H2 Modded Maps
This will include any modded map that the community has made.
15 files
Mimesis Revived
By iBotPeaches
Mimesis Revived
Halo 2 mod links are dead nearly everywhere. I once was a mirror for Project Mimesis. So naturally I have all the files. I give you 36 of the Mimesis Halo 2 files. All Serenity. These mods were made between 2006 - 2008. If you started modding after that. I'm sorry that you never got to meet these people
Abysall [Pyroman]
Aerial [xheadshotmastax]
Biohazard I [scottyGee]
Biohazard III [xheadshotmastax]
Cableroom [Pyroman]
Cassiopeia [Aequitas]
Catacomb [TheSwampFox]
Citadel [xheadshotmastax]
Conduit [smacktalker]
Dead in the Water [Pyroman]
Dead in the Water || [Pyroman]
Delphia [Jubakuba]
Deserted Metropolis [DrXThrist]
Duff World [DoorM4n]
Echo Station [TunesRus90]
Gate [xheadshotmastax]
Hideout 2 [halo0001]
Hypothermia [theycallmechad]
Induction [The Swamp Fox]
Infiltration [Pyroman]
Moon Stronghold [scottyGee]
Sentinel Base [xheadshotmastax]
Sentinel HQ [Pyroman]
Sublimation [x088x]
Sunnision [xheadshotmastax]
The Valley [koekeok]
The Forgotten Room [The Flying Dutchmen]
Undeadlong [MrMurder]
2 parts. 36 maps. This isn't a mappack. Just a serenity dump.
Part 1 (200mb) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/4ie7a8ryd5bc1m5/Mimesis_Revived.part1.rar
Part 2 (189mb) - http://www.mediafire.com/file/f81zaak2bh4aztc/Mimesis_Revived.part2.rar
WinRar required.
- halo 2 mods
- halo 2
- (and 4 more)
H2 Epic AI Battle (Action Replay Version)
By iBotPeaches
Quote from TheTyckoMan
2 ways to play this.
Drop the .ZIP file into your Action Replay "Computer" section then move to AR memory card and copy to xbox.
Extract the .ZIP into the UDATA folder, then drop that in your E Drive directly through an FTP connection.
Mandarra Race Way
Mandarra Race Way
Original Map: Gemini
Map Information:
12 Warthogs
Trampoline I
Trampoline I
Original Map: Containment
Map Information:
Entire map is made of gravity lifts.
Two modded weapons.
Arbiter Added
System Linkable
.:: Forge ::.
Mod Information:
Mod Name: Forge
Original Map: Burial Mounds
Creator: ÃuDZZ
Serenity Patch: Below
The Forge spawns at the Rocket Launcher's normal place.
Right Trigger Spawns the Boxes
Left Trigger Moves the Boxes
The Fast and The Furious: Miami
Brief Desription:
- 4 Unique warthogs, with Unique skins. (This is the first Halo 2 mod with multiple warthog skins, to my knowledge)
- Each vehicle has unique handling, speeds and accelerations. (The e-brake is your best friend with the Skyline)
- New, present day weapons. Including: Klashnikoff AK47, the Israeli UZI and the German Walther p99. All fully skinned and UVW mapped.
- Proper custom bump maps, on each vehicle. The tires are a personal favourite.
- Unique Neon lighting, related to the 'hogs movie counterpart.
- Generally Miami themed
It may not sound like an awful lot, but this is my first mod. I hope you enjoy, I spent a lot of time on each skins and warthog, giving them individual character.
I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking.
I hope you guys enjoy it, it took a while because it is a unique mod, in the sense that there are some new, never before seen features.
Base Map:
- Headlong
- Team deltaHalo and all it's members, in particular...
- ZeroKillerMods - UVW Mapping, sorry for being a slave driver!
- RaVNzCRoFT - Models, they look awesome.
- Hawaaiin Modder - Team member and helper
- ScottyGEE, help way back when I first started
- DeToX - Get Low Bus, great helper and friend
- Anyone else I may have forgottern (PM me)
This filtration control center used to filter water for nearby towns. Now it is a battlefield littered with weapons...
Type: Serenity
Base: backwash.map
Map Information:
[ YES ] __System Linkable
[ YES ] __Weapon Mods
[ YES ] __Skin Mods
[ ___ ] __Physics Mods
[ YES ] __Lighting Mods
[ ___ ] __Vehicle Mods
After aimlessly wandering in the mexican forests, we found an old water filtration center. We then met our pursuers. They were Elites! They claimed we were heretics for leaving the covenant and that they had done the right thing by rejoining. The poor deceived fools. Tired and weakened from our previous battles we engaged them with all our might...
End of log...
