Xbox Programs
This for any program used to help modify your normal xbox. These apps are meant to run on your computer. Use the "app" section for xbox based applications.
6 files
Xbox-HQ PC Essentials
By iBotPeaches
This is a compilation of various Xbox programs used to either transfer or manipulate files for your Xbox. With these programs you should be able to correct long filenames before FTP'ing to your Xbox, transfer ISO images to your Xbox (even if they are still in RAR format), manipulate BIOS files (for both Modchips and BFM loaders), transfer downloaded Xbox Game Saves to either an Action Replay, Gameshark, or Mega X-Key (homemade USB Stick also when using the Mega X-Key software), plus more.
Differences between 2.0 and 2.01
Both NTSC and PAL versions of Action Replay are now included. Xbox GameShark (aka Xbox Gamesaves) has been added. XBox Game Save Re-signer has been added. What's included? / What does it do?
Action Replay 1.31: Along with the Action Replay Hardware, you can use this program to transfer gamesaves to your memory card. Both NTSC and PAL versions included. baRenameX 0.99a: Allows you to edit filenames via batch mode. It asks you to open a folder with your files, then will edit them according to the settings you select. C-Xbox Tool 2.0.6: This program will let you create and extract Xbox ISOs on both your PC and Xbox. Probably one of the most flexible Xbox tools ever created. EVtool 1.0.9: Use this to edit your Evox BIOS, both modchip and BFM versions included. IND-Bios Config App Use this to edit your iND BIOS. Mega X-Key 2.3: Along with a Mega X-Key (or homemade USB Stick) this can assist in transfering gamesaves to your Xbox. Qwix 1.01: This prorgam can extract and create ISOs both on and from the PC or Xbox. SUXX 1.02: You can use this to extract Rarred ISOs to your Xbox. Virtual Xbox CD Ripper Transfers music from your PC to your Xbox Soundtracks. XBox Game Save Re-signer 0.05: This re-signs gamesaves to work with other Xboxes. Xbox GameShark 1.0: This program is used to transfer gameshark gamesaves to a memory card. This also works on Action Replay hardware if you install both the Gameshark and Action Replay Drivers. Xbox Saves Manager 4.5: This program allows you to backup and delete your gamesaves on your Xbox to PC. XBtool 1.0.23a: Use this to edit your X2 BIOS, both modchip and BFM versions included. Please note this works only up to X2 4981.
Auto Xbins
By iBotPeaches
Save the exe to your desktop, or to an alternate easy to remember location, and just double-click it whenever you need access to Xbins. You will be logged into the ftp within seconds, with zero effort!
Open port 113 on your firewall for the irc identd service. This will half your connecting times.
C-Xbox Tool
By iBotPeaches
C-XBox Tool is one of the most All in One tool for XBox. It offers a lot of easy to use features like creating or extracting ISO's, Multigame wizards, File transferring and more. And it's multilanguage.
* Extract ISO
* Create ISO
* Create CD/DVD multigames with MenuX
* Create CD/DVD multigames with MXM
* Create CD/DVD multigames directly from ISO
* Create ISO directly from Xbox HD
* FTP Client
* FTP transfert PCXbox from ISO
* Avalaunch Boost-Mode support
* Explore CD/DVD burned from ISO
* Patch XBE
* Rename XBE titles
* Images editor
* Themes manager
* Skins manager
* Multilanguage
I use this for my download ISO's of xbox 1 games, then I simply load them in here. Give it my xbox details and it auto moves it to my G Drive and makes it all neat
[Debug] XIG2 (Screenshot Capture)
By iBotPeaches
XIG2 is a simple Open Source alternative to the clumsy screen capture utility included in the XDK. It allows those running debug Xboxes to take quick screen captures that are saved in your preferred format (jpg, png, etc) and can be automatically uploaded via FTP or PHP to your webserver. It also allows image water marking and time stamping.
It has the following features:
- automatic conversion to .jpg, .png, or other formats
- automatic timestamp
- automatic watermark
- automatic upload to FTP server
- automatic upload to php script
- includes a preview window
- requires no XDK software to be installed
- dds2 takes the place of xbcapture
- Background Process Execution
- Minimize to system tray
- Built in settings menu
- Fixed 480p and 1080i
- Fixed captures in Fable
- Automatic Image resizing
- Debug Game Manager
- upgraded dds2 to dds3
- new dds3 header code
- various dds3 code optimizations
XboxHDM 1.9
By iBotPeaches
This is basically just another little linux distro. Build for the special needs us xbox softmodders have. I found the need for such a distro since the windows-based tools to access fatx-drives suck!
However, most people are not very familiar with linux - sad in my opinion but true. Therefore I include a tool in this distributions that automates most of the tasks when dealing with xbox HD management.
This package will let you create a bootable CD that can access and manipulate/rescue, clone and even rebuild working xbox HD's from scratch. I see this useful for people who want to :
Upgrade their xbox with a larger HD (either by cloning or building from scratch)
Rescue or rebuild a corrupt xbox HD.
Calculate the HD passwd for locked and unlocked HD's
Locks and unlocks HDD's with the password automatically calculated from the eeprom.
Can also set a Master Password (XBOXSCENE) when locking to allow an unlock later even without the eeprom or the user password.
Install the official softmod package including the audio and font hack, Evox and PBL 1.4.1.
You also have the option to make a patched copy of you MS dashboard to be run from Evox when using the font hack. Do not use this package is you do not have a kernel below 5530 and dashboard version 4920.This is meant to provide users without memcards or any of the exploitable games (MA,SC,007) with an easy to use softmod package.
Have a stable package to access and delete, move, change files on the xbox HD.
An included program will also let you rebuild the C-drive alone, which could be very usefull if this has become corrupted, if you are in a clock loop and dont know how to manually restore the C-drive or if you need to downgrade the dashboard.
This is all done by letting you boot to a small live-linux with fatx support, like xlinux, but with so many more tools and options. Better hardware compatibility due to a updated kernel/syslinux and NTFS support are things to mention. Also from this CD you can boot to DOS and use HD lock/unlock tools.
For people who don't understand. You dump your (C Drive, E Drive, and eeprom.bin) into the corresponding folders within the download of this. Then you click the .bat which includes the word ISO. That will slowly but surely create an ISO which you can boot before Windows. You then connect your xbox HD to your computer as a primary drive and unplug ALL others (To prevent yourself from clearing a normal drive) Then enjoy xboxhdm. If you encouter an error with "Drize Frozen" PM me what you did and I have a few tricks to bypass that error.