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    SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

    • Submitted: Jan 05 2010 06:15 AM
    • Last Updated: Jan 05 2010 06:15 AM
    • File Size: 11.75MB
    • Views: 5928
    • Downloads: 474
    • Author: Xenon.7
    • Version: 1.0

    Download H3Unlock

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    A tool to remove security checks from your Halo 3 & Halo 3 ODST executables.
    By Xenon.7(DeToX) & Anthony

    Items & Descriptions
    Halo 3 1.0 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file.

    Halo 3 1.1 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file.

    Halo 3 1.2 Hacked - Ability to mod .map file.

    Halo 3 1.2 Ultimate - Ability to mod .map files, All armor is always unlocked(properly), alot more security removed from .map files, which, at times, would give you a dirty disc error, because the engine is really picky. Removed signatures on .blf images(mainmenu preview images), .mapinfo files(files that add .maps to your mainmenu). Alot more aswell.

    Halo 3 ODST Hacked - Ability to mod .map files. I believe I also removed a bit more security here than that that made the engine less strict about certain header values that are to be calculated.

    -Put xorloser's xextool.exe in the same folder as this application or else it will not function.
    -Open H3Unlock.exe, open up a clean XEX from Halo 3 ODST or Halo 3, and select which patch you'd like to apply.
    -Click apply

    It's also been reported you should use xextool for all 4 .dll's:
    • -\WaveShell-Xbox.dll
    • -\WavesLibDLL.dll
    • -\waves\L360.dll
    • -\waves\Q10.dll

    -Anthony, as he was my partner in the beginning, and together we made it all happen. Though it may have been years ago, it's still appreciated.
    -xorloser, for his xextool.
    -DarkShallFall, always been there, great modder, was the only guy that stuck by for long and did some plugin research to help out.

    Note: If you have a copy of the Halo 3 Multiplayer Only disc that was bundled from Halo 3 ODST, you can take a hacked Halo 3 1.2 XEX, and replace it with that one, and the game will function the exact same, only security will be removed.

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