-Spartan>Renegade Elite; Color Changeable shields and armor. Also has skinned fp.(Credit to xHeadshotmastax)
-Elite>Spec Ops Ranger; Color Changeable shields and armor. Also has skinned fp.
SMG>Brute Spiker; Fires deadly exploding spikes that will attach to an enemy and detonate. Also, has higher melee damage. (New Model by Doom and skin by Conscar)
Battle Rifle>Nail Rifle; Fires burst shots of two rounds at a time and is equipped with a scope.(New Model by gunslinge109 of Turbosquid and skinned by me)
Magnum>Nailer; Fires burst shots of three rounds at a time. Very powerful, not very accurate. Cannot be dual wielded due to the strength it has. (New Model by desolatordan of Turbosquid)
Shotgun>Bayonet; This huge bayonet was removed from the brute shot. (Re-model by me)
Sniper Rifle>Crossbow; Fires deadly arrows that can take down in enemy in one hit. Note: They aren't as fast as bullets.(New Model created by FredMT of Turbosquid and skinned by me)
Rocket Launcher>Brute Shot; Stock Brute Shot.
Fragmentation Grenade>Brute Spike Grenade; A very powerful and deadly explosive device. If when it's thrown it just happens to hit you, the spikes will instantly kill you and then the grenade will detonate injuring anyone around you. (New Model and skin by me)
Plasma Rifle>Blade Rifle; The most efficient covenant plasma rifle type weapon I have made. Fires powerful plasma bolts that have a higher hit rate than ordinary plasma bolts. A very formidable match up to the Brute Spiker. Also, the blades are not for show. Melee damage is quite strong now. (New Model and skin by me)
Covenant Carbine>Plasma Carbine; Fires high powered plasma beams, is full automatic and has an equipped scope. (Re-model and skin by me)
Needler>Flamer; Fires flaming rods that explode at rest. Has faster firing rate than the needler.
Plasma Pistol>Toxic Pistol; Fires radiation beams that can be charged up to a deadly single beam. Single Fire: Radiation Beam, Charged Fire: Super Charged Radiation Beam. Cannot be dual wielded. (Re-model by my brother and skinned by me)
Energy Sword>Energy Axe; A small compact hand axe that is a great match up with the bayonet. (New Model and skin by me)
Beam Rifle>Heat Rifle; Fires two powerful heat beams per shot that, if used correctly, can take down the enemy easily.
Brute Shot; Stock Brute Shot.
Plasma Grenade>Fuel Grenade; A small bouncy grenade that can be used to take down several opponents at once.
-xHeadshotmastax for the heretic biped
-Doom and Conscar for their perfect spiker and skin
-The great modelers from Turbosquid for their models
-My brother for messing around and making a pretty cool plasma pistol remodel
-Dark Metal for his Uber-Sweet Contrail editor
-Elite747 for converting the screenshots and for the mainmenu image.
-Little_Shadow and S3anyBoy for helping beta test.
-Detox for helping me with some stuff i can't remember.
Echo Station
Echo Station
Alright well after many problems, its finally finished. I give you: Echo Station. And no i did not copy headshotmasta's idea, i have been working on this since before he released his. Him and I tested our mods together.
The Mac Gun can shoot a round clean through a covenant capital ship...but only if its operational. Protect it at all costs!
Map Features:
Moving Mac Gun
Fully SLC
All Gametypes fixed
Lights indicating the bases
Skinned Machine
New obstacle and Weapon Spawns
xheadshotmastax - SLC fix, testing, other help
Casuela - weapon spawns
Punk - testing and other help
Choonqpead - weapon spawns
tjc2k4 - insolence
The Swamp Fox - ADI
Farklem - Dothalo
pokecancer - Darkmatter and h2x
low8 - SPPF
TheTyckoMan - adding chunks tutorial and overall being a cool, helpful guy
xbox7887 - devcam trainer and also overall being a cool, helpful guy
v2 Update
-fixed the collision problem at the blue base as well as a few other minor problems.
Apply to Ascension.map
Black-Ops: Cassiopeia
First in a series of Black-Ops
training grounds, UNSC forces
are put to the test in artificially
generated weather conditions.
Best played with one person per TV.
Team Slayer, 2v2, Default Rules, Radar Off
This whole thing has been built from the ground up since I posted the beta - Blackout. This has been relatively unchanged for over a week now. I've been a little sick of modding and Halo 2 in general, so I decided to just release this as is with no additional tweaks to weapon performance/placement (the magnum is still useless).
Last time I got a bunch of PMs from people telling me that they liked Blackout, and a few people kept posting garbage in the actual thread. If you don't like this map, I don't care... So, no need be put trash in my thread. If you do like it, feel free to post here.
