download Night Ops

    Download Night Ops

    * * * * * 1 Votes

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    When darkness falls upon the city of Old Mombasa,
    a new breed of SPARTAN Super Soldiers have been sent
    to bring light back to this abandon city.

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    Author: __.T Beezie
    Preview: --.Early Beta Vid
    Base map: -.Containment

    Map Information:

    [ YES ] __System Link
    [ YES ] __Skins
    [ YES ] __Injected Models
    [ YES ] __Weapon Mods
    [ YES ] __Active Scenery
    [ YES ] __Biped Mods
    [ YES ] __AI Added
    [ YES ] __AI Zones
    [ YES ] __Injected Scripts
    [ YES ] __Lighting Mods
    [ YES ] __Injected Sounds
    [ YES ] __Weather Added
    [ YES ] __Working Gametypes
    [ YES ] __BSP Mods

    Must be running the Yelo Trainer to enable AI

    Map mods:

    - BSP conversion of [03a_oldmombasaearthcity_1]

    - All [scen] and [bloc] have been restored to match original

    - New sky with edited bloom/ blur

    - Edited ltmp

    - Added custom fog

    - Added light rain

    - Lots of new bitmaps

    - A few new bumpmaps

    - Custom illumination maps (for the MC)

    - New flickering streetlights (feat. real time shadows)

    - Dead ragdoll MCs

    - Active scenery (cool crashing Banshees)

    - Edited unicode strings

    - Proper team-spawns

    - All gametypes are 100% playable

    - Secret sniper spot (see if you can find it) =P


    - Pistol [M6D]: Has a proper hud w/ zoom, new sound, new model, and added shot delay so its similar to h1. Non dual wieldable otherwise you could kill someone too quickly. It only takes about 8 shots to the head to kill.

    - Assualt Rifle [MA5B]:
    Shoots slower than normal, but, the damage has been adjusted so its stronger than the SMG. Flashlight attached, slightly modified HUD, with new sound and new model.

    - Shotgun: Shoots a few more projectiles to remove any host advantage and made it slightly stronger for the same reason. New contrail added which looks awesome...You'll know when someone wants to kill you.

    - SMG: Higher ROF than normal and is also slightly more powerful. It is stronger but weaker than AR because of its firing speed and the fact that it remains dual wieldable.

    - Sniper Rifle: H1 Sniper model w/ "nightvision".

    - Plasma Pistol:
    The little shot is now more powerful so if for some strange reason your running around with it, your not some worthless piece of poo with a pea shooter in your hands. YOU CAN ACTUALLY KILL SOMEONE WITH IT! [/quote ScottyGee]

    -Any weaps not listed remain stock-

    (All weaps have enhanced muzzle flashes and explosion effects lighting)

    A.I. Mods:

    - 8 vs. 8 / Spartans vs. Elites

    - Squad of 5 Buggers spawn
    approximatly every 20 seconds

    - Spartans=Yellow Team

    - Elites=Green Team

    - Buggers=Purple Team

    - A.I. bipeds have fully working
    "zones" and "A.I. orders index"

    - A.I. is 100% SLC

    (All A.I. have independant respawns and spawn with a wide variety of weaps.)


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    Aequitas for his Uber-Lightmap Tool & his Uber Screencap Tool

    Kornman he found the key to AI in MP in the xbe

    Soldier of Lite for his awesome script tools

    TfAv1228 for H2IB

    tjc2k4 for Insolence

    -DeToX- for his Real Time Shadow Tool

    Iron Forge for Serenity

    Trulife for bringing the community together to achieve the once thought impossible dream

    WastingBody for all his A.I. help when I was still a A.I. n00b =x

    ScottyGee for weapon tweaking and sound injection

    dec1234 for the orsm H1 models

    Woovie for helping me skin some stuff

    farklem for DotHalo

    xbox7887 for Yelo

    xheadshotmastax for his Meta Faking Tut

    Pyroman for his Team Spawns Tut

    iGeo & foxfanatic2317 for their l33t photoshopping skills

    Anthony & Poke for H2G & H2C
    & all who have participated in the development of Entity

    And a special thanks goes out
    to everyone who helped me beta test.

    ______S3any Boy

    Much thanks to everyone that helped.

    Enjoy! Posted Image

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