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MW2 Modding

MW2 Modding Files/Apps

4 files

  1. MW2 patch_mp.ff Editor

    This let's you edit the patch_mp.ff's .gsc's.
    The .gsc's are in C++ so ya edit away.
    By editing these you can do so much like score mod's, fx swaps, and much more you just got to look through and figure out what things do.
    Note: This is beta so it doesn't yet allow you to make the gsc's larger than before.
    This may work with all patch_mp.ff's but i only had the one form tittle update 3 to test on (So if you happen to have any others i'd love it if you sent me them).
    Please report all bug's to me (preferable via PM or AIM).
    BTW if you are adding a fair amount of code make sure to delete dev comments in the gsc so the size is less than or equal to the original size. If you don't you will black screen. Other then that any other error is your fault not mine.
    Example code by jester to unlock all challenges.

    doChallenges() { self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "death" ); self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "dpad_up", "+actionslot 1" ); for ( ;; ) { self waittill( "dpad_up" ); for ( s = 0; s <= 8; s++ ) { foreach ( challengeRef, challengeData in level.challengeInfo ) { wait 0.05; self processChallenge( challengeRef, level.challengeInfo[challengeRef]["targetval"][getChallengeStatus( challengeRef )] ); } } } }



  2. Various Modified Gametypes

    This is coolshrimps modified code_post_gfx_mp file. It can be used to enable tons of modified stuff, or one at a time.

    XP Mod (Level 70) XP Mod (Level 1, that means negative) Host Migration Global Thermal Nuclear War Arena God Mode Enhanced Aim Fast Run w/Unlimited Run Super Jump w/No FallDamage Explosive Rounds Care Package Only (AC130 & Chopper Gunner)
    How To Use:
    Start a Match
    Hit Start --> Options --> Set Button Layout to Lefty (Just temporarily)
    1.Turn on Mod's
    Press DPAD_UP
    2.Select all wanted mod's

    Right Trigger = XP Mod (Level 70) Left Trigger = XP Mod (Level 1) Right Bumper = Global Thermal Nuclear War Left Bumper = Arena Left Stick = Fast Run w/Unlimited Run Right Stick = Enhanced Aim A = Super Jump w/No FallDamage X = Host Migration Y = God Mode *New DPAD_LEFT = Explosive Rounds DPAD_RIGHT = Care Package (AC130 & Chopper Gunner)
    3.Activate Selected Mod's
    Press DPAD_DOWN
    Then Hit Start --> Options--> Set Button layout back to whatever you want.
    So if you want Global NuclearWarfare. Start Game, Change Button Layout to Lefty, Click D-Pad UP, then Hit the Right Bumper (above right trigger), then click DPAD down. The game should restart. Then change Lefty back to your preferred.



  3. My MPDATA Editor

    This program allows you to edit almost anything from your challenges, perks, killstreaks, medals, etc.
    Change Log: - Seen in this vid. - Fixed Custom Class 1 named as Custom Class 10. Fixed days being written as minutes and vice versa. Fixed Custom Class 5 editor. Fixed some security issues. - Increased speed by 50%. Reduce size by 1MB. Fix things wrong with sending me messages. - Added killstreaks to the item list. Also added harriers to the killstreak editor. - Added some small features. The most notable is the new "Unlock Everything" button. - Added an "Advanced Class Name Editor". This will allow you to edit your custom class names easily, but still powerfully. - Added a custom resigner. It even renames everything. All you have to do is load the ids and its good to go. Also had various bug fixes, such as Class 8 deathstreak and Class 10 camo labels not updating. - Fixed some small bugs. Added much needed stability to the program. Also added default and suggest classes to the advanced class editor. - Merged all class editors into one tab. Reduced main form coding by 8500 lines of coding. This should significantly reduce loading time. - Added PS3 support. That makes this the first modding tool, that I know of, that is multiplatformal. - Added secondary camo support and removed the contact me thing because you guys are VERY ANNOYING!!!


    Staff Response Download at your own risk.




  4. Modern Warfare 2 MPData Editor (Beta)

    So... It was sort of rushed, but here it is. This is a beta, so It's not perfect. Reply with any questions, comments, improvements, bugs, etc.
    This version includes the following:

    Edit custom classes. Edit stats. Edit time played. Change kill streaks. Unlock all kill streaks. Fixes CRC, rehashes and resigns. This version does not include the following (These features will be added later.):

    Unlock all titles, emblems, and challenges. Convert PC MPData to Xbox 360 MPData. Convert PS3 MPData to Xbox 360 MPData. Credits:

    SotG Caboose - Application xI CHOCOLATE - Research DJ Shepherd - X360.dll Trancewolf - Found the checksum.
    Do not put this in any AIO.



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