Elites into ODSTs [with hitboxes] [MC still MC because ODSTs don't like objective games]
BR w/ Flashlight
Sniper Rifle w/ Night Vision
Human Weapons on Map [bR, SMG, Magnum, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle]
No Duel-Wielding
Stealth Oriented - Darkened Lightmaps, New Sky
Reduced Visibility - Rain & Fog
Lights Brightened [flashlight, grenades, weapons]
bitterbanana - FOV
evilmidget222 - Scrapped his mod with night vision and gave it to me for this
Iron_Forge - Serenity, IFPs, Ignoring me when I asked for help ;P
phlsphr420 - I used his night ppf in the beta version [blackout]
TheSwampFox - ADI
tjc2k4 - Insolence, Teaching me random stuff that came in handy
xbox7887 - Plugins, Originally created night vision and gave it to evilmidget222
ZexGX - I used his tutorial on the ODST and took it from there.
Use the Mainmenu feature in Serenity and resign cassiopeia.map after its done.
Biohazard II: The Breach
Biohazard II: The Breach
Type: Serenity
Base: Zanzibar
Map Information:The flood have escaped containment (Cyclotron, aka Biohazard I) and have spread rapidly, killing all in their path. They continue to grow stronger as they start to develop their own weapons. GAMA Squad (you) has been sent in to find and kill all traqces of the flood. Success is the only option.
Dead bodies layed throughout the map
Balanced Gameplay
Incredible atmosphere
M4+M203 Attatchment (Yes...Working grenade launcher too)
Fuel Rod Rifle
Red Sparkler
Disruptor Beam
Preview Images:
Chances are I'm not going to be able to do the awesome credetorial deication that I thought I could have done due to lack of time putting into such a thing...It was intended to put the people who helped me out over the years really up there as all the help I've received has been greatly appreciated but probably not properly expressed. So I shall formulate a list of sorts...
Faisal, you're seemingly infinite extent of modding knowledge and for fixing up my map when it was dead.
Aequitas, for your talks, which have been few recently and espeially for your h4x Razz
Theycallmechad, for being an awesome skinner and person to talk to, a means for motivation too Very Happy
Dec1234 for all those models as featured in this mod.
Greennc for actually coming through with a fantastic skin (beats paraiso's but maybe I'm just trying to be competitive with Faisal Wink)
Iron_Forge, for serenity and for everything else you do around here...
Kornkidcrazy, for trying hard to finish of the model...and for site maintanance now Razz
Stephen for actually asking me to join and of course the site
To everyone that plays this mod..The simple fact that I can create a mod that I like and then to have others enjoy it is great Cool
Pyroman31, for yout 1337 glock and for being that nub...The one I always beat online Wink
Everyone else I forgot at this point in time...Feel free to flame me to hell and I'll update this list...
Closing Comments
I worked hard on this mod guys...Its been a pleasure making it...Theres been a mix of highs and lows, from early entity versions chewing through my map to black screen errors and such. The map isn't as perfect as I'd hope (You'll notice some graphical problems which I don't know how to fix) and then...Although Kornkid and I tested SLC extensivly, I'm not sure if its 100% efficient...So basically, if you find any errors at all...Balance, slc anything, PLEASE tell them to me and I'll fix them...This was intended to be a mod which people will play for awhile and with you, I can hopefully fulfill this goal.
This mod has like 1000 pictures, and I already made this topic once.
Go here for the topic, and stay here for the download lol
This is a simple but fun mod for Tombstone. It's meant to be a highly mobile game. The weapons are powerful and bodacious like mammoths.
Rain of Death
My version of the air strike. It shoots three tank shells from the sky. They fall slowly, fan out from each other as they fall, and there is a fairly large margin of error. So it's not an instant death weapon; it takes skill and finesse to use. The farther away you are from the target, the greater the error and fan-out of the shells. Don't fire it beneath a low ceiling unless you've had all you can stand of this cold, cold world.
Bonus: The L trigger shoots plasma grenades, with regular grenade velocity and ballistics. ROF is slow, however, so think of the nades as merely an adjunct. An air strike takes two rounds of ammo, whereas a grenade only takes one.
The BEEFY rocket launcher
Similar to the regular version, but it holds four rockets per clip and is dual wieldable. "But my hero CaptainPoopface, that's way overpowered!" Not in this game, kiddos. There is substantial incentive not to dual wield, as ye shall see.
