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    Halo now in hands of 343 / CertainAffinity

    Following last weeks update on Bungie,

    We’re still here supporting Halo: Reach until Microsoft takes the reins. As phases of the transition (which is already underway) unfold we’ll continue to work with Microsoft and 343 Industries to ensure the handoff requires as little brainpower from you as possible, and as we nail down significant dates we’ll hammer home your expectations in kind. Rest assured all sides are working diligently to make sure the transition experience is as awesome as possible.

    It seems they've allowed 343 to produce the next mappack known as the Defiant Mappack. This allows them to "test drive" the engine and what not before they really flesh out their next Halo game.

    Much like Bungie released "Vidoc's" of their products. 343 has done the same. Take a look at the new team of Halo.

    Source: http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=30859