The Grappling Gun
One of my first creations and it still roxxors. But it's a tad long, and attention spans are so five minutes ago, so I'll give you the quick rundown. It thrusts you forward using a short series of zero-damage explosions. Jump and hold the R trigger at the same time while running forward, and you will fly up and forward. Aiming higher won't make you go higher. To jump high, but not far, look about 45 degrees above the horizon, run backwards, jump and shoot. You'll be launched high into the air and slightly backwards. You must be rising as you pull the trigger, or you'll just scoot along the ground.
A sample grapple, from the red base, over the crane, to the little platform.
I know it sounds complicated, but it becomes like breathing. Some of you may prefer...
The Deucer
As effective as it is corny! It's a magnum that shoots plasma grenades (YEAH YEAH I KNOW, just keep reading), three per clip, limited ROF, slightly faster than grenade tossing speed, with the same ballistics of the grenade. So again, it's not an instant noob-a-rific sticky gun. It's intended to flush someone into the path of another weapon, or polish him off if you've weakened him. Due to the highly mobile nature of the game, the explosions can be easily evaded unless you employ devious strategems. Sticking someone with it is about as difficult as with regular plasmas in a regular game. You have to wait for the right moment.
Where this gun really comes in handy is the old pound-the-ground shenanigans. Melee strike response has been increased for this gun only. Meleeing the ground with the Deucer will give you some serious height - about as much as a skillful upward grapple with the grap gun. Melee-jumping with the Deucer will give you ludicrous height. Melee jumping is when you look at the ground, melee, then immediately jump as the melee occurs. If you try it and jump without the melee, you jumped too soon. If you melee to regular melee height, you jumped too late. The action is very quick and will take a bit of practice. You have to hit the buttons just a hair later than simultaneously.
A regular jump:
A melee bounce, from the same spot on the ground:
A melee jump, from the same spot on the ground. I can see my house from here!
There are a couple more weapons. See below.
The way this map is intended to be played, you hold one gun for mobility (the Deucer or the grap gun), and one gun for mucho destructo (Rain of Death or BEEFY rocket launcher). Because all the projectiles travel at fairly slow speeds, they can be evaded by simply switching to your mobility gun and either grappling or melee-jumping to safety. However, both of those tactics will give you a predictable and inevitable trajectory, which means a skilled opponent can have some steaming hot rockets waiting for you when you arrive at your destination. The skill of killing someone on this map usually consists of flushing them into a predictable trajectory and putting some boom-boom at the end of it, or somehow getting the drop on your opponent by skillful grappling or melee-bouncing/melee-jumping. In close quarters, because the heavy weapons are so powerful, combat will usually become a sticky battle between Deucers and/or Rain of Deth nades.
It is a rollicking good time. Rest assured that the ground will be thoroughly scorched and saturated with blood. The additional speed, mobility and weapon power shrink this large map to playable proportions for small games. It's probably my favorite map for dueling.
Other stuff
- Ceiling death zones have been raised but not eliminated. You can explore some of the fringes of the map, but don't go too far... Also, do not melee-jump from the upper levels of the map, or the Guardians will eat your lunch.
- The cloak sniper replaces the overshields. I actually invented the cloak sniper for this game type, not the Chaste series. Quick review: L trigger activates camo for 10 seconds, but you must be holding still and either looking straight down at the ground (elites) or crouching (the Chief) when you activate it. You have two "rounds" of camo and 4 sniper bullets. Ammo is low because this gun is designed to be used from the ground, to snipe those pesky high perchers who are just a tad too overjoyed at the ability to jump very high and sit on the upper outer fringes of the map.
- Plasma nades (for throwing) are replaced by my prox mines. They don't travel as far, and they kill anyone within the radius over a period of 25 seconds. Kudos if you kill someone this way; it's difficult for the way this map plays.
- Frag grenades have less bounce, a shorter fuse, and they don't go as far when thrown.
- Shield recharge is very slow.
- Running speed is a little faster, but don't worry. CaptainPoopface always keeps it reasonable.
- Make sure you turn damage resistance on in your gametype. You should still be alive after one direct hit with the rocket launcher (two direct hits, not so much). It's intended to be a power game.
- SLC should be fine, but as always, let me know if you observe problems.
- Again as always, I'd be all too happy to thrash anyone on a mod of my own design. Make sure you wrap that ego up in kevlar though. And smear it with some flame retardant. And leave it at your grandma's house for safekeeping.
- TF6 for the original air strike mod
- ExileLord for the gravity gun, which was the inspiration for my grap gun
- Turk and Doom for the camo jpt trick
- Entity 1.6, 1.39, Yelo, and DotHalo(!)
Before you wag a finger at me for releasing an almost-as-if-noobular mod, please make an earnest effort to learn either (a) how to melee-jump, or ( B) how to control the grap gun. Then kill a few people on this mod, and then tell me it's no good. It's not as noobish as a presumptuous person might presume. It certainly plays very differently from a conventional Halo map, but that IS why we're all here... It's balanced and requires its own strategy, and stick that BXR stuff in the potty because it ain't no good here.
Of all my jaw-droppingly amazing mods, I play this one (same weapons, various maps) probably 70% of the time with my friends. It is among my simplest but is also the most fun. I might even have made it too awesome, because now I have to wear dark glasses and a sombrero in order not to be mobbed by beautiful women everywhere I go.
I tell you, it's no bed of roses being Ultimate Super Hero #1.
Donkey Kong Extreme
Description: Hello everyone, on behalf of halo3forums.co.uk we are happy to release our Donkey Kong - Extreme Edition. This map consists of 6 Levels, at the top of each level the player must walk into the flag, of which teleports them to the next corrosponding level. There is a wide variety including warthog jumps and ghost jumps. Barrells along with many different projectiles are used. Many people have said the belive this to be a really fun mod, and some play it for hours and hours (I personally have played it soo much I could kill it). Theres an easter egg, well sort of; sometimes when you get in the hog it plays Mario theme tunes.
The Levels are as follows:
Level 1
This is the easiest level. Players must get to the top to be teleported to level 2. They must be cautious of the barrels, they explode. Many noobs will die on this level. REMEMBER: A FLAG AT TOP OF LEVEL IS A TELEPORTER!!!!
Level 2
Level 2 is a simple warthog jump. Although this is simple, players must avoid a wraith bullet and falling expelled cores. This can prove tricky if bad at timing!
Level 3
Rockets, plasma's and wraith bullets. The route you take on this level is very important. 1 wrong step and you are deffinatly dead.
Level 4
Explosions are constantly around you. The route is the trick, aswel as not rushing. Rushing will caus certain death.
Level 5
Level 5 is a ghost track. The ghost must to a wide range of short jumps, however must not be stuck by falling plasma nades. Timeing is crucial again. (most people will die here). Once at end, there is a moving bridge that spawns every 20 seconds, players must take bridge over to level 6. (P.S Modders have no collision due to meta faking)
Level 6
Climb the hill without been splattered by another bridge been forced against you. Seems hard but is more than possible. Teleporter takes you to end.
The end is a place where certain weapons are like plasma pistol, sniper and rockets. Rockets fire moving bridges, plasma tank shells. Flying turrets also spawn up there so the completers do not get bored.
Warthog Skinned - Mario blue and red!
Map Skinned - Skinned like nice golden sand!
Spawn annoyer - A switch that kills spawners for 40 seconds!
There is also a secret modders area (modders can walk up slopes), but its secret so find it yourself
Patch to Containment
Nightwinder 2
By iBotPeaches
Well its been a long time since i posted anything here. In fact ,as of yesterday, its been 2 years so i thought its about time i made a return to modding with a real blast from the past mod. For those of you who remember halo 1 and the original Nightwinder and enjoyed i would like to say you're in for a real treat. Nightwinder 2 was started last year just before christmas and as i was playing some serious catch-up on the mod scene, but thanks to a handful of modders who i believe are the embodyment of the phrase "Modding Community" i found my feet. (you know who you are and in case you dont, check the credits) Because of this constant learning curve the mod was re-done, improved, changed ,as i was able to do more (blame them ok)
So here is the result.
For the full vehicle and turret compliment set your vehicle and turret spawns to random that way you get 2 light vehicles and 2 heavy at each base.
Additional information the mod will be updated soon with the final weapons models and skins added and if any issues are brought up feedback wise i will be more than happy to implement them if they are in keeping with the mod.
Ok, so enough ranting on, what's in it?
BSP: Containment
Human Sniper Rifle > RIPPA Rifle:This is a seriously upgraded version to the one included in Northy's fantastic Hang em Higher. 4 round clip of razor sharp energy disc's which buzzsaw their way into your opponent's. Head shots with this are fatal.
Covie Sniper Rifle > Photon Rifle: Again a much more powerful and better looking version of the one included in Hang em Higher. Fire's a concentrated burst of super heated plasma which detonates on any surface. head shots with this are deadly.
Battle Rifle > Pulse Rifle: 4 round burst of depleted uranium hyper magnetised shell's.
These pass through human or vehicle target's at great velocity causing moderate damage to what or who ever they tear through.
Covie Carbine > Viral Cannon MK3: A 4 round hi speed burst of viritol acid able to burn target's over distance make the VCannon a match for the pulse rifle.
Magnum's > Magnum's: The Magnum's fire a smaller calibre uranium round like the pulse rifle. The range is less but the rate of fire make these a deadly dual combination and worthy of the title 'The Magnum's Of Justice'.
Plasma Rifle > Static Rifle: The Static rifle fires burst's of static energy stored in its power cell. With a moderate rate of fire and firing 4 projectiles a shot this weapon is devastating at close range.
Brute Plasma Rifle > Particle Beam Rifle: The PBR fire's twin shots of accelerated plasma, the velocity of which can cause it to bounce of certain surfaces and set up deadly ricochette's in the tighter spaces of some of the larger vehicle's causing multipule hits of a single shot.
Headshots reward the keen eyed with greater damage.
SMG > RLG: The Experimental Fusion generator in the RLG makes this weapon a solid basic secondary weapon to carry.
The generator re-loads the weapon over time meaning the weapon can fire a full clip of 50 round's and within a 30 second period re-load itself. The projectiles will pass through human/alien targets with ease but its damage is low against the heavier vehicles.
Needler > Decayer: This is one of the first Flood infection based weapons to have been discovered on this facility. The weapon fires in a similar way to a shotgun but in a double burst. The icor filled crystals contain a potent flood based virus which if enough crystals hit cause the target to violently explode. The damage is low on impact but the explosion is much higher.
Shotgun > D.B.M90: This is an upgraded version of the M90 standard issue marine shotgun. Firing a much bigger payload than its little brother and a much tighter spread, it makes the D.B.M90 worth picking up and keeping to hand for close encounters.
BruteShot > Plasma caster: The PCaster is a hybrid weapon from the covenant and brute technologies.
The standard grenade rounds have been replaced with a ball of compressed energy which detonates on impact rather than after bounce. The energy balls have a moderate amount of force behind them and up close the damage can be devastating.
Rocket Launcher > M.A.C.H Cannon: The M.A.C.H Cannon is based on the Cario's own MACH guns in portable form.
The Projectile is a mass of super heated metal condensed into a tight sphere and then charged with energy before being released. The projectile also has heat seeking on vehicle's and is a serious contender against anything it hit's.
Fuel Rod Gun > Holocaust Cannon: The Holocaust cannon is a forerunner experiment in combined elemental fusion.
The weapon produce's 3 separate energy types and in the gun chamber combines them to create a devastating projectile.
Fire, Ice and super heated plasma combine to make this weapon a force to be reckoned with. The Holocaust cannon also seems to mimic the human M.A.C.H cannon homing ability and with the 3 round burst against vehicle's its not to be messed with.
Sentinal Beam > Spartan Spiker: The early version's of this weapon resembled the mill's cannon weapon of the early 20th century.
With the discovery of the covenant technology's the evolution of the mill's cannon was pushed forward to this The Spartan Spiker.
The backpack contain's a huge store of metal spike's belt fed into the main gun. here they are superheated and fired through the tri-barrel set up to devastating effect. Fantastic at close range and highly effective at long this weapon is a match for what ever it face's. Time to let ole painless out the bag!
Plasma Grenade > Ignus Greande: Information on these Strange item's is sparse, all that's known, is they look like a skull.
Question's like where did they come from and who or even what made them remain a mystery.
The only piece of information we do have is based on a fragment of a report found on one of the other Halo installation's. It describes a grenade similar to this that was nick-named 'the screamer'. The rest is based on myth it is said that the spirit of a long dead sorcerer is entombed on the plane of fire and that the grenade's offer him a window into our realm with which he can vent his unending wrath on his unsuspecting victim's.
Fragmentation Grenade > EMP grenade: These are a human based grenade designed to combat the sentinal and forerunner threat.
The electromagnetic charge within the polymer shell is incredibly effective against any robot or cybernetic opponent,s Unfortunatly they are also pretty good against the spartan energy shielding, so watch where you throw them. They, unlike the frag, detonate when they stop moving as it takes a second to generate the charge needed.
Vampyre Chaingun + Chaingun turret: The Turret on the Vampyre has been upgraded to fire the rail gun round. These projectile act exactly like the pulse rifle and magnum projectile but at an increased damage and rate of fire.
The impact damage is massive and it also has a small explosion damage, so be warned!
Vampyre Gauss turret: The Vampyre Gauss has been improved and given a much bigger detonation than it's predecessor.
The projectile is now a shaped charge of solid superheated metal. Just as deadly as the gauss round but, now due to the solid nature of the projectile and its velocity, it will bounce off certain materials, but not before delivering its full payload of damage to the target .The ricochette will deliver the full damage quota on each subsequent bounce until it hits something it doesn't bounce off.
Covenant turret: The Turret's rate of fire has been increased in a bid to contend with the human counterpart. It fire's 3 projectile's in a spread pattern that at close range, is devastating to human and vehicle targets alike.
The projectile speed is much faster and this gives the turret greater offensive capabilities.
Banshee: The banshee has been altered to re-enable the secondary fire in exchange for the boost option. The basic speed of the vehicle however, has been increased to balance it out against the other weapons and vehicle's.
The main guns have been upgraded to an improved version of the phantom turret and have an explosive impact.
The secondary fire is a single shot holocaust projectile give the banshee greater offensive abilities against the other vehicle's.
Spectre Turret: The projectile on the previous spectre was in contention with the human chaingun. However, with the progress made in the covenant technology's and their research into forrunner weaponry, they have brought the spectre back into contention with it's human counterparts. The projectile is shaped plasma cone designed to penetrate most armour types and deliver a moderate amount of sustained damage to whatever it hit's . The weapon is also incredibly effective against ground troop's.
Ghost: The Ghost's twin guns have been replaced with a much improved beam weapon with incredible accuracy. The damage is devastating against ground target's but slightly less against the other vehicles. However its manouverability more than make's up for that and it still remains a potent vehicle.
Scorpian Main Gun + Chain gun: The main shell has been improved to give a much more powerful detonation. The explosion is massive and will disorientate its target in the unlikely event they survive. The chain gun has been left standard, the scorp is a tough ole boy as it is.
Wraith Tank > SCARAB Tank: The SCARAB tank was created to give the Scorp a run for its money.
Not only has the huge maingun from the SCARAB been added to this alien behemoth, but its also been givin a mini gun to take on ground based targets more effectively. The main gun projectile is also able to bounce, so if fired in to a tight area, the devastation is massive. Be warned! Due to the incredible destructive power of this main gun, the fire effect can obscure the view, so make damn sure you have your target in your sights before you unleash the beam!
The Easter Egg:Somewhere on the level, rumour has it, is a weapon of devastating power. For those sharp eyed among you, finding it will be fun. The only information you have, is a fragment of information in a log found in the base's at each end of the level. Something about prototype and orbital weapon platform were the only translatable words that could be taken from it.
The Map has the following modifications.
Weather added.
Lightmap darkened.
4 extra working machs (containment gates at each base). ctrl's linked to the gate's to open.
15 extra full collision scenery piece's.
16 non collision scenery piece's 8 shields and 8 teleporter base's.
6 extra teleporter pair's.
3 weapon models (should have been all weapons but havent been able to get them uv mapped as yet update to follow).
26 modded weapons and projectiles.
Load's of effects, shader's and bitmap's.
9 added projectile's the rest modded and built from scratch.
Shelley my wife and my children ben, josh and louise for their patience and help letting me pick up the modding where i left off and letting me take over the Lounge for the regular lan night's for some serious testing.
Ben (9) and Josh (5) for their help in testing the weapon's out at various stage's in the mod's development. and little louise (shes only 2 bless her) for shouting "slayer" and "ave it" at the right moment and providing me with some inspiration for my easter egg!!!
My Thanks to my "Head of being shot while testing weapon's and key beta tester" Chanko Nabe.
With out him these weapons would be nothing more than smg shoot's tank shell type mods. Having him stand there while i shoot the crap out of him checking the look, damage and feel of each weapon, must have given him nightmares! He still flinch's at the phrase "hmmmm i need to check it again, one sec!"
On top of that his input on level layout and ideas has been invaluable.
Chanko Nabe is living proof that you can get a Northener capable of multi tasking lol!!!!
These weapons have been perfected on his corpse and as Chanko himself would say "Time for some Chanky Panky".
Pokecancer For putting up with my constant demand's for help and his groundbreaking app's and knowledge. Thanks man.
The Tyko man For looking up obscure tags and references in a bid to make my projectile ideas work. Without his extensive knowledge, I couldn't have made some of my stuff work.
Northy For his encouragement in picking up the modding gauntlet again after all this time and keeping my mod on track and moving. With being "pnowned" and "you are great" video's, he's certainly kept me sane. Thanks man, now its your turn to pick up the gauntlet.
Its post up or shut up time man.
Hizlo For being the man on www.halomaps.com and his encouragment in the form of constant insult's and putdown's. Thanks bro. Say my name ****!!!!
HuMpY For all his hard work on the mod in it's infancy and giving his uncut view's on what stay's and what goes in the development stage's. This one's for the HuMpStEr!!!!
iGeo The master of skin's for my warthog and scorp skin's the high res screens and pics and the main menu image.
Previous to meeting iGeo my head skinner was PJ Sweesy. Filling his shoes was no easy task, but he's managed to do it and it's giving me some serious thoughts about learning to do this myself.
eV DoorM4n For his advice on the mach issue's the mod first presented and his help with random question's.
He also helped with sorting out the crash issue's in the early days of the mod's life.
Headtrama For his help with all things MACH and the encouragement to keep trying when the mod did'nt go well or simply crashed for no apparent reason. As he quite rightly said, "halo 2 hates good mod's".
Sneezethedog, Pyroman and VbNoob For their help in getting me back up to speed when i started back and for the relentless demand for knowledge.
And to anyone else i forgot thanks for getting me back on track. Thats what the modding community is all about.
Please post feedback. That's what keeps my mods moving forward and i can hopefully make better one's in the future. Anything you think about the mod, good or bad, is welcome.
Thanks For Your Time!
MrMurderThe Magnums Of Justice.
Night Ops
By iBotPeaches
When darkness falls upon the city of Old Mombasa,
a new breed of SPARTAN Super Soldiers have been sent
to bring light back to this abandon city.
Author: __.T Beezie
Preview: --.Early Beta Vid
Base map: -.Containment
Map Information:
[ YES ] __System Link
[ YES ] __Skins
[ YES ] __Injected Models
[ YES ] __Weapon Mods
[ YES ] __Active Scenery
[ YES ] __Biped Mods
[ YES ] __AI Added
[ YES ] __AI Zones
[ YES ] __Injected Scripts
[ YES ] __Lighting Mods
[ YES ] __Injected Sounds
[ YES ] __Weather Added
[ YES ] __Working Gametypes
[ YES ] __BSP Mods
Must be running the Yelo Trainer to enable AI
Map mods:
- BSP conversion of [03a_oldmombasaearthcity_1]
- All [scen] and [bloc] have been restored to match original
- New sky with edited bloom/ blur
- Edited ltmp
- Added custom fog
- Added light rain
- Lots of new bitmaps
- A few new bumpmaps
- Custom illumination maps (for the MC)
- New flickering streetlights (feat. real time shadows)
- Dead ragdoll MCs
- Active scenery (cool crashing Banshees)
- Edited unicode strings
- Proper team-spawns
- All gametypes are 100% playable
- Secret sniper spot (see if you can find it) =P
- Pistol [M6D]: Has a proper hud w/ zoom, new sound, new model, and added shot delay so its similar to h1. Non dual wieldable otherwise you could kill someone too quickly. It only takes about 8 shots to the head to kill.
- Assualt Rifle [MA5B]: Shoots slower than normal, but, the damage has been adjusted so its stronger than the SMG. Flashlight attached, slightly modified HUD, with new sound and new model.
- Shotgun: Shoots a few more projectiles to remove any host advantage and made it slightly stronger for the same reason. New contrail added which looks awesome...You'll know when someone wants to kill you.
- SMG: Higher ROF than normal and is also slightly more powerful. It is stronger but weaker than AR because of its firing speed and the fact that it remains dual wieldable.
- Sniper Rifle: H1 Sniper model w/ "nightvision".
- Plasma Pistol: The little shot is now more powerful so if for some strange reason your running around with it, your not some worthless piece of poo with a pea shooter in your hands. YOU CAN ACTUALLY KILL SOMEONE WITH IT! [/quote ScottyGee]
-Any weaps not listed remain stock-
(All weaps have enhanced muzzle flashes and explosion effects lighting)
A.I. Mods:
- 8 vs. 8 / Spartans vs. Elites
- Squad of 5 Buggers spawn
approximatly every 20 seconds
- Spartans=Yellow Team
- Elites=Green Team
- Buggers=Purple Team
- A.I. bipeds have fully working
"zones" and "A.I. orders index"
- A.I. is 100% SLC
(All A.I. have independant respawns and spawn with a wide variety of weaps.)
Aequitas for his Uber-Lightmap Tool & his Uber Screencap Tool
Kornman he found the key to AI in MP in the xbe
Soldier of Lite for his awesome script tools
TfAv1228 for H2IB
tjc2k4 for Insolence
-DeToX- for his Real Time Shadow Tool
Iron Forge for Serenity
Trulife for bringing the community together to achieve the once thought impossible dream
WastingBody for all his A.I. help when I was still a A.I. n00b =x
ScottyGee for weapon tweaking and sound injection
dec1234 for the orsm H1 models
Woovie for helping me skin some stuff
farklem for DotHalo
xbox7887 for Yelo
xheadshotmastax for his Meta Faking Tut
Pyroman for his Team Spawns Tut
iGeo & foxfanatic2317 for their l33t photoshopping skills
Anthony & Poke for H2G & H2C
& all who have participated in the development of Entity
And a special thanks goes out
to everyone who helped me beta test.
______S3any Boy
Much thanks to everyone that helped.
Enjoy! http://forums.halomods.com/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif